chapter 59

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"Namjoon what about the location which I send you?" You asked him as you are getting ready to make your visit outside.

"Perfect y/n, I got the tracking of the location. I have sent my men in disguise to get the possible information and evidence," Namjoon informs as he works on his system.

"Well done Namjoon, keep me updated about the news that you collect from the place. I'm pretty sure I heard Min Yoongi's voice from Taehyung's phone when I attended his call. I guess there must be another meeting reading some matter. But I did listen to him stating that he removed Taehyung's business rival and the amount is to be paid to his account," you pour out all the information you heard from his phone.

Namjoon's grip on the phone tightened when his ears pierced with yoongi's so guessed meeting with Kim Taehyung.

"Thank you y/n. I will keep you updated with the news and please stay safe. I'm afraid Kim Taehyung would cause harm to you," his worries regarding your safety prickles him as you stay at the red radar in Taehyung's eyes. He has already sent you to jail and Namjoon fears for the worse if he had come to know your sneaking behaviour of his information.

"Don't worry Namjoon, he can't harm me because I carry something so precious to him and he wouldn't even let any harm come to the way so don't bother about me. Just look for yourself"

Namjoon grows shocked at your blooming confidence of being safe from Taehyung's eyes. But anyhow he needs to trust you and makes sure that you are protected well.

"Okay Y/n, take care"

"You too" you hang the call and look yourself at in the mirror. You fix your hair and pick up your purse.

You walk out of the room and make your way to the side of the road to stop a taxi. You extend your hand to stop the taxi when your eyes spot one. You get into the taxi and tell him about the hospital location you want to go to.


Taehyung gets off the his SUV and makes his way inside the same old building.

He lowers his collar and scans the place which is surrounded by security guards, dressed as a goon.

He casually walks inside and comes in face-to-face with Min Yoongi.

"Hello yoongi," he says and sits on the seat with several bodyguards surrounding them.

"Nice to see you here after yesterday," Yoongi puffs out the cigarette as he arrogantly curves his lips up.

"I wish I could tell the same," Taehyung responds with a mocking smirk.

Yoongi scoffs as he leans forward. He throws a bunch of photos on the table.

"Here you go,"

Taehyung scans the photos thoroughly, he picks one of the pictures and an evil smile coats his face.

The picture unfolds with a man whose head is hanging below on the floor as the cut on the neck is correctly visible with a pool of blood covering his area.

He shifts to the next photo revealing another dead woman shot on her forehead.

"Good work Yoongi," Taehyung smiles before tearing up the photos in his hands.

"You don't have any copy of this right?" He asks once more.

"No," yoongi answers.

"Great," Taehyung nods his head and signals his man by clicking his hands.

The male steps forward with three suitcases and places them on the table unlocking them.

Yoongi's eyes brighten at the money inside the suitcases placed in front of him.

"This is what I love about you Taehyung," Yoongi smiles as asks his men to collect the money placed on the table.

"I'm a businessman and I do everything for my profit if I'm spending on this money then I'm about to get a hundred times this amount,"

Yoongi sighs as if he is not interested in his words. His only motive is extracting money and he has got all of it.

"Anyhow nice doing business with you, I shut the mouth of that Jung Jisung permanently and the chance of this getting out of this room is zero percentage," Yoongi assures him.

Taehyung nods his head and plans to depart from the place but Yoongi's sudden question stops him.

"Anyway who was the person who took your phone? I blabbered everything in that call I hope it was not something serious,"

Taehyung's lips parted as he inhales.

"I trust that person and nothing will go wrong," Taehyung informs and walks away from the place.

But unknown to Taehyung and Yoongi, a big unknown disaster is to attack them. A couple of experienced detectives were in disguise recording every single of their conversions.


You get off the taxi and walk to your mother's cabin. You open the four expecting to see your mother peacefully sleeping on the bed but to your panic she was not there. Your heartbeat began to pace up as your eyes look around the place trying to find the presence of your mother but she wasn't present anywhere.

You hurriedly ran outside and informed the receptionist about the sudden disappearance of your mother.

"Mrs L/n room no 15 second floor, the patient is missing, please check immediately!"

The nurse began to search through the no of visitors for your mother. Tears began to pool up in your eyes worrying for innocent your mother.

"Miss I think Mrs L/n was discharged early this morning, " the nurse answers which shatters your entire world. Your eyes go wide as the line of tears falls on your cheeks.

"How is it possible! I'm the one in charge of her! How could someone else discharge her" you become angry at the staff as you hit your fist on the table at your every sentence.

"Mam, the person is from your family that's why she was given access to discharge."

"What! Who the hell-"

Your phone starts to ring, and you swipe the call button and place it near your ears.

"Y-y/n" your mother's stuttering voice whimpers through the phone.

Your grip became tighter as tears began to flow from your eyes. You shut your eyes and carefully hold your phone. Listening to your mother's voice felt so much like home.

"M-mom y-your awake, I-I mean finally after so-so long-"

"Hello baby," a mocking voice blooms causing you to gasp out.

Your grip on your phone shivers.

"Come to see me if you want to see your mother or else I guess the history has to repeat itself," he tells as he slams the axe on the hard floor.

"No!" You scream, and your body trembles as you shook your head repeatedly.

"Please don't do anything to my mom-"

"I'm not the man with patience y/n, come fast. I want to feel you on me," he groans on the other side. You shut your eyes in disgust.

"I will come to see you Jungkook,"


Jungkook never learns 🙄

Few more chapters are left

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