chapter 44 (M)

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You jumped and wrapped your legs around his torso while your hands gripped his hair. He slams you against the wall while undoing your clothes. Both of you kissed like mad manics who are hungry with deep needy lust. His hands grip your breast as he explores through your mouth. He slowly slides down to your neck and leaves kisses.

You let out a small moan as you close your eyes from his tickling kisses on your collarbone. Soon he takes you to the bed and lies your half-naked body down on the mattress. He hovers over you to kiss you again which you gladly accepted.

He undressed your upper clothing, tossing it aside, he was greeted with your perky breast, he massaged and groped your breast, he brought his mouth to your breast and sucked it like a hungry baby, soft moans escaped from your lips, his mouth was doing magic while his free hand groped your other breast, he halted back and slowly moved towards you, he captured your lips again.

He unhooked your bra and threw it aside, he placed kisses all over your breasts, he sucked your nipple like a baby and used his other hand to squeeze the other breast

"ahh" you moaned out

"yes moan like that...let it out" he whispered as his hands slowly sneaked to your heams of your underwear and slowly pulling down, he slowly rubbed your clit in a circular motion causing you to moan out loud

"ahh" Taehyung smirked at your moaning state as he inserted his middle finger into you thrusting in and out. He used another finger and started pumping it in and out but before you could cum he pulled out causing you to groan in frustration.

"well I need to taste you first"

He trailed kisses from your chest slowly to your lower part where you needed him the most, Taehyung spread your legs and stared at your pussy with lust.

He placed his wet tongue on your dripping core kissing it and then sucking it, you moaned out loud as you caught his hair and started to grind against his mouth, he inserted his tongue inside thrusting causing you to gasp, "ahh r-right t-there" you moaned out, soon you felt a knot in your stomach and you came all over his mouth, he licked you clean tasting every bit of you, you were panting heavily as Taehyung looked at you and smirked

"you taste so good baby I can never get tired of it ever," he said as he came and kissed your juicy lips cupping your breasts, after the kiss, he pulled out his thick cock and placed it on your entrance, he rubbed his shaft against your pussy to tease you

"Put it in," you said as you pulled him for a kiss, he smirked and thrusted into you causing you to gasp and grab onto his neck, he waited for you to adjust his size " move please" you moaned out, he slowly thrusted into you in a sensual way and kissed you to forget the pain

"ahh y-your so t-tight baby" he groaned as he was having a euphoric feeling being inside you, "h-harder" you moaned as he began to speed up and started pounding onto, both of you drowned into pleasure and the rooms were filled with moans and groans, soon you reached your climax.

" I-i'm gonna cum" you moaned out clenching the bed sheets tightly

Taehyung moaned as he continued to thrust into you, with one last thrust both of you came together filling you with his warm liquid and panting heavily, he pulled himself out and laid beside you, pulling you closer to him.

"That was amazing," he smiled as he muzzled closer to your neck.

Your chest paced back and forth as you inhale in to gather the air to fill your needy lungs after the reckless got session. You looked at his hands and slowly gathered your mind to yourself. You had sex with your arch-enemy. You wanted to laugh at your stupidity and needy body. You couldn't believe that you just drowned in the world of lust and let him embrace you.

All you wanted was to forget about your worries and you needed some distraction hence you used him for your personal needs. You convinced your mind telling that you used him and you shut your eyes to let the sleep consume you.


Taehyung blinks his eyes as his expression frowns at the sunlight being hit on his face. His features turn into a happy sign when he thinks about last night. Your body and voice got him addicted to you. For the first time, he felt good after having intercourse. You were perfect for him. He sighed heavily and threw his hands beside him to hug you but it was empty. You weren't present beside him. He immediately gets up and looks around to find you but you were absent from his view.

He gets tensed and panic slowly rushes through his blood wondering whether you left him. He instantly gets up and wears his shirt and pants. He strides out of the room and searches for you in the house.

"Y/n! Where are you?" He looks around the living room, his eyes drowning in guilt. He shouldn't have touched you like that. He felt like hitting him with an iron bat for making him go through that.

"Y/n went to see her mother. No need to worry," Mrs Jeon walks inside the living room and looks at Taehyung's messy clothing.

"Get yourself cleaned first" she smirked at his attire as if she knew what happened between you and him.

Taehyung nods his head, all flushed and embarrassed by his mother's words. His mind stays calm in relief after Mrs Jeon's words. You didn't leave him. That's all matters to him. Now he would do everything to gain your forgiveness and make himself look like the perfect husband ever. Just like how he promised you when you were a child. He would protect you from now on. He will never let you go.


"I think I have gone crazy mom," you run her palms as your solemn eyes are fixed on her unconscious body.

"I got together with someone who made our life hell, how could I do this" your lips quiver as tears brim in your eyes. You gulped down and sunk your head beside your sleeping mother.

"I feel like I'm losing myself to that devil which I don't want. I hate this feeling that is building up inside me," your voice sounds muffled as you cry out your feeling near her.

After some time you get up and wipe your tears. You look at your mother and pat her head with a small smile.

"I feel better after talking to you mom," you smile and get up from your seat. You place her hand on the bed and pick up your purse. You look at her one last time before making yourself out of the room.

You pulled out your phone and detailed Namjoon's number and pressed the ca button.

"Hey Namjoon, did you look up to Jimin-"

"Y/n chief is no longer available" his words halt your words and you blink in pure confusion.


"He was killed and his body was found today near the river bank," he informs you with a small perk of guilt as of he is responsible for the murder.

Your mouth shuts up and your gaze shades with wickedness as your lips curve into an evil glint of a smirk. A satisfactory sensation excites your body when you heard about the happy news. You felt bliss.

"Y/n are you there?"

Namjoon's voice brings you back to your sense and you answer him back with a yes.

"It's such terrible news I guess my case needs to be closed now," you tell him, he approves your remark and you cut the call.

A Series of giggles escape from you as your body throne in excitement. Your dark shade (e/c) orbs stare above with euphoria.

"I feel good now," your voice goes low with your tiny mumble.

You shouldn't feel bad about what happened, in fact, you should be happy that you got Kim Taehyung wrapped around your fingers who would do anything for you. His affection would be a great help to bring his empire down so his beast brother who is sleeping peacefully.

You knew that he was the man in hand who eliminated Jimin. For the first time, you felt proud of him.

You sighed happily and made your way out of the hospital with your mind bliss.



There was some errors so I had to republish it sorry

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