chapter 27

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"So you are getting engaged?" You try to sound as upset as possible for Jungkook to make him believe that you are actually sad.

Jungkook remains silent while his face conveys that he is having fights of conversation within himself.

"Yes," he sighs out helplessly.

Your eyes twitch with glory when your ears were blessed with this confirmation news. All you could do was thank the God for setting him up with another girl so that he could leave you alone. But his annoyed face told you something else. He wasn't happy with this news and he is here to calm his state of mind.

You put the mask of sad face back to your face when Jungkook looks at you. He pulls you into a hug and snuggles his face on your neck.

"I don't wanna marry her but my brother has arranged it and I have never denied anything from him. I respect him and his choice but still this time I don't wanna go by his ways. I don't like her at all" he mumbles through his dry throat as if he hasn't drunk any water for ages.

"Then what are you going to do?" You try to sound as disappointed as possible for him to fall under your trap of fake affection.

"I don't know" he looks away and bites his lips.

You look at him and finally sprout out your curiosity.

"Do y-you love m-me" you finally ask him after a long period of mind battles.

Jungkook's gaze meets yours as his eyes instantly soften.  His heart beats at a high pace when you spoke the word love for him. He doesn't know what love is but all he knows is that he deeply cares for you, he earns for your affection, and he wants to be with you 24/7. It's like you're his reason for breathing, without you he can't imagine his life ahead.

"Is this love?" He asks in confusion as he moves closer to you, his gaze falls on your lips before attacking them with his.

He sucked hard on your lips while biting it to place a mark of his on yours. You winced as you try to pull away from the kiss but he inserts his tongue inside your mouth, filling his lips with your flavour.

He slowly withdraws from you after a couple of minutes. He deeply stares into your eyes.

"I guess I'm in love with you y/n" he finally confesses his feelings.

You gapped in shock. Finally, you got what you wanted. He has fallen for you, you have got him wrapped around your fingers now. Your heart beats in a rhythm not at his confession but at the thought of joy from being able to meet your parents and the key to your freedom.

"D-do you love me?" Jungkook knows that he is stupid to ask such an idiotic question when he snatched your happiness and life. How can he expect you to love him back? He must be hypnotic to have such thoughts.

"It's okay you can take-"

"I do" you instantly reply to him. You didn't want to lose the only opportunity to grab him towards you.

"I do love you Jungkook. I don't know when but as the days went by, I got used to living with you and I can't stay away from you even though you wronged me by snatching my everything " you skillfully lie through your teeth as you cover your vicious eyes with innocence.

Jungkook's lips form into a wide smile. He immediately gulfs you into a strong hug.

"Y/n thank you so much, baby. I will do my best to make you happy. Thank you for giving me another chance to prove myself y/n" he breathes in relief while planting soft kisses on your neck.

"Don't you think we should reveal our relationship to your family and get married" you knew you sounded stupid for asking him such a nonsensical question but you had to take your first step to make him believe that you really wanted him so that he could bring you out of this cage.

Jungkook's eyes shine with glory when you mentioned the word marriage to him.

"Yes baby, I'll talk to my mother about this and we will get married and live together forever" he pulls you into a strong hug, he felt like he is in nine clouds at your open confession.

You mentally smirked as you lazily hugged him back. Not even a single suspicion was raised against you as he is already blinded by him his affection for you to notice such trivial things. Love indeed makes a person blind and that's what has caught Jungkook.


"Mom," Jungkook nervously calls his mother for the first time. Mrs Jeon's eyes widen in happiness. For the first time, Jungkook approached Mrs Jeon for something. Ever since Jungkook's dad passed away he has stopped associating himself with Mrs Jeon just like Taehyung. He believes that the reason for his father's death solely depends upon Mrs Jeon.

"Yes, Jungkook do you need anything" her eyes shine with joy as she kindly asks him with a wide smile.

"I want you to cancel my engagement with Sana" he blurts out while looking away from her.

Mrs Jeon's eyes sadden at his request.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, it's not in my hands. Taehyung chose this and you know that he never listens to me" Mrs Jeon sadly tells him.

Jungkook clenched his fist at his mother's words.

"I-I love someone else mom, I don't like Sana" Jungkook finally speaks out his hesitated words.

"I want to spend my life with her" his eyes soften as a peck id blush covers his cheek when he thinks about you.

Mrs Jeon gasp as she is in pure shock. Her heartless cruel son likes someone! And it's completely unbelievable for her. Never in her life that she expected that her spoiled womaniser son would fall for any woman.

"So please talk with Hyung and cancel it" he mumbles his last two words and walks to his room.

Mrs Jeon stands speechless on the floor like a frozen statute. Everything felt like a dream for her to register for the unexpected event that happened before.

Unknown to her that Sana who stood beside the entrance door heard all these bickerings of Jungkook and is boiling in anger. She has waited for Jungkook since her childhood, and she has always dreamed about marrying him ever since she was a 10-year-old kid. The sudden rejection from Jungkook is killing her from the inside. Her eyes are covered with red, ready to destroy the girl who dared to snatch her Jungkook from her grasp.

"I would never allow anyone to cancel this engagement. Just wait Jungkook. I will make sure you are mine" she growls under her breath before walking away from the mansion.


Two obsessed sick people are just delusional as hell 😬

Enjoy reading  🤗

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