chapter 13

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The dark vision was fading from your view as you gently open your eyelids, your blurry vision and your strained arm muscles with headache add more discomfort to your body. You try to get up but you failed badly and were pulled back to the soft fabric by your body. You groaned as you twist your face with the feeling of pain.

You try to pull your arms back but your failed attempts of force as have resulted in you gaining your vision and your sense of mind. You immediately look beside you and notice your hands being cuffed to the bedpost. You roughly yank your hand back but the shared edges of the handcuff pierce your wrist causing you to release a moan of pain.

You look around and try to gather the surroundings. The room is locked up with you in the bed and a few closet lights, a table lamp and Ac. You grow worried as you wonder who might have kidnapped you. You wait for some time hoping that someone might come inside. Shouting for help won't help you in any way rather it will anger the kidnapper and you will be in some other worse case of scenario.

After an hour of waiting you hear the sound of the opening of the doorknob. You snap your head towards the entrance trying to see who this person could be.

As your eyes meet the man unlocking the door and walking inside with a smirk plastered on his face, you gasp out as you lock your eyes with him.

"Jimin" you mumble in disbelief. Why would he kidnap you? Why?

You didn't know what you did to get kidnapped by this man who was once your colleague and trusted companion.

Slowly you gather the information about your past incidents and then try to conclude that Jimin might be the person whom you're suspecting behind your mother's mysterious accident.

"What do you want?" You impulsively ask him.

"You" he rasps out.

You clench your fist as you glare at him.

"What's up with your face? Are you angry?" He mocks you as he bends forward his head.

"You give yourself to men easily then why not me baby. I have always admired your body since college but since you were Jungkook's girl I didn't touch you but now, you longer have any relationship with him so I can do anything I want" He trails forwards as he walks near your bed.

"So how about it? Let's spend one night" he raises his eyebrow as he crooks his head at you like a creepy pervert.

You spit over him.

"Have some shame bastard" you growl at him.

Jimin's breath rages as he digs his nails into the bed. He releases a series of giggles as he wipes his face.

"I guess you're forgetting that I'm not Jungkook to take in all your insults" he rasps out, raging over you and pinning your body on the bed. You let out a yelp as you try to wiggle out of his firm grip against your shoulder. He attaches his lips on to yours as his hands work to remove off your clothes.

"Stop! Let me go!" You desperately cry out with your hands being tired and no one to help you but he remains deaf to your pleas.

"Mmm," he moans as he inserts his tongue inside your mouth refreshing himself with the full taste of you.

You close your eyes bit his lips to stop him from going further.

"Ah" he lets out a painful hiss as he detached his lips from you. He notices a small ounce of blood coating his pump layer. He shifts his dark gaze towards you and gives you a slap across your face. Your head whips to the side at the impulse force applied by Jimin.

"Don't you say bitch! Obey me like a whore," he warns you before pulling off your clothing one by one.

And then the time went on with you screaming for help and him taking over your body again and again. Soon you became numb and let him do whatever he wanted. He smirks in victory as he takes you to different positions and completely shatters your body with his sinful work on you.

"God! You're the best babydoll, Now I see why Jungkook and Taehyung is crazy about you" he groans as he lies himself beside your naked body. Your emotionless face stares at the ceiling not giving him any response.

Jimin smiles when he sees your static face. He loves the soulless expression on your face. He cups your cheeks and makes you look at him.

"Baby, You made me so happy today so why don't I reward you with something now?" He tells you.

You don't listen to him but just look at his face with no interest. The man who ruined completely today.

"Your mother" your eyes widen at his words as you put your full attention on him.

"She came to me to make a complaint for you but guess what we both got into an argument and that old hag made insulted me in front of my place so I did what I had to those to disrespect me,"

your frightened eyeballs tremble horrifically as you look at him.

"Eliminate her. It's me who eliminated her" he says proudly as he laughs like a mania.

"You badly wanted to know about your mother's sudden accident right? Now fill it inside your brain. It's me Park Jimin. I will always make sure they pay for disrespecting me" He tells in between his laughs.

You remain still on your bed as painful tears cover your dreadful eyes.

"Don't cry babydoll, at least be happy that she is not dead." He tells after noticing your tears.

"Anyway I really like your body and I want it for all-day. I will pay you really well so let's meet up every day and fuck" he shamelessly suggests as he rubs his thumb across your face. How badly you wanted to break off his finger but the sad reality is that you're tied and you couldn't do anything against him.

"Release me Park Jimin and I will show you what I'm really good at" you shake your handcuff as you shift your face towards him and smile at him with your tear-glittered face.

Jimin lets out an evil smirk at your bold response.

"Are you trying to be a smart baby?" He asks you.

"No, I'm just being the whore you want. Release and I will show you what pleasure I can give to you" you whisper to him as you show him your most sexy side. His hands get locked as he stares at you with his lustful eyes, ready to devour you again. He immediately smashes his lips against you and he kisses you deeply. You also replay to kiss as you put in your tongue to give him what he wanted. After a few minutes, He pulls out and stares at you like a hungry beast.

"God, you are so addicting,"

"Only for you" you lean towards him. He wraps his arms around your waist as he pulls you closer to his manhood.

"Get me out of his handcuff Jimin, I will show you what I'm capable of" you subjectively whisper near his ear. Jimi smiles as he pulls out the keys and unlocks your hand.

"Show me babydoll, I want you to show me," he tells like a lovesick male who is obsessed with your body.

"I will show you real hell" you grumble as you thrust the knife into his thighs.

Jimin screams out as he looks at his bloody legs.

"You bitch!" He curses.

"I had one for emergency purposes and I managed to throw it below before you took off my clothes, I would have used it before but my hands made it an impossible task,get ready for Jail Park Jimin. For raping Kim Taehyung's wife" you growl at him and throw your knife at his face while he yells out in pain.

"I won't let you bitch! Never!"

"Yeah wait for your prison time," you tell him and give him a couple of rough slaps on his face causing his pale cheek to go red.

"Enjoy bastard, I will never let you off for trying to harm my mother" you glare at him before unlocking the door and making your way out of the bloody house.

"Park Jimin, you're done"


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