chapter 37

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Warnings ⚠️ violence

"Dad are you sure mom is already at the airport?" You ask your father while looking at the time. Honestly, you were worried about your mother. It's past the actual wedding time and Jungkook and his family members out have come to know to about your disappearance from the room.

"Yes y/n. She is waiting at the airport. Don't worry we will reach soon" he assures you. You give him a small smile and look at the window.

For every second your anxiety increases worrying about what would happen if you didn't reach to the airport on time. Will Jungkook catch you? Will Kim Taehyung kill you for the betrayal you did to his brother?

You try to divert your thoughts from your mind. Your phone rings bringing your attention to it. You look at the caller ID.


You smile as you attend the call and place it near your ear.

"Hello, mom-"

A sudden clash happened to the car you are travelling in within seconds, the window glass near your seat shatters into pieces and strikes towards your direction but luckily your father reacted fast and pulled you inside his arms and hid you from the glass strike, you hit your father's chest from the forward pull while your father gets hit on his skull by the car seat. The car rolls over the road and dashes through the edge of the cliff, the 3/2 of the front portion of the car is hanging freely while the small backside is on the road.

You open your eyes after few minutes after the impact. Your legs felt numb and blood oozing from your head doesn't help at all. You moan in pain as you try to get up from the broken seat, once you can move, you look for your father, you see him laying under the seat, he was fully covered in the blood causing you to cry out.

"Dad," your voice sounds broke with a lace of softness applied over it while continuously crying over your unconscious father. Suddenly, a hand catches your arms and pulls you up from the broken window of your car. The ray of sunlight falls straight on your face, burning your fresh blood wounds, and adding more pain to your broken body parts. You try to look at the stranger who pulled you out of the car but the strong sun rays blind your eyesight.

"Please help my father-"

Your words stop by themselves when your eyes lock their gaze on Jungkook. He smirks at your helpless figure and throws you over the road, you bump onto the hard road further injuring your wounds.

He looked different from the Jungkook you first met, this Jungkook looks more dangerous, like a hungry animal which is released after its years of imprisonment, his wedding suit which he brought lovingly in the presence of you is now covered with the blood of innocent and the new sick twisted smile on his blood surfaced face is adding more horrific look making him look like a serial killer on a hunt.

"Karma is bitch right baby?" His voice hints at mockery as he crouched too. your level, he grabs your jaw and digs his nails through your cheeks. The pain is nothing compared to what you faced when you were locked with him. You can endure this physical pain and if not you would end up dead. But for now, you weren't bothered by your health, all you are worried is about your father fighting for his life in that car.

"Well, you are lucky to be alive. I really aimed for your head but guess what your father saved you taking all the hits and you escaped tsk. What a pity" he shakes his head as he looks at you with fake worries.

"P-please sa-save m-my father" you uttered with great difficulty begging for him to help your dying father.

"Really? You want me to save him? How about this, bring my dead child back to me and I will save him, sounds like a good deal right?" He talks with his smiley face as if he just didn't try to kill you minutes ago.

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