chapter 22

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You came back home after spending some time with Lisa. You opened the door using your key and walked inside.

"I'm home," you say as you place your umbrella on the handler and walk inside.

You froze on your spot with you see your mother and father sitting on the couch with their expression down.

You go to them and sit beside them.

"Mom, Dad what's wrong? Did something happen?" You knew your parents. They won't be so down in any situation.  No matter what they are not the people to give up.

Mom shuts her mouth as she gulps down. You notice her displeased face. Your gaze wanders to her neck and a red fingerprinted shade caught your attention. You immediately pulled her hand and moved closer to her to analyse.

"Mom, did someone touch you?" You ask in panic. 

Your mother looks, wiping her controlled tears.

You move her hands away from her neck and look carefully. You gasp in shock. You could conclude one thing and that is your mother was choked by someone.

"Who did this mom?" Your voice snarls as rage cover your gaze.

"Y/n go to your room and rest-" you mother mutters as she turns to you but you raise your hand and stop her from speaking further.

"Is....Is it Jungkook?" You ask in suspicion and hesitation.

"Y/n, go inside now!" Your father gets up from the couch and tells you in a commanding manner.

"Tomorrow you have college so you need to wake up so go and sleep-"

You don't listen to him and walk out of the house.

Your father runs behind you as panic rushes through his mind. He pulls your forearm backwards and yells at you.

"Where are you going!"

"I know it's him and I'm gonna deal with him myself" you spat at him as if you were possessed by some devil. Mrs L/n looks gawks at his daughter. Never in his life, he has witnessed his daughter behaving like this.

"Y/n there is no use of doing anything. It will only end in misery. Let's just move away from this place" he whimpers after being helpless.

"Move where dad? Do you have money! Can you afford me another college?" you scream at him. You didn't want your dad to be a crowd who runs away from problems. Already your family's financial status is becoming terrible and there is no way he can move away from the current city.

Your father looks down in shame. He knew whatever you said was nothing but the truth. He has no money to support you and your mother.

You grab your forehead and shut your eyes for a few seconds before looking back at your father

"I will deal with this Jungkook by myself," you say and get outside.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Your mother runs behind you to the door but you are already gone. She looks back and hurries to Mr l/n.

"Honey, stop her!" She shakes her husband who was paralysed for a few seconds after your words radiated towards him.

"Mr L/n!" She screams, smacking him across his face to bring him back to himself.

"Go bring my daughter back!" She yells.

Mr l/n nods his head in realisation and runs out of the house to bring you back.


Once, you arrive at Jungkook's mansion. You try to go inside but the security guard puts his hand before your way and stops you from moving further.

"Miss you can't go inside without a proper invitation," the security tells you but you push past him and run inside.

The security gasps at your sudden action and runs behind you. He grabs your hand and pulls you back, trying not to hurt you.

"Let me go! I need to see that coward!" You yelp while wiggling in his grip.

"Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook! Come out, you coward. Come and talk with me, not with my family!" You scream out loud and are dragged away by security.

You are pushed on the ground outside the gate.

"Go home, miss. Or else I won't be kind anymore" The security gives out threats which don't bother you at all.

"What's happening" a middle-aged-looking woman comes outside after she hears a few screams.

"Nothing Mrs Jeon. Please go inside" the security says but she ignores him and walks straight to you.

"Is something wrong with Jungkook?" She hesitantly asks you. You squirm your gaze at him as you scan her from top to bottom. Her rich aura and the luxurious brands of clothing with platinum jewellery screams that she is the Mrs of Jeon family. Jungkook's mother.

"Come inside lets talk" she gestures you in but you politely decline it. Soon, your father comes running and stands beside you.

"Sorry Mrs Joen. She is just naughty and has made a mistake coming here" he apologises trying to pull you back and you yank your hands from him.

"Dad, don't" you growl looking at him before  averting your gaze back to Mrs Jeon.

"I don't know about your methods of raising a child but please ask him to stay away from me and my family" you tell her while showing a emotionless face.

"What happened dear? Did Jungkook do something?" She asks in worry.

"He dared to threaten me by attacking my family members, please stop him from bothering me" you tell her everything and walk away from the place.

Mrs Jeon looks at your disappearing figure.


Jungkook slids through the dor while knocking on it. His curvy unstable body movements and slured voice made it sure that he is drunk.

"Mommy, open up" He giggles while knocking on the door.

Mrs Jeon gestures for the maid to go upstairs and moves to unlock the door.

Once the door is opened Jungkook walks inside and lies on the couch.

"Jeon Jungkook! You are grounded for a month" she yells before walking back to her room.

"What!" He screams as if his drunk self has got his consciousness back.


At least Mrs Jeon is understanding of y/n 

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