chapter 42

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Taehyung opens his door, he falls on his knees as his face contorted into sadness, and tears of regret flow from his eyes as breaks down completely on the floor.

"What if I get hurt again" you sniff in between your sobs as you ask him with your quivering voice.

"I will always protect you butterfly Oppa is with you," Taehyung hugged the crying little girl into his arms.

Flashes of the past haunt his mind as he shakes his head, he slams his fist on the floor again and again as your face of cries and begs rings through his mind. His fist covers in blood but he doesn't budge and keeps hitting on the wooden floor to pay for his sins. This trivial pain is nothing compared to what he did with you. He beat and starved his butterfly whom he promised to protect.

His face soaks with tears as he parts his mouth in desperation. Mrs Jeon rushes inside the room when she hears cries of Taehyung.

The guilt of hurting his butterfly is eating him alive but also his half-dead brother who is fighting for his life flashes inside his mind. He was torn between whom to choose and what to do.

"Taehyung!" She screams when her eyes are met with his bloody knuckles. Mrs Jeon crouches down and takes his hands in her palms. She trembles her eyes see the blood sticking on his hands as well.

"Omg! It's bleeding none stop," she panics and searches for the first aid kit.

"Maid," Mrs Jeon yells. One of the maids run to Taehyung's room and bowed to Mrs Jeon.

"Get the first aid kit," she sternly orders. The maid rushed out and gets the first aid kit and dashed back to Mrs Jeon. She gives her the kit and Miyeon hurriedly opens the kit and gets the cotton mixed with a cleaning agent.

"Why did you do this?" Her voice breaks as she runs the cotton on his knuckles but before she could proceed Taehyung roughly pulled his hands off her and leans his bloody fist on his forehead as he cries down.

"Don't mom, don't do anything for me. I made everyone suffer. Because of my stupidity, I ruined everyone's life" his broke voice stammers Mrs Jeon not exactly understanding the meaning behind his word. Is he regretting the sins he committed against y/n? Or else is he feeling bad for fooling around Jisoo? Or else is he feeling bad for the state of his brother?

She couldn't exactly decipher what is going on inside him that had crushed him to the point that he has cried out loud. Taehyung was never the person to show emotions. He has always confined his feelings to himself and has never outdatedly shown out his emotions. He must have hurt someone close to him for him to behave in such a way. All she could wonder is this person who broke Taehyung to this point.

She grabs his injured wrist and applies the cotton to the Knuckles.

"Cry or wail but get your hands treated. I can't watch my son being hurt like this," Mrs Jeon coldly tells him and continues her job.

Taehyung gulps down and eye-stained eyes sadly look at Mrs Jeon.

"I never treated you like a mother then why are you caring for me," he chokes in the middle of his speech due to his sobs.

"You are my son. Blood-related or not you are still my son. I raised you not her," Mrs Jeon's voice radiates confidence and pride.

"No matter how much my kids hate me I can't do the same, because you are my son. You are my responsibility," a lone tear drops from his eyes as she finished bandaging his knuckles.

Taehyung weakly looks below in shame. The people whom he registered to hate forever are slowly changing into his close and lovable person. Mrs and you are on the same boat for Taehyung.

Miyeon gets up from the floor, wipes her tears and turns to walk out of the room.

"Mom," Taehyung call halting Mrs Jeon's steps.

"I'm sorry," he quietly says in his low voice. Miyeon's face brightens with a side curve of a smile. She slightly turns her head at Taehyung.

"It's okay," she mumbles and walks out of the room.

Taehyung grabs the bedpost with his left non-injured hand and gets up from the floor with his wiggling tired legs. He takes a deep breath and moves out of the place.

He makes his way towards your room, he gently opens the door and peeks through the gap. You were sleeping peacefully with no worries. His lips curve into a small smile as he stares at your sleeping figure. His butterfly looks beautiful as always. He couldn't believe that he send you to jail and tortured you like dirt for 4 years. And even that was not enough for him, he again harmed your mother and forcefully married you so that he could ruin your life. The grief of hitting you is injecting his heart again and again for every second. 

He closes the door not wanting to disturb your beauty sleep. He left your place and walked back to the living room. Suddenly his phone rings bringing his sorrowful face back to reality.

"Sir, we have just as you said. Now, what do we do with him?" Asks one of his goons.

Taehyung's teary eyes shot with an instant glare when his kind switches to Jimin. His fingers pinch against each as the vein throbs around his arms. That snake dared to rape his butterfly! He will never let him on lose.

"I will come there," he informs and storms out of his house.


"Do you fucking know who am I! You fuckers! I'm the chief head officer in the police department and you dare to kidnap me! Fuck it! When my father comes to know this y'all will face a horrible death!" Jimin yells through his throat, anger vibrates through his body while throwing glares at the goons who dared to kidnap him.

His shirtless upper body is gifted with bloody marks and continuous whimpering from the men has drained his energy, yet still, he manages to scream and throw deadly threats at the men.

"Who the heck is your boss! What the fuck does he want from me!" He screams as he lunges forward in an attempt to kill the silent standing men but the handcuffs have refrained his moves up to a particular range distance.

His chest paces up and down as his long hair strands cover his eyesight while leaning on the blood-coated wall.

"It's me," the deep voice catches Jimin's attention.

He immediately leans forward while his eyes narrow at the person from distance and is covered with shadow unable to get a glimpse of his face.

Jimin squint's his eyes trying to get a glimpse of the person.

Taehyung's face uncovers as he slowly walks forward. His face is fully visible to Jimin who is bewildered by the appearance of his trusted companion.

"H-Hyung" he stutters in complete disbelief.


I have a sad announcement y'all. Daily updates won't happen from now on. I have my end sem exams for 2 weeks. So for 2 weeks, you won't be getting any updates but I will try to post weekly once.

So for 2 weeks, I will be hiatus. After 2 weeks get ready for daily updates on this book

Thank you

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