chapter 8

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Taehyung slams open the door and look to his right side. He spots you immediately standing up from your previous seated bed. He marches to you.

"How dare you?" His deadly growl pinches your soul as tears of pain glisten in your eyes.

"How dare you touch him with your filthy hands! you ugly bitch!" he smacks hard on your tear-stained face, resulting in you falling on the cold floor. you silently cry while taking all his abusive words.

"Everything is your fault! I hate you so fucking much" Taehyung yells out as he clenches his hair in frustration.

you stay back in fear, you gently get up from the floor clenching your cheeks which was abused by your husband a few minutes ago. You slowly move backwards, not wanting him to notice your exiting figure. Before you could succeed in your silent escape, he grabs hold of your wrist and pulls you to him. He roughly grabs your jaw and brings your face close to him. 

"Don't ever have a thought of escaping from me because-" he leans forward near your ears.

"you're mine, you're only mine to destroy"

A sudden flashback hit you as you recall the same words being drilled to you.

"You're mine y/n, you're mine to love, mine to keep and mine to destroy! Everything single damn thing about you is mine! Get it!"

You gasp out as your body shiver and a wave of anger mixed with the essence of fear captures the control of your body.

"Fucking let me go!" You push him and throw him a deadly glare. Taehyung stumbles back in shock at your unexpected move.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Your eyes widen as you point your finger at him. Your chest paces back and forth at your heavy breath.

"Or else I'll kill you" you growl while pointing your finger at him indirectly threatening him to take another step toward you.

Taehyung never thought that you would react violently towards him. His face morphs into furry when he realizes your capacities. Indeed you tried to kill his brother and no wonder your violent tendencies are uncovered to him.

Taehyung moves forward with his dark expression while you stay at your place in unmoving and your hatred-filled face visible to him. He grabs your wrist causing you to wince in pain at his rough treatment.

"You love showing that filthy attitude huh? It might have worked with my brother but not with me!" He spats before dragging you out of the room.

"Let me go" you wiggle your wrist from his hold but nothing helped against his hard ironed grip.

He drags you downstairs as the servants inside the mansion stare at you being ruthlessly dragged by their master in pity.

"Let go-"

"Shut up bitch!" He spits while pulling towards him.

"Taehyung! What are you doing?" A mature female voice rang in your ears as you turned to see Taehyung's mother, Mrs Kim Miyeon

"Mom stay back and don't interfere with my matter" he growls causing Mrs Kim to back up. She sighs in sad as Taehyung never listens to any of her words. Ever since his dad passed away he has been dominating and giving rude attitude to everyone, even to his own mother and the news of Jungkook's sudden accident has destroyed her joyful son into an animalistic person.

All She could do is watch you being suffered by her son's hand because she held no power or her son's respect for her.

"I'm sorry y/n" she mumbles hanging her head low.

Taehyung throws you on the cold floor and turns back to lock the basement.

You touch your forehead which is bruised from the fall. You could smell the dried blood and rotten ammonia hitting your nostrils strongly. You realised that this might be the room where he tortures his enemy and probably kills them too. It's not that you not familiar with this kind of environment, four years of imprisonment have taught you how to survive in these conditions.

You turn to Taehyung and watch him moving into the dark room. He switches on the bulb and goes to bring something. Your heart beats fastly as you curiously look at what stunt he is gonna pull on you.

You're not afraid y/n. You're strong. Be strong and Stay strong.

You repeatedly chant the following words inside your head trying to get the strength to face the upcoming hell.

He comes back with a rope filled with spikes. Your eyes widen in horror as he rolled the edge in his hands fixing his dark gaze on you.

"From now on you will never raise your voice against me"

Your breath stops for a second before realizing the rope spanked your body as your scream of pain echoed through the room.


He whipped you for hours and left you on the death bed. After a few hours, you became numb as you lay half dead on the cold concrete. Your clothes were torn, fresh blood drawing from your wounds, bruise covers your face and dried tears. Your vocal chord couldn't release any voice due to your extreme scream of help and pain.

Nobody, Nobody came for help.

You have nobody.

All you had is your mom and now even she is taken far from you.

What did you do to get this hell? What sort of bad deed did you commit to in your past life to get experience this hell.

Will, you ever gain happiness or else will you die being abused like this. Even death seems like a good option to you now.

You were in his claws of chains and your desire for freedom and happiness is completely demolished. The cold breeze hits your body as if it's the only piece of salt added to your wounds.

At least you got to experience the chill air rather than being stuffed into a cage or thrown inside the tunnel.

"Somebody save me"  that last words of help were out of your mouth before going into your deep slumber.


Who is joining hands with me to save y/n?

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