Episode 65

36 3 4

Song: Pretty Girl

(YJ's/KJ's) POV

I was alone with Cassy, and I heard a high-pitched scream that slowly went down in pitch. 

I grabbed Cassy's arm and said, "Did you hear that?" 

Cassy nodded quickly and then stared into the woods. I looked over and a man was standing there. 

All I thought  was, "Uh, oh" 

Then he said, "Ladies don't you want to try something new?" 

He pointed to us and said, "Gender-bend!" 

A blue light flew toward me and Cassy. It hit us and we fell. I noticed changes occurring, but I wasn't sure what they were. My head hit the ground and my vision started fading in and out. I was only sure of one thing Cassy was laying next to me. It couldn't have been more than a minute when I heard another scream. I sat up and looked around. I suddenly couldn't breathe. 

Laying next to me, wasn't Cassy. It was a boy, it had Cassy's hair color and her headphones. I yelled, but my voice was deeper than normal. The boy shot up next to me, eyes wide. His eyes looked like Cassy's as well. They went to yell and I covered their mouth. 

"What's your name?", I asked angrily. 

"Cassy!", they said quickly and then they looked scared.

 Another scream sounded in the distance. 

Male Cassy jumped and said, "W-Who are you?" 

I tilted my head, "If you're really Cassy, I guess it's okay to tell you that my name is... Yolei Junior" 

His eyes widened as he looked me up and down. More screams echoed throughout the woods. 

"YJ?", Cassy said. 

I nodded... for some reason my own name didn't sound right to me. 

I said, "Until we fix this, call me Ken Junior," I said quietly. 

He nodded and said, "I guess... call me Chase." 

I smiled at Chase and said, "Well, that's settled." 

A rustling in the brush made us turn. 

"Come on Florella," a feminine voice said. 

"Go away Takeru!", a masculine voice said. 

A boy with magenta hair and dark blue eyes came walking backward through the bush followed closely by a blonde-haired girl. The girl noticed us and whispered something to the boy. The girl looked almost submissive to the boy but had an air of defiance to her. 

"F-Florella?", Chase said quietly. 

"Yes? And you are?", male Florella said. 

"Is that Takeru Junior with you?", I asked purposely using TJ's full name to see how the girl responded. 

"Yes?!", the girl TJ said huffily. 

"I'm Ken Junior. And this is Chase," I said. 

Male Floral said, "That sounds like male names for Yolei Junior and Cassy!" 

I nod and say, "They are. I think we should call Florella, Flo." 

TJ said, "Call me Takara." 

Flo said, "Takara Junior you mean?" 

Takara Junior rolled her eyes. A small group of people ran out of the brush. Four girls and two boys. I immediately recognized my brother and sister in the group, even though they were gender-bent. 

"Kalie! David!", I yelled waving. 

They both whipped their heads toward me and smiled. I ran forward and hugged them. I was confused at the fact that some of the people's clothes had changed when they switched. The other boy in the group had Winter's hair and eyes. The other three girls reminded me of Tony, Anthony, and JJ.

Word Count: 560

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