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You play with the kids who are running here and there. You catch one of the kids and spin them, you giggle with the girl and place her down.

You are loving the place filled with kids and their happiness. You gave all the property which you got from Kim Taehyung to their orphan kids. You had no interest in his money hence you decided to help the children with these huge sums of amount. You build a prior home and raised a food Charity for them. You also spend a major amount on children who are suffering from various deadly diseases to get cured. There is nothing which gives more happiness than watching the children smile and live their life. You learned this after experiencing one in your life.

You settle down on the chair and the Television. You skip the need channel and look at the breaking news.

"The former businessman Kim Taehyung who was arrested due to his many crimes was found dead in his cell. Cops suspect that he most probably committed suicide as he is unable to lead his life in jail but many rumours speculate that someone must have killed him inside the prison without any knowledge,"

You switch off the television and place the remote on the table.

Your phone vibrates as a message pops up.

Thank you, mam, we got your payment and we are released. As per your order, we have killed Kim Taehyung leaving no evidence.

You smile and breathe in peace as you place the phone on the table side.

"Mommy!" Yells is a small child, aged approximately 2 and a half years old.

"My baby girl" You scoop her in your arms and kiss her cheeks.

"When is daddy coming" she pouts in her tiny voice.

"He has work in his office dear, soon your daddy will come and give you kisses, Jiaah" you cheerfully tell her to which she smiles happily and hugs.

You finally married Namjoon and are living a happy life with him, you him and your precious daughter.

She is the daughter of you and him, the man who destroyed your life. It's not like you have kept the child for him but you wanted to keep it. You wanted to keep a last memory of Mrs Jeon's family. She was the innocent one in the whole family and you wanted to raise her granddaughter and make the corrupted bloodline of their family pure.


Since many of you were curious about the child I wrote this chapter

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