chapter 39

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Taehyung's sharp eyes narrowed at the male entering inside the cabin and placing himself beside him.

"Hyung the meeting is over, now shall we talk," Jimin says while pouring the coffee into the cup and handing it to Taehyung.

Taehyung internally scoffed at the audacity of the male to act all nice and flesh as if he didn't touch his wife.

"Yes," Taehyung deeply watches him before accepting the cup of coffee.

"I fear that y/n is planning something against you," Jimin opens his mouth to bad bitch about you without asking about Jungkook's health or his. Finally, Taehyung could see how two-faced Jimin actually was.

"What is she planning?" Taehyung plays his game and gets along with Jimin's words to test him.

"She came to the police station and made a revised complaint about her mother's case and she is teamed with my lower cop to bring you down," He takes coffee and brings it near his lips to take a sip, his eyes maintained on Jimin who is sprouting nonsense to him.

"Not only that she is also seeing that cop. They seem pretty close for strangers, you should look after your wife Hyung, she is such a two face slut, she seduces every man she meets and gets them hypnotised under their gaze-"

Taehyunh coughs before Jimin could continue his useless rant. Taehyung could see very well that Jimin is trying to manipulate his mind against you so that he would treat you horribly.

"I'll see you soon Jimin," Taehyung gets up and fixes his ties.

"Okay, Hyung be careful of that woman" Jimin again says, trying to remind Taehyung about your attitude.

"I will," Taehyung forces out his smile and walks away from the scene.


Jisoo instantly grabs your hand and pulls you up.

"Y/n, let's go for my wedding and engagement shopping," Jisoo suggests while shaking your hands.

"Who are all coming?" You slowly ask her.

"Taehyung and Mrs Jeon," she says with a smile.

You think for some time, it would be the perfect opportunity to go through some of Taehyung's information which can be grabbed from his room since none of them will be in the house.

"I'm not coming Jisoo," you politely deny her request which results in her sad pouty face.

"Please y/n just for this once, I need you to help me in choosing better dresses and rings, please please, I have no friends. You are my only one so please come come" her whiny pleads made you melt and you weren't able to deny her advance. With great difficulty, you accept her request to accompany her to the shop.

Jisoo had the brightest smile and drags you to get her room to make you get ready.

Jisoo goes through each dress with Mrs Jeon helping her. Taehyung sits on the couch and waits for Jisoo to try on her each dress, his gaze slowly turns to your direction who is standing a couple of meters away from them leaning towards the wall. His gaze softens and unknown emotion of care stirs inside him when he observes for more than a minute. He doesn't know why is feeling all this but he is liking it unknowingly.

Jisoo turns around and steps towards Taehyung and grabs his forearm to drag him near her.

"How is it?"

She twirls her upper sleeveless long blue coloured gown with a tint of shining glitters surrounding a few parts of her dress giving it a shining look.

"Nice," Taehyung forces out a smile and says with zero interest. Jisoo notices his less presence on her which makes her face fall.

You stand at the corner and observe the interaction between Taehyung and Jisoo, how her excited face is falling every time he doesn't give a good response to her. You knew this would happen sooner or later, honestly, you felt bad for her. She did not deserve this assshole. You want to tell her the truth now but you are worried about the pain she will go through when she hears this and the hate she would feel for you when everything comes to light.

You turn around and leave the place not liking to be in their presence, you walk in the hallway of the mall trying to forget about them, it's not that you are jealous but every time you look at her you feel guilty for betraying her, she always makes you happy and helps you a lot but all you are giving her is betrayal.

Taehyung slightly turns his head to get a glimpse of you but his expression frowned when his eyes couldn't find you anywhere.

Jisoo places the dress on her and shifts her smiley face to Taehyung her expression saddens when his focus is elsewhere, she looks at him searching for something or someone.

"Are you looking for something?" Jisoo asks slowly.

"I'll be back," Taehyung says and hurries out of the shop.

"Eh- Tae-" before she could stop him he is out of her sight. Jisoo places the dress on the holder and runs behind Taehyung.

Mrs Jeon looks at the dress with a blank face and sighs heavily.

A hand grabs your wrist and pulls you towards someone.

"What-" you at the stranger and wiggle your hands from his grip.

"Wow, you are so beautiful. Wanna go on a date with me," he smirks while his gaze travels from top to bottom on your body, wondering how it would feel around you.

"Hell no, let me go" you snarl with your deep voice, struggling from his stronghold on your wrist.

"No way. I just got hold of you. Kiss me-" he moves forward to have a taste of you while you bend backwards and shut your eyes and lips with a disgusted expression.


Suddenly his grip on your wrist is left and you open your eyes and straighten yourself. You look below only to witness Taehyung throwing punches at his face.

"How dare touch her you ugly asshole!" He spats and gives a hard punch to his nose. The man groans and clenches his nose as blood oozes out.

Soon, security arrives at the scene and pulls away the man who harassed you.

Taehyung gets up and jerks her both hands, stretching his hands and fixing his sleeve buttons. His black orbs meet yours with worry. He rushes towards you and pulls you into a strong hug.

"Don't leave my sight, I'm afraid something will happen to you again. Just stay beside me," he breathes while pulling you closer to his body, feeling your warmth on him.

Your face frowned further not wanting to be in his embrace, you try to pull away but he tightens his hold around you.

Jisoo runs to the place but she halts down when her eyes met with Taehyung hugging you. His eyes held the care and love which she has never witnessed for her. The love she longed for is now being seen by her but for another woman. She gulps down as her body freezes on the spot unable to function properly. Her eyes fill with tears, and she takes her step backwards and soon turns around and leaves the place.

Mrs Jeon watches the whole scene with her eyes. She needs to do something to stop this ridiculous love triangle.



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