chapter 36

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Warning violence ⚠️

"Jungkook, don't worry, wherever she is hiding I will make sure that she pays for this," Taehyung grits through his teeth while imagining you. He knew girls like you who would dump guys at the last moment after they are done with their fun. His body burns with furry while his hands pat his brother's shoulders.

Jungkook pulls off Taehyung's hands from him and dashes out of the wedding ceremony. He gets the key and opens his car. Once he gets inside he starts the engine and drives at high speed. He stops at your house and gets off the car. He notices a few people bringing away some things from your home.

"What's going on here?" He asks in confusion to the lady who is monitoring the things being sold.

"The family who was staying here suddenly informed us that they are shifting and told us to sell or use their things, hence I'm selling it off," the lady informs him and goes back to the men who are moving the heavy bed.

Jungkook ignores her and goes insure the house, he looks at the living room for some time and then runs upstairs to your room. He opens your knob and his eyes are greeted with your room which is untouched. He walks inside and scans your room. He places himself on your bed and grips his forehead with his hands.

"Why y/n! Why did you fool me!" He screams out letting out his emotions while clenching his hair. He couldn't make himself believe that you fooled him with your fake love, he slowly remembers the scenarios now, you never said I love you back to him whenever he tells you. You never wholeheartedly smiled at him, all you showed him was a forced smile. His body shivers with anger and pain, the anger at him for believing your lies like a fool and the pain of you never loved him once.

Air washes through his face from the wide open window causing his gaze to shift towards the direction. He looks out the window while the sunlight falls on his face.

He blinks his eyes and looks away but his eyes caught on to something different, a file on the table lamp on yours. He extends his hands and takes the file. He looks at the document which is written your name and age with some hospital name on it. Your health was perfectly fine then what was this about. Jungkook could only wonder that. He opens the file and reads the content in it.

His breathing stops when he finds the word abortion. He grows anxious as he turns the papers in a hurry, he looks at the date, it was dated three days before.

His child was killed by his own mother. Y/n killed his child without even letting him about the life growing inside her. His innocent baby was brutally killed by y/n. He couldn't believe that y/n hid the fact that she was pregnant with his child. His own blood. He slowly travels back and thinks about the day when he asked about your sudden low health and you lied to him saying it's nothing. How dare you lie to him and kill his own child. How dare she?

His fingers grip the file as his knuckles turn white, crushing the file of papers in his palms. He shuts open his eyes with a hostile glare, bared teeth, curled lip, clenched jaw and face contorted with anger. The fire inside him burns him with raging lava as tears of anger flow from his eyes. His throbbing vein was visible from his neck as he rolled his shoulders.

Suddenly a pair of hands snaked around his waist and hugged the raging beast from the backside.

"Jungkookie didn't I warn you about that bitch, I knew she would use you and leave you like this. Only if had stayed with me none of this would have happened" Sana pouts while leaning on his back shoulders.

"Who knows how many men she might have wrapped around her fingers to Jump from one guy to another. What a slut" she spits with imagining your face. Her hatred for you was immersed with tons considering how you stole her dear Jungkook from her.

Sana ran to Jungkook the moment she heard that the marriage is cancelled because she ran away. She couldn't help but mentally smirk and thank you for running away because now it has given her more opportunity to grab her Jungkook and spoil his mind with her bad words about you so that he would forever leave you and be with her.

"Let's get married Jungkook I will talk with my dad ag-" Sana was pulled in front of Jungkook and was harshly slammed onto the wall, her skull dashed onto the wall due to the immerse force applied by Jungkook, and blood flows from her head frightening the girl even more.

"Don't ever give me advice on what to do and whom to be with because I know whom I want and whom I don't," his bloodshot eyes glare through her face, scaring the trembling girl.

"I fucking hate-" he slams her head again onto the wall, "-you more bitch" he again slams her head on the wall, repeatedly hitting her head on the wall like a deranged maniac. The wall becomes coated with blood as the sound of her head being slammed, again and again, rings through Jungkook's ears. Sana's scream was muffled by his arm on her mouth, and soon her voice dried down and she closes her eyes. He grips her hair once he is aware she is out of breath and continuous outflow is blood has stood her circulation to her heart and she is had fallen into a state of death.

Jungkook throws the dead body on the 

"Never ever provoke a raging beast," he growls, his voice sending chills to the atmosphere as his face is covered with the blood of the woman laying below him. His gaze shift to his bloody hands, and a sick twisted smile forms on his lips as he licks the blood from his fingers.

His eyes go back to the rage and the desire to take vengeance on the girl who killed his child and fooled him, a mere girl who fooled the great Jeon Jungkook, he couldn't help but laugh at the thought. He would give you uncontrollable pain and your death will be written by his hands. He would never let you go away from him, even in death you will be with him and he can't wait to taint his hands with your blood. He wants his bloody revenge on you. His obsessive revenge on the girl who dared to play with him and kill his own child without his knowledge. He will never forgive you for this.

He walks away from the room and comes downstairs, his bloody shirt and blood-surfaced face frightened the workers outside the room. soon his eyes fall on the axe present in the kitchen. He makes his way towards it and grabs hold of it in his hands.

"I will kill you y/n l/n," he grits his teeth as his grip around the axe threatens, he turns around and walks out of your past house in order to haunt you down and make you pay for the mistakes you have done. Nobody can play with Jeon Jungkook and gets away with it. They will play ten times worse and now he is hungry for your flesh and blood.


I'm scared for y/n now. We are heading towards the end of the flashbacks.

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