chapter 33

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After you departed from that cage you went straight to your parents, you hugged them like sticky gum afraid that they might disappear again.

Your mother and father were having tears of joy after finally seeing their only daughter alive and safe but unknown to them you were ruined completely by a monster. You slowly explained to them about the whole scenario of Jungkook kidnapping you and locking you in his hidden house, ruining you and impregnating you. And how his brother finally became your reason for escape.

Your parent's anger reached to the peak and was ready to kill him with their hands but you stopped them telling them that in the end, they will be the one to go to prison. But your father wasn't ready to let it go and was about to file a complaint about Jungkook again regarding your kidnapping and rape  but all you did was stop him, you cried about how tired you are and you need to be away from this place, away from their preying eyes.

Your mother comforted you and held you in her arms mumblings it's okay. You stayed in her arms for continuous two days, she hand-fed you with food and made you lie down on her lap as she sings a set song for her daughter.

Mrs L/n has never seen her daughter in such a terrible state. She wanted to kill that boy with her mere hands but refrained herself from touching him because of her daughter. She knew the power they hold and even if a scratch is visible on their believed boy then they would crush her family with their feet.

Soon, Mrs l/n and her family will leave this place and stay in a faraway town away from this corrupted deranged city.

All she hoped now was your happiness.


You tie your lips shut as you try hard to control your tears. You look at the file with your shivering hands.

Abortion document

Name: y/n l/n


You clench the file with your hands as you unknowingly release your silent sobs.

"I'm sorry," you whisper in between your cries while gazing at your stomach. You killed your own child. You took this decision of abortion because you are not ready. You are not ready for the world that this child would face when it comes to its life, you are not ready to be tied with Jungkook as an excuse for using this child.

That's why you came to this decision and informed your parents. They were glad that you thought with a mature mindset and supported your decision.

after battles of thoughts, you came to this conclusion. Hopefully, you won't regret this.

Your mother sits beside you and pulls you into her arms.

"It's okay y/n. The baby will be happy wherever it is" she whispers while tenderly rubbing your soft scalp.

You sob burying your face in her neck.

"I'm such a terrible mother, I don't deserve to be in this world" you cry.

"It's not like that dear. You are just not ready. That's it. Don't think too much," Mrs l/n tries her best to comfort you. Soon, you fall asleep on her shoulders. She lies you on the bed, once she notices the document in your hand, she gently takes it away from you and places it on the table. She covers your body with blankets and kisses on your forehead.

"Sleep well baby," she tenderly whispers before leaving the room.


You groan in your sleep as you roll across your bed, you stretch your arms and flicker your sleepy eyes. You slowly get up from the bed and pull over the blanket off you. You get up from the bed and walk towards the bathroom. Soon your ears heard some noise from the living room. You squint your eyes wondering who it might be.

You watch your face and tie your hair into a bun and go to the living room. Your face is drained of all curiosity and is now filled with fear, you lock your shivering eyes on the man whom Jungkook claimed as his brother.

"Hi Miss y/n," Taehyung flashes his dreamy smile but you knew the masked evilness behind that smile of his.

Your father gets up from his seat and stands before you.

"Get out of my house," Mr l/n growls.

Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Mr l/n I'm not a man with patience so don't provoke me," Taehyung's low tone was enough to feel shivers down your spine. You try to pull your father from his angry gaze but Mr L/n doesn't budge from your actions.

"I don't care! Your family has already ruined my daughter and soon you and your useless brother will face its consequence, now leave before I do-"

A hard punch was thrown at Mr l/n's face shoving him onto ten ground.

"Dad," you scream covering your mouth in pure shock.

Your mother cries kneeling next to your father.

"No one dares to speak ill about my brother and my family, understand" Taehyung grits his teeth while fixing his shirt.

"What do you want!" You yell at him not wanting to see your family hurt anymore.

"You're smart, unlike your parents," his eyes narrowed at your father before switching towards yours.

"You are marrying my brother," he deadpanned. Your pupils shrink as your eyelids go wide, and terror fills your body when you hear his words.

"M-marraige, w-why?" You ask if it was he who denied you for Jungkook but suddenly what's the change? You couldn't help but think about the scenario in your current shocked state of yours. 

"Who do you think you are-" Mr l/n rages but a series of coughs interrupts him. Mrs l/n smoothes his back trying to calm him down.

"Mr l/n as your future family member do take care of your health first" Taehyung tsk in pity while gazing at your family.

"Engagement is tomorrow and marriage will be in another three days, get ready okay? I'll send the beautician and dress over here for you to get ready" Taehyung informs you with a causal face as if it's not a big deal.

"See you," he bows to your father and walks away from the house.

You fall on your knees, your mind shatters into pieces by pieces at the sudden unexpected revelation.

"No this can't happen! No" you cover your ears and cry out slowly.

Why do you have to suffer again and again?


Double update

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