chapter 9

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Chilled ice water was thrown over your body jerking you to wake up from your painful yet peaceful slumber.  Your eyes wandered here and there before looking up to meet the person who pour the bucket of iced water on you.

"You're not my guest to sleep like this get the hell up" he spats in hatred.

You try to move your body but you drop down due to the pain emitting from your wounds and bones. Taehyung rolls his eyes as if he is annoyed by your acting.

"Stop acting and get up you useless bitch" he growls before kicking you harshly.

You scream at his kick clutching your abdomen. You place your left hand on the floor and bend your knees to bring your body up. Once you get your balance, you stand up with limped legs.

Taehyung smiles at his work of art of your face and your body. Dried blood coating your wounds as your clothes are torn in different parts showcasing your skin to me. He seems to get in his twisted fantasies as it turns him on.

"Go and get yourself ready neatly. My baby girl is coming to meet me today from aboard and I don't want you to utter anything to her. Just go by my rules" he leans forward "get that?" He whispers.

"Yes," you answer simply as if you have no interest in his personal life. Of course, he will be having his mistress or girlfriend because the marriage between you and him is a revenge motive and contract based for you. You didn't love him nor did you care about him to feel jealous or any stupid emotion for him. But that doesn't mean you will stay silent and let him enjoy with his girlfriend. You ruin his relationship like he ruined you today. You will expose him to that poor girl who is trapped in his fake love.

You limp out of the basement, you clench the hold of the staircase and limo your way up. Mrs Kim immediately rushes to you and gently holds your shoulders.

"Y/n let me help you" she says. You look at her and a small smile forms on your lips. She was the only good person whom you met in this fucked family.

"Thank you, Mrs Kim" you mumble.

She holds you in her embrace and helps you to your room. She carefully helps you to go it a bed and runs to get the first aid kit.

"No Mrs Kim, I can do it-" you try to stop her but she holds your hands and shakes her head.

"Please at least I can do this to clean my both son's torture towards you." You let her be and stare at her. She applies the ointment to your wounds. You wince in pain but you tried to control the pain within you.

Once she places bandages on the injury and finishes her work.

"I have called the doctor and they will be here to check on you till then sleep, dear"

You nod your head and lay on the bed.


"Get the guest room ready with polishing looks okay" Taehyung orders his servant. His phone rings catching his attention.

Dearest friend ❤️

A unknown smile forms on his lips when he looks at his phone. He swipes the screen and attends the call.

"Hey love," he says sweetly.

"Collect me from the airport soon Taehyung," a gentle female voice tells him causing him to chuckle.

"Sure" he cuts the call and takes his care key and leaves the house to pick up his best friend, soon to be his lover.

You wake up after an hour, you extend your arm to your phone and look at the time.

1:30 pm

You immediately get up and rush to the bathroom. That beast asked you to be ready within an hour and here your still sleeping. If he comes to find this then probably you have to face another round of torture from this bastard.

You get cleaned up and apply the ointment on your bruised skin. Once you finish your applying it you go to the wardrobe and pick decent clothing which covers the major wounds given by him.

You go downstairs and go to the kitchen to help the maids.

"Young madam please don't, we can handle it" says the maid after she sees you inside the kitchen.

"It's okay dear, I will help you in arranging the dishes" you reply smiling at her.

Meanwhile Taehyung opens his car door and welcomes his best friend.

A young lady steps out of the car wearing polished heels, styled dress, red lipstick coating her lips as her glittering eyes blink at the sunlight. 

"Let's go love" he says folding his hands for her to hook her hands with his.

The female smiles at Taehyung before hooking her hands with his. Both of them walk inside his house while the butler takes her luggage.

"That's young master's girl right?" Whispers on of the maid as she looks from the kitchen's window at the woman who gets out of the car.

"Hey don't be kidding! Master is already married to young madam"

"But it was a forced marriage, right? Didn't you see how master dragged young miss and tortured her" her friend whisper yells at her ears.

"I feel sorry for young miss, she is such a kind soul" the maid's face falls down as if she understands your situation.

"No need to feel sorry for me," you say out loud catching the two off guard.

"Y-young miss" they stutter while looking at you and immediately bow down to you.

"There is no love between us to feel bad for me" you pause

"Let's continue arranging the table" they nod their heads and run to pick up the plates.

You turn yourself and take one of the dishes and walk into the dining room.

"Y/n!" A high-pitched voice calls out in excitement. You look up and spot your long past childhood best friend. Kim Jisoo.

"Jisso" you mumble as your eyes move to her hands hooked with Taehyung's. Your eyes widen in realisation. Out of all people he choose Jisoo to be his side chick. You couldn't help the feeling to poison him to death. How dare he keep approaching to the people close to you.

Jisoo runs to you and engulfs you in her arms.

"I missed you so much y/n" she smiles in happiness while you remain statue to your place. You slowly bring your hands and hug her back which relieves her to smile. You slowly look up and lock your eyes with dark twisted filled eyes of Taehyung's. You could see him smirk at you with his twisted set of thoughts.



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