chapter 3

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The house was a complete mess created by the goons of Kim Taehyung, he must have known your departure from the prison that's why he send his goons to threaten you and your family, of course, that's an expected scenario which will occur but you didn't expect it to be this soon, he must be planning something vicious against you and you need to be prepared now.

Your mother applies the ointment on your bruised cheek and arms, once she finishes applying the cream she gently lies you on the bed and nudges you to take a rest, first you deny her stating that you want to leave soon but she insisted that your health is more important hence she made you to rest. Once you go into deep slumber she closes the bedroom.

She takes her purse and leaves to get some medicines for you. She fears the internal injury might be severe, hence leaving to grab some medicines and the doctor's check-up for you.

She goes to the doctor and informs about all the injuries inflicted on your body and also informs them about the inability to visit the doctor, the doctor seems to understand and writes down dew specific pain killers and other medicines and tells your mother to bring you tomorrow for the further check so that he could get a clear cut id your injury.

She buys all the medicines and makes her way to the police station. She slows walks into the station and looks around the for the cop. She notices the officer sorting in his place with a phone call. She immediately walks and calls for the male officer who is busy on his phone call.

"Sir, I need to make a complaint" she gently speaks but the cop remains deaf to her words and continues talking in his call.

"Sir!" She speaks louder which gets his attention.

The male officer turns his head at your mother and sighs in irritation. He leans back on his chair arrogantly and raises his eyebrows showing his superiority towards your mother.

"What do you want?" He asks arrogantly and maintains his frown.

"Sir, I need to make a complaint" she immediately becomes submissive and gently tells him.

"On what?" He says as if his precious time is getting wasted.

"Some goons sir, these criminals barged into my house, destroyed everything and terribly injured my daughter, they even threatened her for something which she didn't do, please do something and take some action against them sir" Mrs l/n takes her seat and begs the male officer after explain the entire scenario. Her eyes looks at the name placed on the table.

Senior officer Park Jimin

She remembers his name and mentally hopes for him to take up the charge.

Jimin sighs in annoyance and takes up a pen, he slowly notes down the incidents and thinks for a few seconds.

"Do you have any idea who is behind these events" he asks her suddenly, your mother immediately nods her head.

"I know sir, I know him very well, he has a bad relation with my daughter and im sure he must have sent these goons to destroy my daughter's life"

Jimin patiently listens while rotating his pen back and forth, first time he is interested in story and he feels like it isn't a boring story, and the involvement of young girl has altered his interest more.

"His name is Kim Taehyung Sir"

Jimin stops rotating his pen and glares at the woman, he keeps the pen back in its place and leans forward, resting his chin on his folded fingers. 

"What's your daughter's name?" He questions suspiciously.

"Y/n l/n" she answers him

The moment his ears ring with your name, a series of chuckles escapes from his lips.

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