chapter 56

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"Namjoon, these are the soft copy of the possible link of Taehyung with illegal activity as I have mentioned in the phone call,"

Namjoon takes the phone from you and looks at the screen, he reads every detail in the section soon his eyes go wide when he stops at the single word.

Deal with "Min yoongi"

He mouth parts as he goes into deep thinking, his mind unable to get the registered name on the document.

You notice his shocked reaction and concluded that something might have striked Namjoon hardly to make him go in a state of shock.

"Namjoon what's wrong?" You tap his shoulder to being him back to a normal state.

Namjoon flinches at your sudden call and blinks his eyes for a few seconds.

"Y/n, did you really get this from Taehyung's place?" He asks for confirmation.

"Yes," you answer him while deeply staring at him.

"What is it about Namjoon?" You ask him

"Y/n, Taehyung is somewhat linked with Min Yoongi," he says through his deep breath.

"Who is that?" You ask, having zero knowledge about the man named Min Yoongi.

"He is the notorious underground criminal who is responsible for the majority of deaths across the city, he is also known as the leader of the famous Yakuza gang, they do every single illegal activity and live in hiding," Namjoon turns his eyes at you and gulps down.

"He is also responsible for the murder of my sister, he smoothly escaped from the hands of the court and my sister didn't get her justice" your mouth falls apart as you patiently listen to him.

"The reason why I joined the police department was to catch that criminal and give justice to my sister and all other young women who are under his clutches,"

Namjoon wipes his tear and clears his throat. You bring your hands and smoothly rub his hands, giving him the comfort he needs now.

"Namjoon don't worry everything will be alright and I'm sure that you will catch that murderer and give him the required punishment," positive words were all you could tell him as a relief of comfort for him.

Namjoon smiles a bit and intervenes his fingers with yours causing you to gasp in suddenly.

"Thanks y/n," he tells and rubs your fingers smoothly.

You smile back at him as an acceptance of his before action.

"Now can you explain to me how is this Min Yoongi guy related to Taehyung?" You come back to the main concept that you were supposed to be discussing with him.

"That's what confuses me y/n, yoongi is a notorious criminal and the statement on the document was clearly between yoongi as his name was mentioned in bold, I still can't believe that a man like Taehyung would be involved with an evil demon like Min Yoongi," Namjoon hits the table with annoyance.

"Y/n, we need more evidence on this, I will continue my investigation on this and you try to gather other evidence that is hidden with Taehyung,"

You nod your head in acknowledgement. Now that you have a confirmation of Taehyung with the undergoing goon your job of sending him straight to jail would be much easier. All you have to do now is find evidence against him and submit it to Namjoon.


"Mrs Jeon I need to see Young Master," Jackson asks Mrs Jeon with a file in his hand.

Mrs Jeon looks at him suspiciously as she tries to recognise the male.

"Come inside," Jungkook gives his command and Jackson walks in without looking at Mrs Jeon who looks baffled by the unknown male.

"Jungkook wait,"

Mrs Jeon's voice stops Jungkook and Jackson from stepping inside his room.

"Who is that? And what's up with the sudden visit of your colleague when your health is still down?" She asks after his suspicious behaviour.

"I don't need to provide you with reasons for every damn thing I do. I'm not your Taehyung," he growls and marches off to his room with Jackson following him.

Mrs Jeon stands still in her place after the shocking response from her son.

"She is from a drowning middle-class family, she finished her schooling on the outskirts of Seoul before arriving here. Her father faced a terrible crash in his company that led to his being fired, he worked as a servant at your house for the time being to run his family-"

" servant? that too in my house? Huh?" Jungkook scoffed in disbelief as he looks at the photos that are being placed on his desk, the detailed pics of your father working as a Labour in his mansion and seal pictures of your schooling which Jackson gathered while doing an investigation about you.

"He seriously married a servant's daughter? He must have done mad" Jungkook rolled his eyes in disbelief as if he couldn't digest the fact a low-class girl got into his family is creating problems for him.

Jungkook scanned through the photos but halts his action the moment his eyes pause at a particular one, it was him with her and the surrounding seems like a public place or looks more like his college.

"What's this?" He asks in pure shock, the girl whom he has never encountered in his life has been in face to face with him in his college, the scenario seems like a perfect edit to him as he couldn't bring his mind to believe this.

"Young master, she was your classmate in your college. She is the girl whom you fell madly in love with,"

Jackson's word completely breaks him down as looks at the picture with his trembling hands.

"L-love" he stumbles his words as he gulps down his lump.

He drops the photo from his hands as he slowly gets up from his place.

"She is the girl with whom you were about to get married but failed because of a terrible accident,"

Jungkook's eyes enlarge as he parts his lips.

"A-Accident," he asks with his shivering body.

Suddenly a moment of flash strikes him, a car being crashed onto the roadside and a girl hits him with an axe on his face,  soon the face clears down as the blurry figure clears its view, revealing you holding a bloody axe and breathing heavily.



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