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"Miss y/n, you are under arrest for the attempt murder of Jeon Jungkook" the cop drop the bomb of words which you expected, you slowly come forward and bring you hand up.

"No! Please! My daughter would never try to harm anyone, she is falsely accused, please let my child go" your mother cries at the officers but they prevent her from approaching near you.

"I'm sorry mam but we have a witness to prove that your daughter's crime" says the officer as they cuff your wrist and drag you out of your house. You remain emotionless at each and every words of accuse towards you, you stood still like a emotionaless bundle of statue.

"No they might have lied! My child is innocent!" Your mother hopelessly cries as she falls down into her misery of pain.

You look back and notice your mother falling into the state of unconsciousness, you pull off the cop's grip around your forearm and run towards your unconscious mother.

"Mom, what's wrong? Please open your eyes" you shake her body and tap her cheeks to get some response but her body remains still.

"Somebody please call the ambulance!!!" You scream out hugging her closer to your chest.


"Miss l/n is completely fine now, she fainted due to sudden traumatic stress, she will be fine now, she needs some rest," the doctor says while your gaze was fixed on the glass layer of the door which gives a perfect view of your sleeping mother, surrounded by drips and ventilator machines.

"Can we leave Miss y/n" cop asks after few minutes, you nod your head and turn to the male cop who asked you and helped your mother.

You walk with him to the court.


" I sentence 4 years of imprisonment of l/n y/n found to be guilty in the of attempt murder of Jeon Jungkook" the judge releases his statement and the crout trails gets her over with your imprisonment.

As the police guide you down and make your way to the prison, but before you could do, you turned around and your eyes catches the cop who previously helped your mother to get admitted in the hospital. You walk towards him with few guards following you.

"What's your name?" You ask him suddenly which catches him off guard.

"Kim Namjoon" he immediately says as if he was hypnotised under your gaze.

"Mr Kim Namjoon, please help my mom and take care of her in my absence" you whimper out as tears of separation flow down your cheeks.

Namjoon remains baffled at your helpless cries as he walks forward.

"I will pay you back once I'm out of the jail."  You wipe your tears and look at him pleadingly.

"I will take care of your mother," he says after gazing into your eyes of sympathy.

You smile at him and now your head. The cops drag you back to the prison.

Namjoon remains confused, he could feel your innocence from your eyes, first time he felt like he has charged an innocent person for a crime they had never committed.

He looks back at you and thinks deeply. How can such a small girl like you try to murder a famous businesses man's son? How?

He needs to do more research on this case again.


As you were escorted out, your steps of the movement were stopped by a presence of a person blocking your way, you look up and your eyes meets his gaze.

Kim Taehyung, the only brother Jeon Jungkook.

"This is just the beginning dear, don't think that you will be peaceful in your jail, you will suffer till your death, you will suffer ten times than what my brother had to go through because of you," Taehyung growls and glares his dark gaze through you.

You don't show any of your emotions and remain static for his deadly threats.

"I will make your life hell bitch" he curses out before walking back to the SUV car with a few guards accompanying him.

You take a deep breath and make your way to your new hell of a life, prison.

You knew your life ahead won't be peacefull as you planned, everything will be a struggle of blood sweat and tears after your encounter with that man Jeon Jungkook who made your beautiful life into a disaster.

All you got was sufferings a while he resting peacefully in his comma with thousands of expert doctors trying to cure him.

But you would not give up, you will fight for your life and your mother. No matter what.


Hello, yes it's a hate story which involves revenge, abuse and other harmful stuffs, but please note that I don't support these and my stories will never encourage the female lead to be weak. She will be strong and will fight her abuser. This story is dedicated to those waiting for the female lead to be strong and stand up to their abusers, don't get false assumptions based on the description.

The ending will be a happy one but not the typical happy ending. The girl will get justice and abusers will get their punishments (that's my happy ending ) so be prepared for a roller coaster ride and grab some tissues.

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