chapter 19

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Your grip around your bag tightens as you walk through the hallway. Your body shudders with nervousness when you look at your surroundings. Students gossiping about you, girls talking shit about you, calling you slut and whore for getting Jungkook's attention while men throw vocal assault you with comments on your body.

All you planned was staying out of trouble but guess what your future said the opposite and now you have the eyes of everyone. Every student from different section and grade rushes to see the girl whom Jungkook kissed in public.

"It's her right" one of the girls mumbles while boring holes in your direction.

"Yes, such a slut."

"We should have never trusted such silent ones. They are the real player here" another girl spits in jealousy.

"She is actually hot" one of the boys comments while licking his lips.

"Yeah and Jungkook never leaves sexy chicks. He might have fucked the hell out of her"

"Damn, I want to taste her" the boy laughs with his while throwing comments at you.

Your ears heard every insult thrown at you but you didn't want to show any reaction so you maintain your silence and walked away from the place.

You go to your class and place yourself in your seat.

Two girls come to your seat, the blonde girl slams her palms on the table. You flinch a tiny bit before looking up.

The girl is Sana and her friend.

"Stay in your line!" She snarls.

"Jungkook is mine. We are soon to be engaged and don't poke your nose into him or else you will have to see the worse of me" she spits with hatred while throwing her glare towards you.

You watch her going back to her seat with a scowl on her face.

You sigh in displease. How many enemies will you gain after this new drama? All you wanted was to go back in time and stop yourself from going to his stupid party but guess what everything is ruined and now you have to live with this new life.

"Y/n" Hana whispers near your ear causing you to jolt up in fear.

Hana laughs at your scared face.

"Sorry I just played with you" she chuckle. You breathe out in relief and shit your gaze away from her.

Hana saddens by your pissed-off face.

"I'm sorry y/n, it was all because of me. Only if I didn't take you there none of this might have happened" she apologises for her stupid suggestion and dragging you to the party when you had zero interest in going there.

"It's okay Hana leave it. At least I have you guys who don't look at me with hatred" you mumble.

Hana hugs you and pats your back.

"Don't worry y/n, you have us. We will always be with you" she tells you and goes back to her place. Lisa gives you a smiley nod and returns to place.

You lay on your desk, acting like you are asleep so that you won't catch the eye of those rich boys.

Jungkook makes his way inside and walks past your bench. His eyeballs move to the side to see you asleep on your table. He smirks and goes to his place and seats himself.

Once the teacher arrives inside the classroom, you sprung up and open your notebook to take up the notes and ready to listen to the class.

Jungkook's face twist in a series of annoyance when he notices your active face as if you weren't acting like you were asleep.

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