chapter 41

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Taehyung moves to your room with you in his arms, he used his shoulder to push open the door and makes his way inside. He lies you down on the bed and covers you with a blanket. He places the medicine packet on the nearby table and looks at you for a few seconds. He switches off the light and closes the door before walking out of the room.

Taehyung hurriedly makes his way out but before he could, his wrist was grabbed by Jisoo. He looks at her confused and shakes his hand.

"Let go Jisoo," he gently says but her eyes bore holes through his body.

She harshly drags him to her room and pushes him onto the bed, she locks the door and dashes towards Taehyung. She clashes her lips against his and forcefully kisses him. Taehyung's face grows shocked at the sudden unexpected action of Jisoo. Soon he realised that he doesn't like her method and pushed her off him.

"What's wrong with you Jisoo?" Taehyung asks annoyed by her advances.

"What's wrong with you!" She screams his question back to him.

"What are you denying me? You always went by my words" she yells out, unknown to her the tears that she controlled so much is flowing down her cheeks.

"Jisoo, let's not talk now. I have some work," Taehyung tries to calm her down but she rejects his hands of comfort.

"But I do have something to talk" she voices out louder. She walks to the table and opens the drawer. She takes the photos and throws them on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung shuts his eyes and flinches back at her sudden throw of papers on his face.

"What's all this? How will you explain it to me?"

Taehyung grabs the photo and looks at it, his eyes go wide as feature frown upon the pictorial view in the photo, the marriage between you and him. His breathing fastens and his heartbeat quickens its pace.

"How did you know this?" He asks with his low voice while crushing the picture in his palms.

"It doesn't matter how I got to know it, all that matters here is you and your two-timing personalities," she strikes at his real point.

"Aren't you such a manwhore! One woman for marriage and love and another woman for lust and sex!" She spats out truths after seeing his true face.

Taehyung grip on the crushed paper tightens and bites his teeth and shuts his mouth. He knew he had no right to be angry but still, he didn't like the way she is insulting him. She has no right to talk shit about him.

She couldn't believe she fell in love with such a bastard. Even though her heart breaks into pieces for insulting him she has to do what is right.

"I'm leaving today, from now on I don't want to be your fucktoy or the girl whom you need to release your stress on. I have my self-respect. I don't want to be the home wrecker in your marriage, I just wanted to be loved not to be used" her voice quivers at the last phase and moves to pick up her packed luggage.

Taehyung silently sits on his bed drowning in his thoughts and a little bit of ego is overshadowing him from approaching and apologising to her.

"I kissed you just to test whether you liked me or not, but guess what you don't," she smiles through her pain.

"And one more thing, don't hurt y/n. She is a good person. I have been with her since my teenage years and there is no one as kind-hearted as her. Don't pull her into your baseless revenge. Do your research properly before you come to conclusions and ruin people's lives," Jisoo tells him her last advice and moved out of the room.

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