chapter 51

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You open your door and took a peak inside, once you spot a clear view. You slowly pull yourself out of your room and close the door with a small sound. You look around before walking towards Taehyung's workroom.

You slowly twisted open his door and sneaked yourself inside, but unaware to you there was Jungkook who just stepped outside of his room to fetch some water and caught your cat walking inside his brother's most private room. His eyes frown in suspicion as he makes his way to his brother's room.

You walk straight to his table and began to search for the keys that you desperately need. You pull up the files by each trying to spot the keys. Soon your eyes catch the pen stand in which a part of the key chain was hanging out of the stand, you immediately rush to it and pull the key chain out. Your gaze stops at the key hanging from the keychain.

You instantly bend down and screw the key inside the lock. You twist it, a knocking sound blesses your ears when you realise the locker is being unlocked. You immediately bring your hands inside and grab hold of the files inside.

You stand up and became to look into the documents by scrolling through the pages.

Your eyes stop at the phase of drug trafficking, you mouth goes wide as you read the content. The transfer of drugs from one place to another without police investigation, he imports gold and diamond into the country without
Paying the taxes. You look into other files and began to search the pages. Your heart stops its beat the moment you read the word, human trafficking.

You go pale as you read the entire contract and how all missing cases regarding girls and boys have been reported to him.

Taehyung has the entire underground activities in his hand, he is the main man who gives off orders and makes his down men do all the job at less prize and he earns the maximum profit from the income. But to the outside world, he represents himself as the most genuine businessman who prioritises his customer's needs first, showcasing himself in a good way in order to avoid any unnecessary illegal accusations against him.

Taehyung is indeed smart enough to bring his father's sinking business into up by using the means of illegal underground activity.

"You're fucking down Taehyung," you smirk looking at the file. You immediately bring your phone and open your camera to take photos of the documents but a voice halts your movements.


You froze in your spot when your ears hear his voice. You slowly turn around and lock your piercing gaze on him.

"Is there something you want in this room?" He suspiciously asks while narrowing his eyes at the file in your hands.

You look below and attach the file to your chest, trying to hide the document from his prying eyes.

"No," you tell him with a cold tone.

"I guess not, I sense something fishy from you and guessing your previous undesirable attitude towards me has blessed my mind to convey your act of a sneaky thief to my brother," his words wash the waves of threat while squinting his eyes at you.

Your body tenses as your breathing quicken, and your heart beats rapidly as the fear of being exposed to Taehyung hits you like a rock.

Jungkook smirks as he sensed your half-panicked state, his mind feels in bliss after getting you caught up with some stunt so that he could use it to blackmail you. His dislike towards you has been triggered ever since you showed your attitude towards him.

"Jungkook what are you doing here-"

Taehyung stops his voice the moment his eyes stop at you. He grows confused as he looks at you with a mixture of confusion and anger.

"What are you doing here?" His voice goes dark, and his jealousy peaks up the moment he sensed the closed proximate between you and Jungkook.

You shut your mouth and remain silent not uttering any word that would lead to the failure of your plan.

"Sister-in-law wants something from your room Hyung," Jungkook speaks out after the pin-drop salience between you and Taehyung.

You snap your gaze at him as you send a warning glare at Jungkook but he seems to shrug it off and turns to Taehyung. 

"What," Taehyung whispers while his brows frowning.

"These documents I guess," Jungkook gestures to Taehyung with his eyes, pointing them to the files that you are trying to hide behind you.

Taehyung follows Jungkook's gaze and stops at the set of documents in your hands. His glare deepens while deeply analysing the files that are trapped in your palms. He walks forward and eyes you dangerously.

He extends his hand in a gesture for you to return the files that you are trying to steal.

With a big hesitation, you hand over the files to Taehyung. He snatches the files the moment it touches his palms. He glares at you before going through the documents in his hands.

Jungkook smirks like a cunning snake after throwing your secret to Taehyung.

"What is this" Taehyung's low growl sends a flash of fear down your spine, your body hairs standing up at the waves of chills.

"What the fuck is this!" He roars out like a raged angry lion making you flinch at his sudden outburst.

Jungkook slowly moves backwards and gives way to Taehyung to get a space view of you.

Taehyung steadily walks forward and grips the files in his hands.

"So this is the reason for your previous attempt to sneak into my room," he throws the files in your face.

You shut your eyes as the files hit your face and the papers fall below and some of them fly around you.

"Lie lie lie! Everything coming out of your mouth is a fucking lie!" He yells and grabs your shudders roughly.

You wince in pain as his nails dig into your skin.

"I guess I have gone easy on you, it's time to teach you some lessons," he grunts with a threatening voice and drags you out of the room.

Jungkook looks at the scene with a satisfying smile.

"My poor sister-in-law," he pouts with a fake worry while shaking his head.

"That's what you get for ignoring Jeon Jungkook," his lips curve into an evil smirk before licking his lips.



Jungkook is such a brat even after having amnesia 🤨

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