chapter 29

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Jungkook made you some healthy soup after hearing that you were unwell. He went through all youtube cooking video tutorials just to prepare you some healthy food. After feeding you with soup and making you sleep, he left his farmhouse locking it outside.

He has already made up his mind that he will make sure to cancel this engagement. Nobody can take place the role of wife other than his y/n. Only you deserve that spot. He will marry you soon and make you officially his.

He casually made his way inside his house to make an appearance so that he could discuss about this stupid engagement of his.

"You are home" Mrs Jeon's voice made him halt his steps.

Jungkook nervously nods his head as his hands explore through his pocket.

"You are grounded for some days Jungkook" her word froze him to his place as his face is baffled by her words.

"What! What did I do?" He screams in anger unable to disgust the sudden words from his mother.

"It's not mine but Taehyung's. He wants you to be grounded for some days till the engagement gets over" she clearly informs him about Taehyung so that she won't get in the middle of her son's hatred.

"He can't do this to me! Where is he!" He yells in anger going through the house trying to find Taehyung.

Suddenly, some guards arrive and drag a screaming Jungkook back to his room.

"Let me go! Fuck! I'll kill you all" he shouts at them with his threatening voice but the guards don't bulge.

"I'm sorry Jungkook" Mrs Jeon mumbles with a hint of worry.


Jungkook walks back and forth as his mind goes frustrated with each second passing. He looks at the clock and gets tensed as the clock ticks towards 12.

His y/n must be waiting for him and here he is being grounded by his brother. You might have not even had dinner while waiting for him and it worried him to the core but unknown to him that you are enjoying you are time alone with yourself and have already eaten your dinner with a full appetite.

He immediately gets an idea and calls for his friend Jimin.

"Hey, Jimin, come to my house now" he orders and cuts the call.

Jimin looks at his phone with a look of confusion.

"The hell," he mumbles annoyingly and gets up from his bed to go to his best friend's house.

Jimin asks permission from Mrs Jeon and walks towards Jungkook's room. He looks baffled by the security guards guarding his door.

He informs them that he is a friend of Jungkook and they gladly let him in.

"Jimin change into these" Jungkook pulls out his shirt revealing his hard abs and throws it towards Jimin. Instead of catching the shirt he immediately covers his eyes with a scream of disgust.

"Dude! Don't show your body to me. Show it to your horny fans" his voice coated with disgust while squinting his eyes.

"Shut up and strip," Jungkook says in annoyance.

"What! Are you mad? I'm a guy-"

after witnessing Jimin's flushed face Jungkook understands the meaning Jimin is getting from his actions.

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