chapter 10

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"Y/n how come you're in Taehyung's house?" Jisoo questions after some personal chit-chat between you and her.

Your mouth falls apart as you nervously switch your eyes balls left and right, unable to gather words that would be most right answer to her question.

"She works here as a maid, my mother recommend her and she agreed" Taehyung's deep voice speaks up. You nervously look at him and shift your gaze back to jisoo who looks confused.

"Y-yes he is right I work here" you nod your head and force out a smile.

"But why y/n? I don't think you were financially unstable" Jisoo seems more certain about you as she knew about your background and family status.

" mom is sick and I need urgent money hence I took a loan and I'm planning to repay it by working here since Mrs Kim knows me well and the pay is really good" you gather all possible lies and muster them into sentences and try to convince her.

Jisoo grows worried as her eyes display her worry about you. She leans forward and engulfs you into her arms and hugs your team tightly.

"I'm sorry for your mother y/n, she will definitely be okay soon" she pulls back and smiles at you.

"If you need any help don't be scared to ask me. I'm your friend" you smile at her sweet words. Jisoo is always known for her sweet and kind nature. She was the most popular girl in the school and no wonder why men liked her. She is kind for this world.

Taehyung rolls his eyes as if he is clearly irritated by your chit chat with Jisoo.

"Anyways y/n, I'm getting engaged soon," she tells as her smile draws a line of shyness.

Your eyes widens as you seem little tensed at her sudden words. You knew it has to do something with Taehyung.

"With Taehyung, I and Taehyung are finally going to get married after our three long years of relationship" she confesses before looking at Taehyung with a shy smile.

Anger bursts inside you as you shoot a glare in Taehyung's direction.

This disgusting man! How dare he?

He married you and now he is again marrying your friend. What a two-timing bastard. You couldn't help but get the urge to choke him to death. You knew all this engagement drama is just to take his sickening revenge against you. He is just fooling around with an innocent girl's heart. You can't let this happen Jisoo. You will not allow it.

"W-why? I mean h-how" you ask her with a little stuttering.

"Oh y/n actually Taehyung approached me for his brand advertisement and thus we met and become close, like really close to the point that I'm getting married to him" she happily tells you.

Uncontrolled anger of lava covers your eyes as you see through his play. He knowingly approached Jisoo so that he could use her against you. That man is indeed mentally sick.

"Jisoo you can wait right" you nervously tell her to skip the engagement but she smiles at you and pats your back.

"Y/n no need to be worried, Taehyung is a good man and he will take good care of me"

"Of course honey, I will" he comes forward and kisses her forehead before turning his sly snake face towards you.

His dirty smirk never left his arrogant face. 


Taehyung helps Jisoo to her room. He looks around and stops his gaze at Jisoo.

"Thank you Taehyung" Jisoo says with her sweet smile while Taehyung looks confused about her sudden thanks.

"Why suddenly?"

"You saved my best friend Y/n. She and I have been close friends and she is the only person who supported for my dreams and gave me all my emotional support. Indirectly she is the reason of my achievements" Jisoo hugs and leans on his chest.

"You're really kind and sweet, that's why I love you so much" she mumbles and leans on him.

Taehyung mentally scoffs at her words.  You even manipulated Jisoo into your sick games of having strong people by your side, first his brother and now Jisoo who thinks you're an angel from heaven in reality you are nothing but a sinister snake who waits to grab the opportunity to make people's he'll for your selfish desires. That's what he had made himself think about you. Now he will play the same game towards you. He makes all your loved ones hate and make you go through hell every day.

"It's no big deal honey" he wraps his arm around them and kisses her forehead.

"I'll always make sure y/n gets what she deserves," He says warmly with a tint of dark hidden twist of words which seems to hide the fade on its originality. Jisoo nods and smiles.

"Take some rest. I'll be back soon" he withdraws from her embrace causing her to pout.

"But I want to stay with you. Let's cuddle" she pulls him closer.

"Not now Jisoo. You must be tired from the long flight. So rest now" he tells her sternly. She nods and turns her back sadly.

Taehyung notices her sad face and pulls her back into their arms. He crashes his lips on her and pulls her into a deep kiss. Jisoo smiles through the kiss and she wraps her arms around his neck and drowns herself in his passionate deep lips. The couple continues their intimate making out as the time passes.


You patiently wait outside their room which is filled with disgusting moans and groans. You roll your eyes and suppress yourself before bursting out.

The door opens jerking you back to your senses.  Taehyung looks taken aback by you.

"What are you doing here?" He immediately shuts Jisoo's door and drags you away.

"Are you stalking me? such a needy whore!" He spits with disgust.

You couldn't help but scoff at him at her ridiculous accusation against you.

"You wish Mr Kim Taehyung" you casually reply as if you weren't bothered by it at all.  Your mocking reply angers him and he grips your shoulder, digging her nails into your skin.

"Say that again bitch" he growls.

"Let me go!" You push his rough hands on you and back away.

"I don't care about your stupid engagement or your affair. You can love whoever you want and you're free to do whatever you want so don't state me as some stalking wife who is obsessed with your shit because I'm not and I fucking hate you! I came here only to inform you that I wanted to visit my mother." You turn your back and walk away from him.

Taehyung's heart broke slightly at your words as he realised your motive. But soon he masked it up with his cold aura.

"Stop, I will take you there"

"No thanks I can manage" you denied his unwanted command.

"No, I have to make sure that you don't whore around with other men because your name is tied to me and my reputation is based on that" he walks and stands before.

"Let's go wife" he pulls your wrist and drags you with him.

You wanted to punch him in the face but you keep remaining in your brain about your mother. One year and you will be free.

All you have to control is for one year. And then you will be free and you will make sure to bring his ego and arrogant ass under your feet.


Finally update

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