chapter 23

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It has been a week since Jungkook's last appearance in the college and all you had was peace. Sometimes Jimin teases you with his dirty comments on you which you can handle. Jungkook's matter was worse considering his way to threaten your family. You genuinely felt thanks to his mother. At least she is sensible in that family.

The whole college felt peace after Jungkook's sudden disappearance. The boys were glad that they won't have to fame their smiles when they see him and a few girls were glad to be away from his radar sight. But some girls were sobbing about his sudden disappearance.

"Jungkook is grounded! OMG, I can't imagine it" Hana laughs while covering her mouth.

"Y/n you are really brave to complain to his mother. None of us has ever done this," Lisa says as she places her right hand on your shoulder.

You let out a soundless laugh.

"He went overbroad and there is a limit to my patience"

"But you need to be more careful now, once he returns I'm worried that he will do something viscous to you" Lisa slightly feels worried because Jungkook never spares anyone who messes up with him.

"Let's not worry about the future. Let's enjoy the present" you shrugged off not wanting to think too much about this matter. Currently, you are free from and that's all matters.

"By the way isn't he your partner in the assignment," Hana says dropping another bomb on you.

"Who cares, I will do everything by myself and add his name." You simply tell her.

"Hm smart" Lisa smiles.

"Anyway let's go to the class"

What you failed to notice was Sana hiding behind the wall and overheard your talks about him.

"It's because of you that my Jungkook darling is grounded!" She curses under her breath.

"Bitch! I won't spare you! Wait till I inform this to him" Sana smirks before waking away from the place.


"Die! Die!" Jungkook rasps as his concentration is maintained on the game he is playing. He aggressively clicks on his remote button as his character in the game shoots every people left and right.

Suddenly, his big screen switches off chasing him in a State of shock.

"What! Who the fuck-" he gets up and looks above. He stops in his spot looking at Jimin holding the plug wire.

"You never learn do you?" Jimin mocks him as he rotates the plug.

"You bitch-" Jungkook leaps forwards and tries to grab the wire but Jimin moves back and hides the plug behind him.

"Give it back, I'm bored as hell! Give it to you-" Jungkook throws curse after curse as he is annoyed as hell. Jimin laughs adding more fuel to Jungkook's burning state. Jimin loves annoying Jungkook to the point that something would break at end of their silly fight. 

Finally after a huge struggle, Jungkook gets back the wire and plugs it into the power supply. He switches on and continues his gaming.

"The whole college is breathing is a relief after your disappearance," Jimin says while Jumping next to Jungkook's place in the fluffy couch.

"Let them enjoy the peace. Soon I will be back and make all those idiots get a horrible punishment for celebrating my invisible presence in college" Jungkook smirks while playing his game.

"Why did your mother ground you out of nowhere?" Jimin suddenly asks.

"I was drunk as hell" Jungkook replies as his game character swings a kick at the other male.

"It wasn't like you weren't drunk before? Why the sudden change of attitude" Jimin asks in suspicion. Jungkook always gets home drunk. It's not something new to him which made Jimin find it so fishy.

"I don't know. Maybe she might be in bad mood" Jungkook shrugged it off.

"Hmm" Jimin hums in response and joins with Jungkook in the game.

"Young master, Miss Sana is here to see you" the maid stands by the door and informs him.

Jungkook's lips twitch as he groans while shaking his head.

"Why is this bitch here" he rasps, getting irritated by her sudden presence.

"Maybe she might have something to tell regarding college or maybe Y/N" Jimin smirks while raising his eyebrows at Jungkook.

Jungkook thinks for a few seconds and orders the maid to let Sana in.

After a few seconds, Sana rushes inside and back and hugs Jungkook.

"Jungkook baby I missed you so much" she whines as she leans on his shoulder.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. All he wanted is to push this clingy girl off him now.

Jimin giggles while covering in his mouth with his hands and turns to face the other direction.

"Okay okay. Tell me why you are here for?" Jungkook pulls her off from him and directly comes arrives at the question.

"Jungkook, don't Hang up on your future fiancee like that. Your girl says she misses you and you didn't reply anything to her" Jimin says dramatically while the sad Sana nods in agreement with Jimin.

"Yes. Jimin is right Jungkook. I came all the way to meet you but you never asked about me" she pouts sadly. Jungkook tries to control his burning lava which is ready to burn Jimin into his fire for getting him wrapped up with this dumb girl.

"Hey, it's not like that. You're my only girl and I really missed you too" Jungkook forced himself to hug her so that he could get the reason why she came. Jimin silently laughs. If there is nothing he is getting from her then he will make sure to order Jimin. 

"Now tell me why you are here?" Jungkook comes back to the main topic.

"Baby, it's all because of that Bitch" Sana spats in hatred while thinking about you.

"Who?" He frowns.

"Y/n. That bitch complained to your mother about you hence now you're grounded by Mrs Jeon" Sana blabbers all the information she gathered by sneaking around you and your gang.

Jimin smirks as if he expected something like this to happen.

Jungkook's rage slowly raises to a peak. His jaw clenches as his veins pop through his neck ready to kill anyone who comes in his way.

"Y/n l/n. So now you got the guts to come near my family huh let me see then" Jungkook's first tightening as he gets from his place and rushes out.


Now y/n needs to be extra careful

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