chapter 63

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Your mouth widen as you look at the horrific scene. Did you just witness a murder? That too by his own brother. You couldn't believe it that everything happened so fast that you are failing to register it in your mind. Taehyung killed Jungkook without even having second thoughts. How could they kill someone whom they loved so much just for a girl?

You grow mad thinking about the previous scenario. Taehyung comes near you and side-hugs you.

"Are you okay y/n? He won't hurt you anymore. He is gone, I will cover this murder with my men. You don't have to worry about anything-"

You immediately pushed him off you and looked at him with horror. He just acted as if it was no big deal to murder his own brother. This man is no good for you. If he had the guts to kill his brother whom he loved before then if you tried to cross any limits the he would murder you too. You can't stay with him any longer. You need to escape your own.

Taehyung looks at your horrified face and tries to step forward to calm you but you immediately ran away from the room.

"Y/n!" He screams and runs after you. Some of his guards appear from outside at the loud noise from inside. They look at you who is running past them.

"Catch her you, idiots!" Taehyung shouts at their dumb move.

The guards immediately get hold of you and pull you in their grip.

"Let me go!" You struggle under their grip around your wrist.

Taehyung comes rushing and pulls you to his chest, while his one hand resting on the gun he used before.

"Why are you running from me y/n? Why? I did so much for you. I even killed my brother who caused so much pain for you yet you run away from me?" He asks as if he is enquiring about a child who tried to escape from her father.

"Let me go Taehyung or else-"

"Or else what!" He withdraws the hug and grabs your shoulder.

"What will you do! Do you think you can escape me and live happily with your mother? No way! I would search the entire world to bring you back with me. Do you understand!" He yells out causing you to flinch at his sudden outburst.

Suddenly few unknown men arrive at the place and surround Taehyung and his men with guns pointed at them.

"Throw your weapons," says one of the men.

The guards immediately place their guns down on the floor and raise their hands in surrender but Taehyung looks at them with red eyes.

His grip around you tightens and glares at the men surrounding him and you.

Namjoon comes out and walks forward clenching his gun and pointing it towards Taehyung. He gives a signal to his men to look inside the house. Soon they rush in and look inside the place. One guy finds your mother being tied, he immediately pulls off the rope from your mother and carefully brings her back.

A few of them immediately rush back to Namjoon.

"Lead, Jungkook is shot dead inside a room," they reply in shock.

Namjoon looks at Taehyung and grips his guns.

"Kim Taehyung you are under arrest for partnering with Min Yoongi and being involved in the assassination of the former political leader and Mr Jung Jaesung. Now you are also being charged with the murder of Jeon Jungkook," Namjoon says.

Taehyung looks defeated as he slowly withdraws back and drops his gun. He raises his hands in surrender.

You immediately run from him once you feel his grip on you.

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