chapter 62

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"Sir, I have collected and recorded all the meetings of Kim Taehyung and Min Yoongi, they are indeed responsible for the elimination of the political leader and also major crimes in the city," says the detective who works under Namjoon's lead.

Namjoon takes the recordings and views them one by one. He claps his hand in happiness and turns to his other mates who helped him in this case, risking their life and sneaking into Min Yoongi's secret meeting place under your proof.

"Good job all of you, this is solid evidence against Min Yoongi, confessing his own crimes by his mouth and with y/n's documented proof we can arrest Kim Taehyung and Min Yoongi immediately, let's go"

The men nod their heads and follow behind Namjoon.

Min Yoongi, you are done for sure. This time you won't escape the police. You will pay for your crimes.

Namjoon walks with determination.

You slowly get the phone on the table side and unlock it, you open Namjoon's contact and message him quickly about the incident that's happening here and inform him to come straight to the farmhouse.

"She is my wife you stupid!" Taehyung throws him on the floor while glaring at Jungkook.

You immediately place the phone on the table and stand at side afraid that you might be on their radar.

Jungkook immediately gets up and looks at Taehyung with the same rage.

"I met her first! She was supposed to be married to me! She was mine at first but you-" he points his finger towards Taehyung "-being a sneaky snake decided to steal my girl and marry her huh! You think I would be some guy who would give up my love for his traitor brother!" He shouts at his brother whom he previously considered his blood brother.

Taehyung's face falls as he slowly registers Jungkook's accusation.

"You lied to me from the beginning!" He aggressively stomps his feet on the floor while sharply fixing his gaze on Taehyung.

"You lied about y/n and me so that you could swamp in and make her yours?" His frown deepens which shuts Taehyung from speaking up further.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself, my so-called brother! Stealing his brother's bride and acting like I did all the mistakes but remember one thing. Y/n was mine before and she is only mine," he specifies his last phase which angers Taehyung

You roll your eyes in annoyance at his stupid ownership over you. You are neither owned by him or Taehyung. You hated how these two talk about you as if they have claimed their part over you.

"Jungkook stop it" Taehyung raises his voice at his childish attitude.

You look at Taehyung who becomes dark and a dangerous aura forms around him.

"Y/n is not a thing for you to own. She doesn't love you anymore. She is married to me and she is my wife so accept the reality and move on. I don't want to hurt you," Taehyung tells sternly and turns to you.

"A thing not for me to own?" Jungkook laughs crazily as if Taehyung uttered something so stupid.

"I took her into my farmhouse, I kissed her first and I made her obey everything I order her. It was me who first got the taste of her body unlike you. I owned her before,"

"What did you say?" Taehyung asks in confusion as he tries to break in his words.

"I fucked her and blackmailed her to stay with me in return for her parents. So naturally I have the ownership over her not you!"

Taehyung's world crashes below as he slowly takes in his words. Y/n was freaking forced by Jungkook and he failed to see that and made her suffer for his brother's mistake.

"I own her!" Jungkook's loud voice stops his motion.

"Stop it" Taehyung's low voice gives off a stern command.

"Fucking hell! You think you can hurt me huh?" Jungkook walks forward and shrugs Taehyung's shoulder.

"Do all you want but I'm not gonna give up. I have decided to make y/n mine and will succeed in it. Nobody can stop it not even you" He pointed his finger at his brother.

Taehyung's anger reaches at a peak and he punches him straight at his face. Jungkook immediately leaps forward and throws his hard punch on Taehyung's face. He bends down and grabs Taehyung's collar hitting him repeatedly on his face and causing the blood to ooze out.

"Y/n is mine, you bloody bastard" Jungkook while he mercilessly punches his brother.

You slightly smirk in satisfaction at the sight of Taehyung getting punched by Jungkook. You couldn't help but feel the moment of bliss watching him getting beaten by his brother whom he fought so much for. He blackmailed, tortured and abused you all for this ungrateful brother.

Taehyung swiftly dodges the punch and pulls him onto the floor, below him. Taehyung nicely punches him with his ring-fisted fingers straight into his eyes causing Jungkook to groan in pain.

"She is my wife. I will never give her to you, I destroyed an innocent woman for you!" Taehyung groans crazily as he grips Jungkook's neck.

You ignore the two men fighting for death and try to make your way out but before you could get out Jungkook grabs your ankle and pulls you beside him, you scream out as you fall onto the floor beside him. Taehyung immediately releases his hold on Jungkook's neck and rushes over to you but Jungkook being a smart one, kicked him right on the stomach and shoved him away from him and you.

Jungkook pulled you to him and grabbed hold of your wrist. He stood up making you stand beside him.

He back hugs you as he crazily smiles at Taehyung.

"Like it? See? She is melting to my touches,"

You glare at Jungkook while struggling yourself under his stronghold around you.

Taehyung becomes angered as he looks at Jungkook's hand edging closer to your stomach.

"Ha, now I remember! You have your child inside her right? Exactly right here" Jungkook places his hands above your stomach rubbing dangerously.

Taehyung clenches him while his take hardens, ready to kill him for touching his butterfly.

"What if I kill it?" He slightly squeezes your stomach causing you to wince in pain.

"Don't Jungkook!" Taehyung shouts as his expression screams terror.

"My child got killed for nothing so I should kill your child too right? After all every man desires equal rights?" Jungkook's smiles creepily scare you terribly.

"No jungkook stop it-"

"Shut up baby you don't deserve to speak" Jungkook glares at you and turns his sarcastic smile back to Taehyung.

"Shall I?" He asks while pulling out his pocket knife from his pant pocket and edging it closer to you.

Soon Jungkook's eyes go wide and in a moment of second his mouth parts and the grip around the knife drops.

You scream out loud closing your eyes and covering your ears. Jungkook's grip on your body is lost and you feel him dropping to the floor.

A pool of blood surrounds him as he lay dead on the floor with a hole over his head.

Your terrified eyes snap at Taehyung who is holding the gun after shooting it at his brother.

"Nobody hurts my child and my y/n, she is mine" he growls deeply looking at Jungkook's dead body.


Doubly update

Jungkook's dead 😪

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