chapter 16

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"Y/n try this cookie" Hana feeds you her favourite cookie straight into your mouth. You chuckle while munching on the cookie in your mouth. Lisa sucks on her juice as she laughs looking at Hana being all cuddly and excited.

"Hmm girls, I need to use the bathroom for a second," you tell them and they nodded in Union.

You flash them a small smile before going to the washroom. You open the door and get your job done. You walk out and look into the mirror and wash your hands. You fix your clothes and walk out of the bathroom.

As you proceed to make your way to the cafeteria. You heard Jungkook and his fellow mate Jimin bickering about something.

"What about the flower Jungkook? Are you gonna keep it forever? Do you like Sana?" Jimin asks in shock as Jungkook never keeps any flowers with him which are gifted by girls.

"Nope," He brings out the rose and crushes it in his palms.

"She is just a good fuck that's it, I don't like that bitch" He shrugged as he threw the crushed flower below on the ground.

"She is too dumb and helplessly in love with me and I can't help but use her for my pleasure" Jungkook casually says and he leans on the wall behind him.

"That's my boy" Jimin hits his shoulder as they laugh together.

"I'm gonna try for that new chick" Jimin smirks as he remembers you.

You frown when you heard your name being taken from Jimin. You didn't want to be on his radar but here you go, getting into another problem.

"Good luck with that pleasant" Jungkook tells hesitantly as if he isn't pleased with Jimin's choice.

"Thanks, man" Jimin puts his arms over Jungkook's shoulder and walks out of the area.

You looked at their back wondering if you could push them straight into the ground but sadly you can't and all you have to do is watch them fooling girls and treating them as toys.

You shake your head as you walk back to the cafeteria area.


"Hyung I'm doing good, how about you?" Jungkook smiles as he listens to his brother on his phone.

"Yes I'm on my way to home-"

Jungkook's shoulder is mistakenly bumped by a boy causing his phone to crash down on the floor.

"Ouch" Jimin shows his dramatic fake expression face.

The boy turns around and looks at the shattered screen of the phone. He looks above and is frightened to see Jungkook's rage-filled eyes on him.

"No one's gonna save you boy" Jimin shakes his head as he moves back from the scene as if he is aware of the upcoming danger.

The boy bows multiple times while uttering sorry for each of his bows.

"I'm sorry Mr Jungkook I didn't mean it, I'm extremely sorry-"

A hard punch was thrown on the face, breaking a few of his teeth as his jaw twist sideways from the impact of Jungkook's first, resulting in his falling to the ground with a thud. Blood Oozes off him from his nose and from his lips.

Jungkook throws another rough kick at the poor boy who is covering himself to avoid further bruises.

"You loser! How dare you bump into me, fucking know your place! You low-life scum!" He aggressively kicks the boy as if he is possessed by some devil.

Jimin looks around as he scratches the back of his ear in boredom as if he is used to such scenarios.

Students gather around the hotspot as they look at the boy who is getting beaten to death by Jungkook. All they could do is look at him in pity. After all, it's Jungkook and no one dares to voice out against him and his actions. He is the king and the college works as his instruction.

Lisa and you notice students surrounding in one particular area and some clashing sounds and cruses were heard.

"I guess it's Jungkook" Lisa sighs.

You look at her in shock.

"Let's go and see" Hana walks to the crowd. You and Lisa also follow her.

You take a peek from the crowd and look at the scene below. Your eyes enlarge in horror as you see Jungkook beating a poor guy to death while all others did was stare at the boy getting to death bed.

You try to go and stop the scene but Lisa immediately drags you out and pulls you away from the crowd

"Are you crazy y/n! Don't do anything" Lisa whisper yelling at you for your foolish step.

"But he is getting beaten to death! Someone should stop him" you reply to her as you couldn't see the bloody boy.

"It's common here y/n, just ignore it," Hana tells you.

"B-but what about the staff! Let's complain about it to them" you immediately nod your head.

"It's of no use, The teachers here are Jungkook's pets they only listen to him" Lisa sighs in defeat.

While Lisa and Hana are busy making you understand the reality of college life, Jimin slowly sneaks from the crowd and walks towards your direction.

"Hi babydoll," Jimin warmly showcases his fake smile.

Lisa and Hana move back in fear as if he is a predator and they are his prey.

Jimin looks at them intimately as if he conveying his message through his eyes for them to get out of his view.

Lisa looks at you in sorry and walks away along with Hana.

You also try to follow them but are stopped by Jimin's hand.

Jimin wraps his fingers around your wrist and pulls you closer to him.

"I said hi and you are not replying to me" his gaze turns into a shade of dark as he deeply stares through your soul.

You wiggle your wrist around his grip trying to get off him but his strength is too much compared to yours. You think of a way to escape his prey grip around you.

Your mind flashes with new ideas.

"Jungkook is behind you," you tell suddenly with a fake expression of shock. Jimin releases his hold around and looks behind to notice the crowd still being present and no view of Jungkook.

You immediately run off from his presence. Jimin turns his head back and notices your disappearance.

"Fuck," he curses clenching his fist.

"Play full little thing you are huh! I will see through it" he mumbles to himself before rushing back to the crowd to stop Jungkook.

"Hey Jungkook, stop it. It's enough, let's go" Jimin pulls the mad Jungkook from the unconscious boy.

Jungkook glares at the boy before going with Jimin making his way out of the campus and students move away and make way for Jungkook and Jimin to exit.


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