chapter 35

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You look at the reflection while the make-up artist brushes your skin which their tools. Your hair is tied up with a beautiful sliver-coated flower ring-shaped clip to hold your bun and add a more enticing look to your hair.

The makeover artist is busy beautifying you while your face seems dull and dry for a bride, your mind keeps Jumping to yesterday's incident, the boy you adored was that deranged Kim Taehyung. Your mind couldn't bring yourself such an absurd thing but sadly reality couldn't be hidden. It's the truth. A lone tear escapes from your right eye which you immediately wipe off. You shouldn't cry for that low bastard, save your tears and use it for someone who is worthy enough for your tears.

You realised after so many battles of thoughts that people change. Even good people change when money and power wash their hands. It is like a drug which pulls them into a state of arrogance and dominance, thinking that they are above everything.

The beautician opens a box and pulls out the necklace, she opens the hook and places it around your neck and pulls it up till she finds it to be placed perfectly on your neck. Once she is done with your ornaments. She moves back and smiles at you.

"You're ready miss, you are the prettiest bride today," she tells you with a big smile.

You show her a small smile that you appreciate her compliment about you. 

"Thank you," you let out a low mumble while adjusting yourself on the chair.

The door opens revealing your father through the mirror. You turn your head and look at him in shock.

"Dad," you gasp.

"Miss I want to talk with my daughter alone, can you please excuse us," your father kindly asks the make-up artist. The woman beside you nods her head and walks out of the room.

Your father bows his head and once she is out, he locks the door and runs towards you.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" You ask him.

Mr l/n places his hand on your cheeks, his eyes water at the sight of his daughter being forcefully married to such a man. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head while shitting his eyes to stop his tears.
"Y/n, let's run away from here. I have arranged everything, I spoke to my friend in France and got myself a job there, we are leaving now and our flight ticket is ready,"

A hopeful smile plasters on your face but soon it drained at the thought of today's wedding that is about to happen and the security guards that are standing outside in your guards.

"But dad what about those guards?" You whimper.

"It's okay y/n, I know a shortcut from here. Change your dress and come with me"

You happily nod your face and run to the bathroom to change your dress. You wore a simple jean and a top with a cap and mask covering your face. 

You rush out of the bathroom and run to your dad.

"Dad, how do we leave from here?" You nervously ask him while looking around. 

"Come here," your father intervenes his fingers with yours and opening the door of the room. He looks around to see if the makeup woman and the guards are present or not and to his luck they are not. Just like how he asked they gave them the privacy for the father and daughter to speak.

"Let's go y/n," he drags you out and you obediently follow him.

Just a few more hours and you will be away from this country. Your heart Jumps with joy and anxiety. Fear of being caught and you couldn't imagine what would happen if it does. All you could do was pray that everything will go well.


Jungkook stands near the priest, waiting for your arrival. He fixes his tie and nervously waits for you. The day he dreamed of for so many nights is now finally happening. Today you will be married to him and he can officially call you his. Nobody will come in between you and him. You will be his, only his. He smiles at the thought.

He raises his head and loosens above to check if you are coming or not.

"It's time up, please call the bride and the father," the priest tells. Jungkook grows nervous as he looks at Taehyung.

"I'll call her," Mrs Jeon comes forward and walks to call you from your room.

She saw the wide open door of your room, she suspiciously walks forward and looks into the room. She gasps as she backs up. The room was empty and you weren't found anywhere.

Panic builds inside her worrying that you might have escaped or not. She runs to the window and looks at the main wedding centre area. Her eyes couldn't spot your mother or your father. She covers her mouth and runs to the security guards standing near the hallway.

"Where is the bride? Who came inside?" She asks in a panic.

"Mam, her father came telling that he wanted to talk about something so we gave them the privacy" the guard explains about the situation that they know.

Mrs Jeon falls back as she hits the wall nearby. The guards come to her aid and catch her.

"Miss are you okay?"

"Omg! Why did this happen? Y/n why did you run away?" She mumbles while the anxiety and fear of future trouble kill her from inside. She doesn't know what Taehyung or Jungkook will do when they came to know that you have escaped. Things will get horrible and she senses it now.

"What's taking them so lo-" Taehyung stops as he looks at his mother in a panicked state. He rushes to her and grabs hold of her.

"Mom, what happened?" He asks in worry, even though he hated Miyeon for killing his father, he still cares for her as she was the one to raise him and feed him. The worry of a son was seen on Taehyung's face. Mrs Jeon felt bliss at this moment but her face falls when she realised the serious situation.

"Y/-y/n left," Mrs Jeon tells in her low voice, not having the strength to inform him about the whole thing.

"What!" He yells in anger.

"Y/n and her parents ran away from the wedding, they are not in the room," she finally lets out the word she didn't wanna utter. Taehyung's Jaw clenches as rage fills his body. He gently makes his mother stand before storming away from the place.

Taehyung runs to Jungkook is waiting for his love like a lovesick mad person.

Jimin suspiciously looks at Taehyung and studies his face, if he isn't wrong then Taehyung's face convinces him that either something has happened to y/n or y/n has ran away.

"Where is y/n?" Jungkook asks with his nervous voice. His breathing becomes rapid while his heartbeat quickens it's pace.

"That bitch ran away," Taehyung growls at Jungkook.

Jungkook's eye go wide as his lips parts. He moves back shaking his head in denial.

The crowd began gossip about how the bride ran away.

"No, No, my y/n wouldn't leave me," he blabbers like a mentally ill person convincing himself with a flase illusion in order to escape the reality.

"Come to your senses!" Taehyung slaps Jungkook to get him back to sense. Soon tears fill inside his eyes as he pulls away from Taehyung's grip. His mind and heart breaks into pieces unable to comprise the pain he going through. He clenches his chest and weeps like a little child who lost his favourite toy.

"No!!!" Jungkook screams out loud revealing his anger mixed with pain.


Feel the pain Jungkook. The pain you gifted me every day when you locked me and ruined me every day. From now onwards I will never appear in front of you. I will be free from your grasp.

You think while looking away from the window of your car.


Double update

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