chapter 55

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Jungkook screams out loud holding his ears and enlarging his eyes. A flash of red fluid covers his eyes which adds more pain to his head.

"I'll kill you!"

The dreadful scream of the girl fills his mind as it echoes through his head, he roughly opens his eyes and looks at the mirror, analysing his reflection of his. 

"Baby I love you,"

The memory flashes to his lovely voice whispering staring at the half-covered girl in front of him with love and affection.

"Argh!" He groans in pain as his brain keeps throwing flashes of nightmares into his state of mind. His confusion increases more between the bloody and loving ones. It seemed like he loved the girl who planned to kill him, it's more like head over heels. Is it y/n? Or is it just his imagination that is moulding him to think that girl is y/n since he hates her to the core, he needs to find out about this or else he will go mad with these series of moments roaming inside his mind. 

The doorknob unlocks and walks in Mrs Jeon, as soon her eyes stop at Jungkook who is twisting his head with severe trauma she runs to him and sits beside him.

"Jungkook what happened? What's wrong with you?" She asks him with her teary eyes, unable to witness her son in this state. 

"I'm missing something and I want that back," he breathes out as he slowly shuts himself, freeing his body from the torment he is producing.

Mrs Jeon go blank and her face falls at his request.

"Jungkook, I will call the doctor. I'm sure you will be fine once he gives you some medication -"

"Stop hiding things from me!" He yells out loud, halting Mrs Jeon's action.

"I know you guys are hiding something and I'm sure it has to do something with my memories, I lost my memories right?" He slowly makes his way to Mrs Jeom with his work trying to make her accept his too confusion.

"Jungkook please take some rest-"

"No! Reply to me with yes or no!" He screams out for her when she tries to divert the conversation.

"Yes! You have lost your memories." She finally tells him after her big attempts to keep the secret with her.

Jungkook finally lets out a breath of relief as he looks at her with a mockery, like a hunter that caught his prey after undergoing heavy struggles.

"But I feel that you are more mature and light now than your previous self, that's why I hid the fact from you and didn't want to trouble you with unnecessary stuff-"

"Unnecessary stuff?" He asks with his eyebrow raised.

"Who are you to decide that? huh? I'm the one who is to decide which is necessary and what is not necessary for me, the memory is hunting me like a hungry lion preying for it's food. It doesn't seem like something unimportant to me. I feel like the most important part of my life are my past events, before going to coma. I feel like the closest person in my life was in my past and  something has happened to me or someone made me to go into a state of coma, and my suspicion all points to one person, "

Mrs Jeon's eyes go wide as she slowly listens to his every single word with patience. Her eyes wait to hear the name that sounds pretty obvious to her.

"Y/n," he growls sending an alert to Mrs Jeon's trembling state.


You walk back and forth across the room, taking a few glances at yourself on the way when you pass by the mirror, focusing more on your tummy.

"How could you be so dumb y/n?" You repeatedly question yourself while gazing at your standing-by reflection.

You throw yourself on the bed and stare at the ceiling for some time, huffing out you turn around and lay on your side trying to get yourself some sleep.

"Y/n," Taehyung's sudden voice startls you up and you get up from the bed.

You lock your gaze on him and throw him your hateful glare.

"Did you eat?" He asks maintaining his cold tone.

You move your eyes to the side when you hear the same questions being thrown at you for hours. You ignore his question with your moment of silence.

"I asked you something," his low voice growls with a slight threat which alerts you.

"No," you blankly reply and avoided his intense gaze on you.

He dashes to you and grabs hold of your for arms and drags you out of the room.

You wince his pain at his stronghold around your arms.

"What the fuck! Kim Taehyung! You better leave now-"

"I don't fucking care if you starve to death but I won't allow my child to starve, I want him healthy and happy. So better eat"

His voice goes dark as he makes you sit on the dining chair and calls for the maid to get food for you.

You grit your teeth as you pinch your nails on your skin, anger radiating out of you.

The maid places the bowl of rice and some dishes on the table and stands by the side. 

"I want all of this to be finished," he turns his head at the maid and calls for her.

"Hey, you?"

"Yes, young master" she immediately runs to his callings.

"Stay here and inform me once she finishes the food, if she doesn't then you call for me okay?" He gives off stern orders and the maid nods in fear.

He looks at your cold face and walks out of the dining room.

Once you finish the food you pull off the table, giving off a look at the maid and walk away from the place.

You get your phone and wallet and make your way out of the house. A security guard stops you.

"Madam, where are you going?" He immediately asks as he was given strict orders from Taehyung regarding the matters that concern you.

"Out of my way," your commanding tone gives of shivers to the security person but he stands before you.

"No madam, I can't allow you to"

"I'm going to meet my mother, inform him that," you tell him sternly and wake away from the place.


"Hey Jackson, it's me," Jungkook smirks through his phone.

Jackson tenses up at the sudden voice of Jungkook, after years he is back to the conversation with Jungkook which never ended well with him.

"Yes Young Master," he replies immediately and tightens his grip on the phone.

"Now that I'm back I want you to get back to my work now,"

"Yes master," he says in his low voice.

"And I want you to do a clean background verification on the girl whom I'm gonna mention now," Jungkook's voice deepens at the statement which alerts Jackson to hearing him.

"Who is it, young master?" He asks him.



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