chapter 6

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You took a deep breath before opening your eyes, you looked below and picked up the flower bouquet, the stylist works on you hair and another fashion designer fixes your dress correctly. A man comes inside with a wide smile, your uncle who will do anything for money and now he is acting like a godfather for you in return for the amount he is getting paid from Taehyung. You wanted to break off from this hell of marriage filled with fake smiles, glory and guests.

"Shall we go dear" he extends his hands out for you to hold, you maintain your stone face and walk to him and take his hand.


You felt uncomfortable under the hard stares getting from the guests present in the ceremony, the rich men and women giving you judgmental looks while the girls crying in jealousy for their star getting married while you are mentally crying to away from this hell of place, once you reach near Taehyung, your uncle gives your hand to him and flashes him wide grin indirectly stating that he did a splendid job in acting like your father.

Taehyung smiles in satisfaction as he takes your hands and wraps them around his forearm. Your gaze remains fixed below not making any eye contact with him. You didn't want to witness your life breaking before you.

Taehyung notices your gaze below and not on him, you are supposed to look at your groom and give a warm smile at him but all he got was your stone face avoiding his eye contact.

He brings his lips near your ears.

"Look at me dear, your going to be my wife and I want you to look at me with love otherwise your moth-"

Before he could finish his deadly whisper you immediately met his gaze and gulped down.

"Smile baby," he says with a warm smile after catching your beautiful looking at him.

You force out a smile, you hated this, you didn't want to be his puppet but fate is making you do all these horrible things with you, you felt like do pathetic with him. It's indeed true that money makes powerful people, money puppets people and nobody can escape from this.

Soon the priest starts the marriage ceremony, he chants the ritual before asking for the vows, after few mounted his completes his phases he asks for the vows from Taehyung.

"Do you Kim Taehyung take y/n l/n as your lawfully wedded wife" the priest asked the groom

"I do" Taehyung replies fast taring at his soon to be wife, with dark glint covering his eyes.

"Do you y/n l/n take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband" the priest asked the bride.

No I don't!!

You mentally screamed but couldn't let it out because your threads controlled by Kim Taehyung and now your merely a puppet for him to control.

You gripped the bouquet of flowers unable to answer the vows.

"I-I Do" you whispered with a huge hesitation, Taehyung's lips curved into a wide smile, finally your tied to him, now your density is written with him and you're his property now.

"I announce you both as lawfully wedded wife and husband, you may kiss the bride"

Your world crashed at the statement, you're married that too with a family of psychopaths, you want all this to be an illusion of fantasy but sadly it's nothing but your fate and reality written note of your life.

Taehyung leans forward and places a small peck on your lips. You wanted bite his lips off for touching you but you contained all your anger. You could see his dirty smirk behind his fake smile he is showing off to the world. 

One day will come for you, when you will laugh at his mercy and his crimes. You will make them pay for making your hell. It's your promise oath you are taking in this stupid marriage of yours.


You sat on the bed which is decorated with roses and candles, you looked around and scanned at the so-called decoration for your fake marriage. You immediately got up and threw the candles and flowers arrangements in the room, you tore the bed sheets and harshly threw the table lamp on the floor, the room is a complete mess now. You felt at ease now after that destroying everything.

Taehyung comes inside with his robe being tied around his tanned body. You averted your gaze at him and shot him a deadly glare. He looks around the room and notices the broken lamp and messed-up collection of roses and torn bed sheets.

"What a waste of money" he sighs and looks at you.

You glare at him before taking your pillow and storming straight into the balcony. You place your pillow there and lay down on the cold floor.

"Such a smart girl you are y/n, you understand my words even without me telling you to do" he smirks as he looks at your small frame laying on the floor.

He locks the balcony door which didn't go unnoticed by you and crouched down to you.

"I need to make sure that the start cat doesn't barge into my room because of the cold weather" he whispers before getting up and going to his bed.

Small droplets of tears flow down your cheeks as you recall his words, no matter how hard you show yourself to him still it hurts, his words pierced through your heart. After all, you are a human and pain is common for all and so for you, you hug yourself tightly trying to fight the cold breeze washing your body.

You forget all the moments that happened before and think about your mother, she is all you have and you need to keep her safe.

Just one year and I will be free

You murmured this to yourself as you slowly drift into sleep while fighting the battle of coldness.


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