chapter 40

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"Mom, take Jisoo and go home. I have arranged a car for you guys. I'll bring y/n with me," Taehyung informs his mother on the phone and hangs the call. He looks at you who is sitting on the bench eating ice cream. Suddenly you had an ice cream craving and you asked him to buy it for you. You sounded like an idiot for asking your abuser to buy you an ice cream but you couldn't help it, the moment you saw it you knew you needed it.

"Do you need anything" Taehyung's voice sounds as low as possible as if he just mumbled it to himself?

"Huh? I couldn't hear you?" You heard his words but still, you knowingly asked him just to make him sound louder.

Taehyung grows annoyed as he bites his lips in frustration.

"Is there anything you want?" He asks while gritting his teeth as his face morphs into a twisted frown.

You let out a small chuckle while looking at his funny face, you loved irritating him. You did irritate him during your childhood and he showed the faced same expression.

Your tiny laugh didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung, his features go back to normal while deeply staring at you. He didn't know why but you feel familiar to him, someone very close to his heart. He didn't feel any emotion when he first met you with Jungkook but after marrying you and being in your presence he can now understand why men go crazy for you. Your laugh, your capturing eyes and your voice, everything about you pulls him towards you.

He feels like he has an unfinished history with you in his past other than his brother's matter. He blinks his eyes and sighs heavily.

You finish the of ice cream and get up from your seat.

"Let's go," you return to your cold posture and walk towards the exit. Taehyunh scoffs at you for ordering him around like he is your slave, in terms, it's the opposite, you are his slave not him.

"This woman, does she have a death wish" he curses under his breath before following you.

Suddenly his phones vibrate in his pocket, he pulls out his smartphone and attends to the call.

"Did you capture him?" Taehyung questions his authority.

"Yes sir, he has tied him and he is unconscious for now," the stranger from the other side of the phone replies.

"Good, you are allowed to torture him but he should not die, I will come and personally deal with him," Taehyung orders and hangs up the call before going towards the exit.


The door slams open with a crying Jisoo as she runs to her room and lies on the bed, her nonstop tears with her broken heart are adding more pain to her.

Mrs Jeon walks into her room and looks at Jisoo with an emotionless face, she knows his familiar feeling and she has experienced betrayal by herself and the only way to minimize your pain is to let go of the things that don't belong to you. That's what she learned from her past encounters and that's what she will teach or give advice to those who go through the same torture.

Jisoo opens her eyes and her timid gaze meets Mrs Jeon standing beside the door frame. She weakly gets up and wipes her tears.

"Mrs Jeon," her timid voice after the weeping sounds low.

"Follow me," Mrs Jeon tells in a commanding tone and walks out of the room.

Jisoo sniff out before getting up from the bed and walking after Mrs Jeon. She walks into a room and lights are being turned ON. she looks at Mrs Jeon with a confused gaze wondering what is the matter.

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