Episode 6

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Song: Girls Like You

(Mãnye's POV)

"Did he forget about me saying I liked him? Does that mean he doesn't like me? He probably hates me now. I should just leave. Where will I go? I could try and swim. I'll never make it. I can try. If I don't make it no one will care except Salamon." All these thoughts swirled around my head.

I finally decided to splash the water in my face and stood up. I started walking towards the water. Someone grabbed my wrist so I stopped. 

"Anatomically speaking I have discovered that we would make a perfect match," Izzy said.

I smiled he always says big words when nervous.

 "Really?" I asked still not looking at him.

"Y-yeah", he said. 

"Let's go", I say to everyone.

 I hadn't realized before but they had actually heard everything. As soon as Izzy let go I started walking toward the water again. This time everyone followed me and Whamon gave us all a ride the rest of the way. 

I was the first person off and onto land. I jumped from Whamon's back onto the cliff. I turned and caught Salamon. I put her down then caught Tk. I waited for everyone else. 

As soon as we all got down I started walking.

 Izzy said, "Mãnye we have to go this way."

I looked over my shoulder and stopped. I felt that we should be going this way. 

"I'm going this way," I said plainly.

 Izzy followed me as I kept walking. Everyone else kept walking. I kept walking for about an hour silently until my tag started glowing. 

"Huh? It's nearby," I said.

"What is?", he asked. 

"My crest", I answered and kept walking towards the white light.

(Izzy's POV)

I followed Mãnye this time but I didn't know if letting her follow the light was the right thing to do. She seemed to know what she was talking about so I let her. 

As we kept going I saw a rock that had a symbol on it. Mãnye put her tag up to it and the rock shrank into a small white piece of metal with the symbol still on it.

"What does that symbol mean?", I asked.

"Life," she answered.

 As soon as she said it she looked confused. She looked down at the white metal piece.

"We should go back to the others," I said.

"Yeah", she says and leads the way back. 

"Looks like they went that," I say pointing.

"Let's go," she says. 

I lead the way and soon we find a village of Koromon. 

"Are there any other creatures that look like us?" Mãnye says to the nearest Koromon. 

"Yes, there are there in the tallest building in the center," the Koromon responds. 

I walk to the tall building and out front are all the guys. 

"Hey guys," I say. 

Even Eclipsomon is out front. Mãnye walks into the building and I hear the girls all talking and then I hear a splash. 

"Bath?", I ask. They all nod and we wait for the girls talking.

(3rd Person POV)

The girls spend an hour catching up and bathing while the guys wait outside. Mãnye decided to leave the tag and crest on so she didn't lose them. 

The girls come out and the Koromon feed them. Halfway through the meal, Poyomon digivolved to Tokomon. They followed one of the Koromon to a waterfall to continue their journey.

Tai and Luna both found their crests. Tai's was orange and Luna's was Black.

In all fairness, I want to get to Kari but I don't want to get done with the story to fast and I hope that you all enjoy should have the next episode out today but maybe not remember tomorrow will have fewer episodes.

Word count: 636

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