chapter 7

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You slowly open your eyes as the sunlight flashes on your face. You blink your eyes a couple of times before getting up and sitting on the floor. You are still in your wedding attire which crumbled your good sleep. The dress was too uncomfortable for your liking but what to do? You were so angry that you directly left the room to get out of his gaze.

You looked from the glass of the door to see if that cruel bastard is present inside the room or not. Thank God he left soon or else you would have another series of frustration in the early morning.

You get up and take the pillow with you. You noticed the balcony door is closed. You clenched your fist in annoyance. Suddenly you remembered him closing the door so you wouldn't come inside. You slightly shake the door and bang on the big transparent door to get some people.

"Open this please," you say again banging on the door repeatedly.

A maid opens your room for cleaning and notices your screams for help. She immediately runs and opens the balcony door.

"Young madam are you okay?" The maid asks in worry. You mumble her thanks and drop your pillow on the door.

"No need to call me young madam, I'm fine with y/n" you smile at her which she returns and nods.

You change go through the wardrobe and check for some causal wear. You saw that he brought a few dresses for you, you took and checked the size and it was perfect for your size. Even your undergarments were perfectly brought on your size. You clenched your dress in anger at the thought of him knowing everything about you. Even the size of the dress you wear.

"Creep" you cursed under your breath and took your towel to have some nice shower.

Once you finish your shower you come out and close the door. You felt relief after showering and your mind was at ease. You tied your hair and walked out of the room.

"Young madam, sir is calling for you" the maid rushes to your side and pants heavily. You nod your head at her and walk downstairs to greet his family.

As you make your way towards the down floor your wondering gaze stops at a half-open door. The slow pace door moved back and forth uncovering the view of the person laying inside the room on a bed covered with white sheets.

Your eyes take a clear-cut view as you grow curious about the person inside the room. Once you reach closer to the room, you pushed open the door and walked inside. Your heart stops a beat as your eyes are locked with the man laying on the bed with his eyes closed, pale unmoving lips and slow breath. A couple of ventilators surround him, a drip dose attached to his wrists giving him a daily dose of nutrition and a monitoring ECG giving his status of life.

You gulp down as your eyes are covered with rage. The man who destroyed your life is peacefully laying on the bed with the best equipment and doctors to bring him back to consciousness.

Jeon Jungkook


You slowly walk near the half-dead body of the male clenching your fist. The urge to choke him to death fills you with hyper as you near his bed. You look at him with rage boiling inside your blood.

You look at the ECG showing the stable beat of his heart. You shift your eyes back at him. You take the pillow laying beside his head and take it near him to choke him to death. You didn't care about going to prison again for murdering this beast of a man. Suddenly the beep sound increases as Jungkook's body tightens. You stop your action and look at the ECG with a confused look. You saw the rapid decreasing lines on the screen.

You place the pillow beside him and move back. Unknowingly you bump at the lamp behind you causing it to fall on the floor and break into pieces.


"Where is this bitch" Taehyung looks at his watch after hours of waiting for you to come down. Suddenly his ears flinch at the sudden burst of sound. He furrows and runs in a hurry once he realises the sound coming from. He rushes to his dear brother's room. Once he notices a wide-open door he dashes inside the room. He looks here and there and his eyes catch you standing before his brother.

"Y/N!!" He screams out loud starting you up. You immediately turn around and see Taehyung in the entrance of the room panting heavily.

Taehyung gives you a sharp murdering glare before storming near his brother whose heartbeat gas becomes low.

He immediately pulls out his phone and calls for his personal doctor. He cups his brother's face and checks for any other injuries.

You move back and stare at the scene with no emotions. You felt so stupid for trying to kill Jungkook. Thank God you didn't do anything to that man or else the result would have been worst. Your mom's life might be at risk.

"Get out" he growls under his breath.


"I said get out!!" He screams again which scares you. You immediately move out of the room and close the door.

Once Taehyung feels you out he gulps down to calm down his rage. How dare you go near his dear brother and look at him with your filthy gaze? His mind films with rage ready to kill you any moment but he needs to control this tempting desire and think correctly to execute his plan. He will make sure to give you a terrible punishment for getting near his brother.

The doctor arrives inside and checks on Jungkook's health.

"Me Kim no need to worry. Mr Jeon might felt some emotion of happiness inside him a couple of minutes ago that's why it resulted in sudden changes in his heart rate. It's a good sigh hopefully Mr Jeon will wake up soon" Doctor smiles. Taehyung sighs in relief and thanks the doctor.

You stick through the wall and listen to their chit-chats.

"Happiness huh? Even in your half-death state, you feel happy to be around me" you scoffed.

"Jeon Jungkook don't worry I'll make sure to make you go through hell for the crimes you committed " you curse and walk away from the place.


Okay our y/n is in revenge mode as well

What did jungkook do to make our girl hate him so much?

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