Episode 63

24 3 1

Song: Play With Fire

(Julieta's POV)

A Tentomon that looked more frequently beaten ran forward, he said, "If you're DigiDestined, then you're our enemy! You want to help the king!" 

Florella stepped up to the Tentomon calmly and rested a hand on a bleeding cut and Reeta ran forward putting a hand there as well. There was a bright light, then the girls lifted their hands. The cut was gone! 

The Tentomon looked down at where the cut had been astonished and then he pointed to Florella and said, "Can you do that again?" 

She smiled and said, "We have come to liberate you from your oppressor." 

The Digimon exchanges glances and then they started talking excitedly. Florella turned to us and nodded. I went back up the chute first, followed by Reeta, David, JJ, Vivie, Vierra, Kalie, and Anthony. Then the Digimon came, and then all the other kids. We quietly snuck back to the first village and tended to the Digimon's wounds. Reeta grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the others. She pulled me back to the mining village. 

The Vilemon were just beginning to notice that the Digimon weren't mining behind them anymore. 

I stared at them and said, "What am I supposed to do! How are we going to stop them?" 

Reeta shook her head and said, "We might not be able to do anything." 

I looked her in the eye and said, "We will do something and it will help those Digimon!" 

She smiled and nodded, "Yes ma'am." 

Then, a Vilemon leapt out of the brush behind Reeta. 

Without thinking any more than, "Save her!" I leapt at it pulling both knives. 

I hardly noticed Motimon next to me. Motimon must have digivolved because I had Tentomon next to me. The Vilemon screeched and then my knives sunk into its chest. Tentomon also hit it with a blast and it dispersed into data. I got up sorta shaky and looked at Reeta, she looked afraid, and dare I say it disgusted. 

I did the first thing that came to mind, I grabbed her hand and started singing quietly, "I'm sorry that I did this, the blood is on my hands, I stare at my reflection, I don't know who I am. Practice my confession, in case I take the stand, I'll say I learned my lesson, I'll be a better person. I'm packing up my things, and I'm wiping down the walls, I'm rinsing off my clothes and I'm walking through the halls. I did it all for her, so I felt nothing at all. I don't know what she'll say, so I'll ask her when she calls. Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hands? They're the same ones that I used when I killed someone for you. Would you turn me in, when they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when my face is on the news? Cause I killed someone for you. I hear the sirens coming! I see the flashing lights! I'm driving through the suburbs, wearing my disguise. I show up at her doorstep, to look her in the eyes. I tell her that it's me, but she doesn't recognize. Can't you see I'm running? Said, I need a place to hide, I've gotta ask you something, could you please let me inside? Just let me explain. No, I wouldn't tell you lies. I know you'll understand if you let me stay the night. Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hands? They're the same ones that I used when I killed someone for you. Would you turn me in, when they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when my face is on the news? Cause I killed someone for you. But what you have to understand is, the one I killed was me, changing what I was for what you wanted me to be. I followed your direction, did everything you asked. I hope it makes you happy, cause there's just no turning back. Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hands? They're the same ones that I used when I killed someone for you. Would you turn me in, when they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when my face is on the news? Cause I killed someone for you.

I finished and looked her in the eyes. Then, I grabbed my knife and held it out in front of my heart.

Word Count: 771

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