chapter 48

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Finally, he asked you. The whole scene gives you deja vu, yes you had already experienced this scenario. The same confused expression that stands before the feeling of love, you have seen this on Jungkook. The way he asked you to be his with a slight confusion evident over his features. Taehyung is now a replica of Jungkook.

You bite your lips as your hands tremble in sudden unexpected fear. Taehyung feels your shivering hands and instantly lets go of yours. He could feel you being uncomfortable after his request. He knew he sounded like an idiotic man for asking your hand to support this marriage after the horrible acts he had done to you but he couldn't help it. He wants you for himself the moment he came to know your identity.  He wants his butterfly to be with him. He wants you all for himself. Maybe God has played a role well for him to being fated with you.

"Y/n I know what I did with you was unforgivable, fuck it it was inhumane," he grips his hair in frustration as his eye shut in shame after realising his horrible actions to you.

"So you finally realised that what you did was wrong?" Your voice brings him back to peace as he looks forward and meets your tearful eyes.


"Did you?" You ask him sternly wanting the answer to your question.

"Yes," he accepts with a low voice while his head goes low in shame.

"Good then, at least you had the courtesy to accept your wrongdoings," you tell him as your eyes pierce him with hatred.

"Yes, I apologise for that so now shall we continue our relationship without any problems?" He immediately grabs your hands together and asks you with determination.

You wanted to slap the hell outta him for acting as if he doesn't give a damn about the crime he committed against you, in fact, he isn't even bothered about it. All he wants is to get back to you. He just wants you back in his arms so he is willing to mould his words to be you with him.

After all, Men will be men. You are bound to know about this and his behaviour didn't surprise you. All you could wonder was how did you like him as a kid. You had no idea that the sweet boy of yours will turn into a heartless selfish sociopath.

You take a deep breath before looking at his hands which are perfectly wrapped against your fingers.

"I want to be with you. We shall start over," with great difficulty you managed to sprout those words.

Taehyung's face instantly brightens up at your confession. He brings your hands to his lips and showers your knuckles with kisses.

"Thank you so much y/n. You have no idea how much happy I am. My heart is so happy and excited. You have no idea how much joy I am in" he squeals like a little child who won over his favourite prize.

Your stone face stares at his happy tears and joyful expression, you felt sick. You didn't feel happy at all. The man who destroyed the life is happily smiling while you are internally dying.

Smile all you want. This will be the last time you will smile wholeheartedly.

Taehyung gets up and extends his hand to you, you gladly accept it and stand up to him, you remained short by a few centimetres as your head reached his neck. You decided to take the first step. You tiptoed and attached your lips to his. Taehyung's eyes widen surprised by your action. Soon his eyes soften as he kisses you back with the same passion. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you up to deepen the kids further. Your lips perfectly sync with his, he inserts his tongue inside you as you gladly let him in. You wrap your hands around his neck and mould your tongue with him. Your small moan sends deep chills of pleasure to Taehyung while abusing your mouth.

The moonlight shines brighter as the couple engages in an extreme make-out session.

The Man is being whipped for the girl while the girl plots her revenge against the male.



Moans of pleasure fill inside the room as he rams his length deep inside you, pressing your body against the soft mattress while your legs were wrapped around his torso, you moaned in rhythm before pulling him into a deep kiss.

"I love you y/n," he moans

"Umm" you respond, you could feel him hitting your G-spot, sending waves of pleasure to your body.

"I-I'm gonna cum-"

"Just wait baby-" he groaned as he felt himself clench around your wall.

Soon you reached your climax and came all over his cock while he thrust himself inside you a few more times and came inside you. He lay beside you and pulls you into his arms.

"That was amazing," he pants heavily while sniffing your hair, inhaling your scent for him. You are perfect, made for him. Just for him.


Mrs Jeon arranged the items present on the table, she neatly clears the room and places a few fresh flowers on the vase, Jungkook's favourite, Daisy. She moves to Jungkook's IV drip and fixes them properly. She looks at her sleeping boy and smiles with a heavy heart.

"I hope you wake up soon baby," she mumbles, soon she clears her upcoming tears and walks out of the room after cleaning the place.

But unknown to her, the beep sound kept increasing as the lines on the monitor became steady. Jungkook's vein hands shake with slight movements.

Mrs Jeon walks back to Jungkook's room with another set of fresh flowers and some music set to bring a calm atmosphere to Jungkook. Her gaze remains on the set of flowers and she failed to notice the dripping IV tube.

Once she places the flowers on the vase, she turns her head to look at Jungkook but she was met with another surprise. She drops the music set on the floor as it breaks into sets of pieces.

Her dear son, Jungkook was sitting on the bed looking at the outside view from the window after breaking free from the drip dose given to him.

He slowly turns his head at the sound of crashing. His eyes meet with a teary and panicked mother.


Her whimpering voice breaks in the middle as she is unable to register the scene before her.

Her son is awake after five years of sleep.


He says with his expressionless face.


Jungkook woke up 🥶😱

What's gonna happen now?

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