chapter 25

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Days passed. You are still stuck in this caged hell. He comes around evening time and all he does is ruin your body again and again. There isn't a single day where he leaves without sex. It has become a daily habit for him to have sex with you.

You protested at the beginning of a few days trying to throw kicks and push him off you but that resulted in harsh attacks against you, leaving you with scars and wounds. He even starves you if you didn't abide by his rules or try to escape from the room.

You knew your parents must have been worried sick about you. They might have filed a missing complaint for you. But sadly none of the police agents can doubt on Jungkook due to his rich life and powerful backup people.

Life has never been this horrific for you. Even your poor with low money was much better compared to this hell.

When you gave an attempt to escape from this hell, he caught you in seconds and beats you terribly and starved you for two days.

After several attempts and his punishments you gave up trying to escape and began to go for another plan. All you have to do is act like you enjoy being with him and make him fall for you to get your route of escape.

At first, he kept his alarm with you and held a suspicious face conveying that he didn't trust any of your fake words and that night resulted in rough sex, threatening you to keep your acts down but you are not gonna give up. You will keep showering him with fake love and fake smiles to make him weak for you so that he will listen to your words and let you out.

You take a deep breath and sit on the bed after finishing your meals. The door opens slowly which alarms you to stand up immediately. Jungkook walks pushing past the door and directly comes near you. He pulls you into a deep kiss as his hands wrap around your waist.

After a few moments, he withdraws and looks at you.

"Are you really liking this?" He asks in confusion as he has kept a watch over you in these couple of days and noticed your change of attitude towards him but still, something in him tells him that there is a possibility that you might fake this too.

"I have to, I guess I'm used to this and I'm liking the new comfortable life" you try to sound as realistic as possible. You didn't want to Jump into being completely in love with him. You will take it slow and make him fall for you with your realistic approach so that suspicion won't raise against you.

"Hmm" Jungkook mumbles, smuggling his head on your neck, sniffing your scent and filling it with him. Seems like Jungkook believed your words.

"Did you eat?" He asks for the first time since your captivity. Never he has asked about your health or your well beings. All he cared about was the fulfilment of his desires.

"Yes," you mumbled quietly.

"Your parents" he starts and your body goes anxious.

"They filed a complaint against me and they are doubting that I'm involved in your kidnapping" He calmly tells you.

You expected this to happen but because the major suspicion will go to Jungkook due to his past behaviour with you and your parents have identified it correctly but sadly Jungkook's family influence is so heavy that the case might have either dropped or stored to sideways.

"But I got it cleared with my money" he shamelessly accepts.

You mentally scoffed at his arrogant behaviour. Not only he kidnapped and raped you but dares to tell you personally how he has closed the case related to you so that he could keep you forever with him, hiding you from the outside world.

"Okay," you quietly acknowledge his words and detach from him. You wanted to show him that you are upset regarding this matter and went to lie on the bed.

Jungkook smirks as he followed behind you and lies beside you on the bed.

"Are you angry?" He mockingly asks even though he knew how pissed you actually are.

You don't reply and look away from him. He pulls you closer and plants feather fly kisses on the crook of your neck.

"You won't need them, baby. All you need is me. No matter what they do they will never get the hold of you ever" he snuggles on your neck while giving a small warning, indirectly meaning that you will never get to see the freedom of light.

You ignore him and drown yourself in darkness. Jungkook also falls asleep beside you.

"Ahh No! Ahh!"

Screams of despair rang into your ears as you immediately get your consciousness and look beside you. You grow confused at Jungkook's trembling body.

"Dad! Don't leave me!" His eyes are forced to shut as he shakes his head left and right while screaming out some words.

You become afraid of his sudden unexpected action. You want to take this opportunity and run away but something stopped you. You finally realised after deeply looking at his frightened voice of scream and his body picture. Jungkook was experiencing a panic attack.

You got a series of flashbacks of when you were raped by him. You went through the same thing. You had multiple sleepless night and huanting nightmare of torture.

You wanted to laugh at his state and tell him that karma is a bitch but now is the time you need to act smartly. You need to show him some fake sympathy of love and affection and get him weak for you. This is the correct time so you hid all your fears and you slowly crawl near him and smoothly rub his chest but that doesn't stop his nightmare as his body becomes out of control.

You immediately pull him into a hug and gently pat him.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm here with you" you calmly tell him thus smoothing his abnormal panic. He slowly gains his consciousness and lies his head on your shoulder for comfort.

The first time he felt like he is at the home. After so long he got the feeling of comfort and deep care.

Once you see that he is asleep, you gently pull him off you and lay him on the bed beside you.

You pull over the blanket over him and lay down on the bed to sleep. Soon your body is pulled closer to his.

"Thank you y/n," he mumbles gently. The sincerity in his voice is clearly visible to you.

"It's no big deal. If something happened then wake me up"  you tell him and close your eyes.

Jungkook's eyes softened as he snuggles closer to you. He felt warmth and love. The feeling that he has never experienced is washing over his emotions.

He can conclude that he definitely likes you.

While you internally smirk at your accomplishment of your goal. You had gotten him in your hand and slowly you will gain your gate of freedom soon.


Jungkook is falling for our y/n while y/n mastering in her plan 👀

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