chapter 49

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Taehyung wakes up after the long hot night between you and him. He smiles to himself as the sunlight falls on his face, feeling the bliss of happiness inside him. You felt good with him. He takes a deep breath and shifts his gaze to your sleeping body. He pulls your  body closer to him and began to shower butterfly kisses on your neck.

You groaned in dizziness as you stretched your arms. Sleep was sinking in your eyes threatening to close them.

"I love you y/n," he mumbles and began to place rough kisses on your neck. Slowly he moves below and sinks his head inside your cleavage.

"Taehyung stop-" you giggled as you try to pull him off you. He retreats and displays his boxy smile.

"You are addicting baby," he tells and places a kiss on your forehead.

You turn your head from him and slightly curve your lips into a sly smirk.

Of course, I'm addicting as hell, I knowingly put on your favourite perfume and wore the most seductive dress to lure you with me

"So are you" you lean closer to him, your lips barely touching each other as his hot breath hits on your lower face.

He smirks before smashing his lips on yours. You respond to his kiss and pull him closer to you while engaging your exploration in his intense kiss. He pushes you onto the bed and pulls off the blankets from your naked body. He grinds his length against your thighs while his focus remains on your lips.

"You are still hard after all those rounds " you tease him with a smirk.

"I'm always hard for you" he whispers seductively before kissing you back. He parts your legs with his thighs and places his hardness against your pussy, rubbing sensually.

You groan in sexual frustration as you pull him into a deep kiss.

"Don't tease," you growl in dominance. Taehyung smirks and thrusts inside you.

The couple engages in making love as the room fills with moans and grunts during their intense.


Taehyung walks out of the shower with a robe covering his naked body, the water drips from his soaked hair giving him a sensual aurora surrounding the room. You sigh out as you fold your hands and check him out from top to bottom.

He tilts his head and fixes the cramps in his neck while walking to the bedpost to pick up the dress he ordered from the hotel assistant. Soon his phone rings bringing his attention to the vibrating screen on the table. You shift your gaze to sideways and look at his ringing phone.

Taehyung walks to the table and gets his phone and looks at the screen.


He swipes the call button and places it near his ear.

"Yes, mom-"

"Taehyung! Taehyung!" His mother panicked voice sends him to the edge of worry as he grips the phone tightly.

"What's wrong mom? Did anything happen to you? Are you sad?" He bombarded questions about his mother as his worries for his mother increased further.

"Jungkook" she breathes out as her grip on the phone threatens.

"What's wrong with Jungkook's mom?" Taehyung grows even tenser at the mention of his brother. All sorts of fear stumble to him, what if something tenacious has occurred to his brother.

Your curious face darkens a little when you hear the word Jungkook being spoken by Taehyung. Your heart beats slowly and steadily as you pull up the blankets covering your naked body and get off the bed, slowly walking towards Taehyung.

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