chapter 60

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You barge open the door and look around the place.

"Mom! Mom" you began to call out for her while looking around here and there.

The place looked like an old basement which is locked for years. Why would Jungkook call you in a place like this? You couldn't help but tension fills your brain, and your blood runs cold as your breathing quickens its pace.

You run into different rooms of the place trying to find your mother but you couldn't get a glimpse of her.

Suddenly your phone draws your attention to it. You pick up the call and place it near your ear.

"Where are you?" You growl as anger coats your face.

"Wow wow calm down baby, anger doesn't suit you at all," he laughs on his side while you shut your eyes and bite your lips controlling your raging anger.

"Oops sorry I think I gave you the wrong address," he fakes his voice into worry as he pouts his lips.

"What!" You yell through your phone.

"Please come to Okigawa complex," he says and cuts the call.

Your frown deepens as you exit the place and grab a taxi making your way straight to the Okigawa complex.

You run inside the complex mall and your phone vibrates. You look at the pop-up message.

"Come to the parking area"

The message says.

You take up the lift and hurriedly clicked the button to the parking area.

Once you reached there you looked around the place hoping to find him but your display your mother and him were not present in the whole place. You frustratingly pull your hair as tears fall down your cheeks.

"Where the hell are you Jeon Jungkook! Stop playing with me," you tell out, few men and women who came to get their car look at you weirdly as they move away from you.

You fall on the floor on your knees as you cry hysterically.

Your phone rings again making your weeping face to look at it. You slowly swipe the call button and bring it to your ears.

"Can't find me there baby?"

You could clearly see his satisfaction from playing with you for hours. His pleasure in making you suffer always lightens his mood whether it was past or present.

"What do you want? Get to the point clearly," your numb voice made him chuckle.

"I think now you might know how it feels to be searching for your loved one huh? Was it fun? Or was it killing it upi internally wishing to die for loosing your precious person?" He asks with a serious tone. Your face returns back to confusion as you listen to his words.

"You made me go through the same thing on our wedding day. You disappeared out of nowhere and I had to search everywhere like a madman to find you but to my hope, I couldn't find you anywhere before losing my sense. I lost my precious thing and it killed me internally. The only thing I wanted was to die after the pain of withdrawal you caused to me,"

Each word grits in anger while expressing the emotions he felt when you ran away on that day.

"I'm not interested in your nonsense, just tell me where my mother is" You flush out all his blabberings as if you have zero interest in his words. All you wanted was your mother and you would do anything to get her back.

Jungkook chuckles from the other side of the phone causing your frown to go deep.

"I knew that's what you were gonna reply. Come to my farmhouse. The same place when I slowly fell for you as you feed lies to me," he hangs up after mentioning your place of arrival.

You turn around and make your exit from the parking area, garbing a taxi middle to reach his farmhouse.


Taehyung pulls off his coat and loosens his tie while gazing at himself in the mirror. Suddenly his mind flashes to you, he didn't see you in the house when he arrived from the office. He grows suspicious of your outings, your recent outings have increased which makes him think that you might be planning something fishy behind his back.

He heads downstairs and calls for you. He had no response and made his way straight to your room. He found your room empty and he couldn't spot your wallet or your phone. You might have no out and he needs to know about your recent visits. Things are going out of his hand and he feels like you are slowly slipping out of his hands.

"Mom, where is y/n?" He asks his mother hoping that she might know something about your whereabouts.

"I'm sorry Taehyung but she doesn't inform me anything about her visits,"

Taehyung nods his head at her and makes a call for his assistant.

"Track y/n's number, I want her whereabouts right now," he gives the order and Roy instantly replies with yes.

Taehyung cuts the call and patiently waits for the call from his assistant.

Suddenly his phone rings grabbing hold of his attention, he immediately swipes the call button and enquires about you.

"Sir, Mrs Kim is currently heading towards the farmhouse that belongs to Jungkook sir,"

Taehyung's eyes go wide as his lips parts slightly at the sudden unexpected news.

"W-what. What is she doing there?" He whispers as he clutches his phone tightly.

"I don't know sir but her location is heading towards the farmhouse,"

Taehyung groans in annoyance as he began to think about your heading to his brother's farmhouse which is closed for years after Jungkook's comma.

"Sir! Sir!"

Taehyung immediately replies and asks for a response.

"Sir even Jungkook Sir's location is being placed at the same farmhouse in which Madam is heading,"

Taehyung's breathing stops, the words which he never wanted to hear are being bluntly informed by his assistant.

"Are you sure?" He grumbles

"Yes sir for sure,"

Taehyung cuts the call and tightly grips his smartphone, unleashing his uncontrollable anger.

"Fuck!" He yells throwing the phone on the wall, and crashing it into pieces.

"Mom!" He shouts for Mrs Jeon.

Mrs Jeon rushes to Taehyung's place and looks at him, soon her eyes snap to the broken phone to and she gasps covering her mouth.

"Where is Jungkook?" He growls deeply scaring the poor woman.

"He is not home Taehyung, he went somewhere,"

Taehyung immediately kicks the nearby table and screams out loud, imagining the possible affair between you and Jungkook.

"Never! Fucking Never will I hand over my butterfly to him! Never! Y/n is mine only mine," he spits with hatred before storming out of the house.



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