chapter 15

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You place your raincoat in the locker and lock it before proceeding to the class to which you are newly assigned. You walk into the class catching a few attention of students that are surprised to see a new student. You go straight to the last empty seat not minding the attention given to you.

You comfortably place yourself in your place. You pull out your phone and begin to scroll through social media. The students stare at you in shock as they begin to gossip about you. You slowly look up and see the surroundings when you notice them staring at you as if you have done some big crime.  You raise your eyebrows in confusion. Soon they shift their gaze back to their normal routine. You sigh as you look into your phone.

A loud cheer with clapping was heard as Jungkook walks into the classroom with his fellow best friend, Jimin. Two girls run up to him.

"Congratulations on the win Jungkook" one of the girls extends her flowers and gives them out to him. Jungkook smiles as he takes the flower in his hands.

"Thanks, by the way, you look pretty today Sana" Sana blushes at his compliment, and she walks back to her place with a series of giggles. Jimin smirks at her reaction as he looks at Jungkook with unbelievable look.

Few male students high five with Jungkook congratulating him while girls give their gifts to him in an attempt to make him notice them.

Jimin and Jungkook walk to the last seat which is supposedly meant for them but seems like Jungkook's place are already captured by a new girl.

A coughing sound was purposely made to get your attention on him. You move your gaze and look up at him.

"Didn't you know the rules?" Jungkook questions you as if you are in an interview with him. You stare at him with a clueless expression. 

"Get out of my place" he growls in deadly causing you to jerk up. Never in your life have you felt frightened by anyone but this boy in front of you has got looks of an angel but the aura of a devil. By looks of him, you can understand that he is from a wealthy family.

You silently take your books and bag not wanting to create any chaos. You are not some main character of a book where you would fight with a rich guy for some dumb seat and get yourself bullied by him. You planned to finish your studies silently and leave college. It's better to avoid such unwanted fights with rich people and getting yourself in trouble.

You move to the empty bench ahead and make yourself seated.

Jungkook glares at your figure before taking his place on the seat. Jimin whistles at you trying to get your attention.

"Don't glare Jungkook, she is kinda cute," he tells in flirty with a voice making sure to get your attention.

Jungkool scoffs in disbelief.

"That girl looks nothing cute, she looks like a fallen pig eww. Low-class peasants like her are even more disgusting" he makes a disgusting face as if he gets the urge to puke. The whole class laughs at his words while you remain in your place completely ignoring his hurtful words.

Jimin chuckles in amusement as he shakes his head. Jungkook is born with luxury and is a silver child. His spoiled nature is gifted by his brother who lets him get everything he wants and his arrogant attitude is continued by the nature he was grown.

"Well then I will try for that chick" Jimin smirks as he scans your back body with his lustful eyes.

Jungkook shrugged off as he pays no attention.

The teacher for the upcoming period comes inside with their books.

"Good morning students, today we have a new transfer student y/n l/n, do treat her nicely"

You stand up and give your classmates a small bow.

"I'm y/n l/n, nice to meet you all"

Small claps were given while the majority of them were staring at you blankly.

Jungkook maintained his glare while staring at you. His thumb finger rubbed against his index finger as his piercing gaze is arrowed through you.

You sat back in your place and opened your book. You took down all the important notes while listening to the class.

As the period of the class gets over the teacher takes his books and leaves the classroom. You open your phone and continue to scroll through it during break time. As Jungkook and his fellow mate Jimin walks past your seat, Jimin pokes your neck which causes you to look at him, he gives you a tiny wink as he smirks in your direction. You give him your plain reaction and continue to look back at your phone.

A few girls come near your place and wave their hands before your face.

You pull out your earphones and look at them in shock.

"Hi, you're so busy with your phone huh? Is it your boyfriend?" One of the girls sweetly asks you. You smile at her and shake your head.

"No, since I don't know what to do I'm just looking into my phone" you nervously tell her. 

She smiles at you and so does the other girl.

"You're an introvert right?" She teases you. You look down in shyness as you nod your head.

"Cool! I'm Lisa by the way" she smiles and extends her hand.

"Y/n" You kindly accept her hand and smile at her.

"And I'm Hana" the other girl chips

You give her your sweet smile while releasing a small nod.

"Welcome to the gang of nobody" Lisa widens her hands while Hana laughs with her.

"What's that?" You ask in confusion.

"It means we are nobody in the college. Nobody gives a damn about us because we don't fit in their rich lifestyle" Hana explains to you clearly. You felt happy meeting someone similar to you.

"Don't mind Jungkook, he does that to every people whom he thinks is below him. He is the richest boy here and everyone here is his dog tail who dances as per his wishes. So don't mind him and it is better to stay away from him which means you are indirectly avoiding trouble" Lisa continues Hana's speech and warns you to be aware of Jungkook.

"Oh" you nod your head in acknowledgement.

"So let's hang around together now. Finally, we are three in a team now. I'm so happy" Hana squeals causing you to chuckle.

You felt happy after coming here and meeting new friends who are similar lifestyles and are open-minded like you.

Now all you have to do is avoided that rude boy named Jungkook at any cost and graduate from college with your new friends But little did you know, your fate has planned differently than what you had expected and a big disaster is gonna hit you.


Hello, y/n's college personality is actually from me. I'm a big introvert but y/n got good friends while I didn't 🥺😭

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

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