chapter 45

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You stride to your room but before you could reach Mrs Jeon caught your wrist and dragged you to the dining table and made you sit on the chair.

"Why are you in a hurry? You didn't eat anything in the morning and left early," Mrs Jeon scolds you like your mother when you forget to have your breakfast.

"Here, first eat something and do whatever you want," Mrs Jeon places the plates before and arranges your dish.

You nod your head at her and began to eat down the ingredients.

"How is it?" She asks in curiosity.

Your mind screams confusion at her sudden change of behaviour. You have never seen her like this and now it's bugging you.

"I-its good," you tell her in uncertainty. You look down and slowly gulp down your food before taking a small glimpse of her.

Mrs Jeon sighs in relief and pats your back.


That's all you could mumble after witnessing her different behaviour.

Mrs Jeon sneakily looks to her side and makes a hand gesture to Taehyung who is hiding behind the wall. He smiles automatically and mumbles a victory yes to himself. He put so much effort to make something for you guess what it did work for him. You liked his cooking.

He didn't want to make to uncomfortable by making his presence before you hence he decided to just watch you eat from hiding. He wants to be comfortable and stable with him.

After finishing your food you mumbled thank you to Mrs Jeon and left the place.

You opened the door and stride into your room. You placed yourself on the bed and paced out into your world of thoughts. You are now guaranteed that Taehyung is the man behind Jimin's death after witnessing his sudden care with his change of behaviour and his asking about your whereabouts on that particular day.

If Taehyung has the guts to murder someone this easily then he must have contacts with the underground world and mafias, you knew all your allegations towards him sounded crazy but considering all the evidence and his past activities he must have some illegal connections with the dangerously dark world. Otherwise murdering someone of such high position men is easily caught and killed.

Right now all you need to do is find something that might connect to his illegal business. You need to search for his past activities and his involvement in them. You have to look into his workroom otherwise it would be a difficult task for you to bring him down.

You mind immediately concludes that Taehyung might have gone to his work and now it would be a good time for you to google his workroom.

You peeked through your door and looked around to check if anyone is present or not. Once you find the clear route of the pathway, you make your way towards Taehyung's room and open his door knob and sneak yourself inside.

You can his working room thoroughly, a table with few documents, his swivel chair placed before the won't open window, and cupboards surrounding you.

You immediately run to his table and open the drawer. You looked at some of his documents. Mostly everything was work-related or business-related which you had no use of. You need some concrete evidence against Taehyung. You placed other files back into their place and closed the drawer. You opened the below drawer and checked the files but nothing of these silly papers is impressive in your eyes.

You sighed heavily and closed the drawer angrily. You looked around and found another locker at the last phase of the table. You try to open it but sadly it was locked. You tsked in annoyance and scanned over the table to find the keys. If the lock is sealed then this must be something of importance so you need to open this locker in order to get a grasp of the possible evidence inside it.

"The keys-it must be here " you murmured while pacing your hands on the objects above the wooden table.

Suddenly the doorknob twists and enters Taehyung. Your eyes go wide when you lock your baffled gaze on him.

Taehyung seems to be taken aback by your unexpected appearance inside his workroom but soon his expression changes into suspicion as he scans up from top to bottom, wondering the reason for your unwanted presence in his private room.

"What are you doing here?" His voice sounds cold as ice, the very familiar cold look which he harbours for you.

You were so stupid to be caught by him, what you thought was he wasn't present inside the house but guess what he is. You should have guessed it the moment from Mrs Jeon's strange actions and questions.

"I- I was just-" your voice struggled to find balance after being caught red-handed. That's it, Taehyung would become suspicious of you and now he would never open up himself to you.

"You were what?" He maintains his stone face while his gaze is intensely fixed on yours.

"I was curious about your workroom and I wanted to take a look" you wanted to slap yourself for coming up with such absurd words.

"Looking into my locker?" He raised his eyebrow as he studies your tensed body. You gulped down your lump when he attacks with questions. You took a deep breath and opened your mouth to give him some excuse.

"I wanted to see our wedding pictures. I couldn't find it anywhere so I thought you might have hidden it in your personal locker," you attack him emotionally as if you cared for that dumb wedding that happened months ago.

Taehyung's face softens when he hears your care words about the wedding. That's right, he didn't show any photos or albums taken from the wedding because of the unforgivable grudge he held against you. He didn't want you to share any of those tiny moments of memories that a girl would feel at her wedding. He wanted to completely isolate you as if you weren't a thing for him to care but guess the scenario has reversed and now it's he who is dying to be held and cared for by you.

"It's okay, I will get the album photos. It's with me but not here." His remorseful voice calms your panicked state. All you could do what thank God for making him buy such a nonsensical lie.

"Sure," you let out in a tiny voice and hurriedly walks away from his room.

Taehyung's neck snaps to get a glimpse of you when you walk past him. He lets out a sigh of relief and walks inside his workroom. He sits on his chair and buries himself into deep thought.

After last night and today's thoughtful action, he could conclude that you cared enough for him or at least wanted to give this marriage a try.  He smiles to himself and thinks of a wonderful date as a starting point for bringing this relationship into a strong and healthy one. He calls for his assistant and orders him to arrange the best date for the couple at the most expensive place.

Today he will confess about his feelings and the thoughts of bringing this marriage to life but unknown to him the very girl he is planning to impress is already planning something tedious behind his back.



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