chapter 30

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"Come inside let's talk about your affair and love life," Taehyung gestures his hand to go back inside as he walks into the farmhouse. Jungkook's grip on your wrist is hard as a rock as he nervously gulps.

"Get inside Jungkook" Taehyung's voice grew hard as he doesn't like to waste his time. He is not a man of patience and Jungkook's unresponsive attitude triggers him.

Jungkook turns around and walks inside with you, more like dragging you with him.

"Sit," Taehyungs tells while placing himself on the couch.

Jungkook sits on the couch and brings you beside him.

Taehyung deeply looks at your action as he tilts his head, his eyes rather seem like a predator eyeing its prey, analysing your every move. He finally realised that you are the girl that is about to destroy his million-dollar deal with the company. A mere weak girl. He couldn't help but burn in anger at the thought of you hanging around with his little brother.

"Now tell me about your love story. I will listen and then come to a conclusion," Taehyung leans forward as he attaches his palms.

"Hyung, I love y/n" Jungkook simply tells. Taehyung's features grow surprised at his straightforward answer without any backup story.

"Just like that" Taehyung asks curiously.

You wanted to shake your head but Jungkook grips your hands and stopped you from uttering anything.

"We met at college and we have been together for a month"

"Live in?" Taehyung raises his eyebrows as his eyes switch between you and Jungkook.

Jungkook grows tensed as his breathing becomes uneven. His grip on your hands lessens as his body shows the symptoms of anxiety. For the first time, you have witnessed Jungkook's anxious face. Jungkook is never afraid of anything but the man before you have Jungkook under his knees with his every digging question.

"Yes," Jungkook confess. Taehyung nods his head.

"I think that's the reason you ran away from your house without informing your parents and causing chaos just to be with Jungkook" he finishes off his sentences as he looks at you for an answer. This man has indeed done clean research behind your background and your current status.

"No it's not like that" you voice out to deny that you ran away with Jungkook.

Jungkook becomes tensed and he immediately grabs your hand and shakes his head in denial.

Taehyung notices the strange eye communication between you and Jungkook.

"Fine, whatever it is. You still need to return back to your family and stay with them like a good daughter instead of hitting on my brother for money. Understood!" He comes to the clear point he wants to convey and glare through your eyes.

"I never hit on him" you yell at your defence. You are being wrongly accused and you can't watch it go continue. This man is indirectly throwing insults about you and your family which you can never accept.

"Y/n loves me! She is not with me for money" Jungkook immediately voices out after accusing you of such names.

"Oh really?" Taehyung leans back on the couch and crosses his leg arrogantly.

"Is that why she pulled you into the swimming pool and seduced you to kiss her in front of the whole party" Taehyung frowns at Jungkook's defence towards you and attacks him with another backstory of yours and Jungkook.

"I didn't seduce him at all!" You scream as tears cover your face. You didn't realise that you cried due to continuous insults being thrown at you. You never committed any mistakes. It's always Jungkook who troubled you, threatened your family, and ruined you both mentally and physically yet in the end it's you who is being framed as a slut. You couldn't help but scoff at the irony of the rich people.

"Fine then be a good girl and leave my brother. Case closed. Jungkook you come with me" Taehyung finishes off in a commanding tone.

"Never!!" Jungkook aggressively stands up and glares at his brother.

"Y/n is mine! She stays with me. I want to marry her" he yells like a ten-year-old child who is bent on getting what he wants. 

"Shut up Jungkook. This marriage needs to happen and my million-dollar business deal depends on this" Taehyung growls after getting annoyed by Jungkook's stubborn attitude.

"I don't care. Y/n comes with me" Jungkook pulls you closer to him and tightens his grip.

Taehyung huff's out and sends an eye signal to his guards.

The bodyguards pull you away from him and throw you beside him.

"No! Give my y/n to me" he struggles as he tries to get away from them, he tries to throw punches and kicks in their direction but being late his mouth was covered with chemical clothes and made inhaled the medicine. Soon he falls into a state of unconscious. One of the guys grabs him and takes him to the car.

You helplessly watch as Jungkook is being thrown into the car. 

You didn't know what to feel. Whether be happy that you finally got your freedom or fact that you got humiliated do nothing.

Soon you feel the man's breath near your neck. You immediately flinch and move back in fear.

"Money or men! State what to want and get lost in my brother's life! I have seen low-life peasants like who do anything for money. Whether it be playing with rich men's hearts or running after their money" he spits out in disgust as if he had a long rivalry with poor people or in general he genuinely hates being in their presence.

Whatever the reason is, he doesn't have the right to insult you like this when you did nothing wrong.

"I didn't do anything! It's all because of your brother!" You grit your teeth back at him.

Taehyung chuckles in mockery as he eyes you from top to bottom.

"One more word and your good-for-nothing parents will meet your ancestors" he threatens you openly. You clench your fist as anger burns inside your body. How dare he threaten your family in front of you. The audacity of him to speak when his family is at the fault.

"Stay away from my brother" he warns you again and walks away from the place.


Double update 🤩

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