chapter 54

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Jungkook groans in pain as be dashes inside the washroom. His red eyes look at the mirror version of himself, he looked broken, and uneasy and the unwanted pain clouded his head. As messed up as he was, he couldn't shrug off the conversation he overheard earlier.

His heart hurt for an unknown reason as if he is madly in love with you. But he knew all these thoughts are wrong and it was never true. How could he fall for a girl whom he met for a few days, impossible right? He convinced himself by murmuring those words and pouring fake comforts on him but still, something is bothering him as if the most important part of his life has been taken away from him.



A deep whisper of voice rounds his head as he clenches them in hurt, he vigorously shakes his head trying to get rid of the voice but none of that helped.

"Kill, kill everyone that has betrayed you," it growls like a needy poison filling his brain cells slowly but before he could absorb it into the venomous pit the voice of his mother pulls bum back to his consciousness.

"Jungkook!" Mrs Jeon calls for her son from the other side of the door.

Jungkook opens the door and walks in casually as if nothing had bothered him a few seconds ago.

"Yes, mom," he asks in his weak voice, playing the role of a weak patient.

Mrs Jeon smiles and cups his cheeks with her right hand.

"We are going to welcome a new baby Jungkook, your brother is having a baby," she informs him with her delighted heart, in a hope that Jungkook would leave all his rivalry with you and begin a bee journey with happiness.

"I see, wish congratulations for them on behalf of me," he says with his light voice causing Mrs Jeon's bright face to fall. From what she could read from his expression that he wasn't happy about the news at all.

"Are you not happy for your brother?" She asks him with her heavy heart.

"Mom, I am happy for him," he tells with a small force of smile.

Mrs Jeon shakes her head and withdraws her hands from his cheek.

"Jungkook, I think it better to forget about that nightmare about y/n. She isn't like that at all. She is sweet and caring, I'm sure she will take good care of your hyung. It's just a random memory of yours-"

She immediately shuts her mouth at the mention of the word memory. Jungkook squints his eyes and looks at his mother.

"My memory?" He asks, suspicious of of the most related word to his trauma.

"No No, it's nothing. You should forget it. Go and take some rest," she immediately dashes out of the room and leaves the confused boy alone.

Jungkook sits on his couch and begins to scrutinise all the incidents that have happened to him the moment he wakes up from his wound. He knew is missing something and it has something to do with his memory.

He lies on his bed and closes his eyes. He needs to get himself right and begin to search the answers to his questions and the confusion that is killing him from the inside.


"Y/n have this," Taehyung brings up the spoon of porridge to your mouth, and your eyes remain away from him with an annoyed expression.

Taehyung let out a sigh from your ignorance.

"Y/n, you fainted due to less intake of food and I don't want that to happen especially when you are carrying another life inside you, so please have something," he brings the spoon closer to your lips.

You immediately slap his hands, causing the spoon to fall on the floor.

"Don't act like a caring husband in front of me," your cold voice drains all his joy from his face.

"I never wished for this and neither you did so don't go around acting all nice to me when in deep down you wish to have me dead,"

Taehyung shakes his head in denial.

"No y/n, it's not true. I love you and it's from my heart," he tries to beg his way to you but you shrug him off with an annoyed sigh.

"Remember one thing, I don't like you and neither do I like this thing growing inside me. In fact I'm ashamed of myself for carrying a blood of an abuser inside my womb. I wish this child die as soon as possible or a possible miscarriage-"

A loud crash of ceramic stops your words, you look at the ground where the scattered pieces of the ceramic vessel then you slowly shift your gaze at raged Taehyung who is breathing fire through his lungs. You concluded that he broke the vessel out of anger, such a short temper guy.

"Don't! Don't ever say that again!" He growls in his deep voice and roughly gets up from his seat and walks away from the room.

Mrs Jeon looks at her son walking away with anger coating his face, she then shifts her gaze to you and looks away disapproving.

You wait for them to leave you alone, and you sigh in relief and lay back on your bed. You look at your tummy and grip or harder. You never expected this to happen, you never wished to be pregnant, that too not from your abuser. You have this child, you didn't want it at all but if you chose a reckless action of abortion then you are afraid that you might end up in dead just like last time with Jungkook. Taehyung seems to be angered just by few words that you sprouted, if you had gone in actual abortion then result would be much worse that last time.

You close your eyes and began to think about your mother.

"Mom I miss you," you mumble in your shivering voice as tears threaten to fall down.



Let me remind you that this story is not like others, females will get justice for sure, please don't conclude anything before.

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