chapter 1

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After 4 years

Finally, the day has come and you are going to walk out of this hell of prison where you only faced bullying. As each and every day passed you remembered Kim Taehyung's words when you were bullied throughout the prison period. He paid a huge amount to your prison guards in order to make you go through hell. The corrupted guards made sure to make you do all chores of work by yourself, You rarely had food, you could rarely sleep, you could rarely breath in relief on this hell.

You mother would make a visit to you every week in order to make sure you are okay and you would do a fake act stating that you're fine but in reality you weren't. You kept brushing off the sucidal thoughts only for your mother, you had to live for her and you will live for her. She has got you and you have got her.

Kim Taehyung maintained his promise to you by making your life hell in prison, but he failed to maintain his promise to protect you and keep you safe. A tear escaped from your eyes as you scoff.

But all had to come to an end now, you're out of this place, you will go to your mother and silently leave this place and live with your mother in an unknown place.

"Y/n l/n, you're expected to come out now," says the prison guard and escorts you outside.

Once you step out of the prison you breathe in joy, the joy of freedom.

I y/n l/n, 24 years old is free from 4 years of hell life

You cry in joy and hug yourself.

Your eyes meet your mother standing near a lampost waiting for your arrival.  You immediately run to her and hug her tightly.

"Mom I missed you" you whimper through your cries.

"I missed you more my baby" she lets out tears of happiness after being able to hold her daughter.

"Let's go home y/n" your mother pulls you back and intervenes her hands with yours as if she is afraid to lose her daughter again.

You smile at her and turn your head towards Namjoon who stands beside your mother.

"Thank you so much for taking care of my mother" you thank him wholeheartedly.

"It's not a big deal miss y/n l/n, please take care of yourself from now on, don't get involved with the Kim family" Namjoon warns you as he got a clear idea of the reason behind your accusation and your connection with the cruel family during his research of your case.

You nod your head and bow at him for one last time.

You turn back to your mother and lay your head on her shoulder like an abandoned child and hold onto her tightly.

You and your mother walk back to your house to move to a different place, away from these cruel people who are bent on making you suffer.


"Sir, the girl is out of the prison and she is heading home with her mother," the male tells him about your track record which he got from their men from following you.

A cunning smirk forms on the his lips, his eyes meets a couple of your photos laying on the table. His long fingers grasp one of your smiling photos and stare at it.

"She has become more beautiful now, it's time to claim her back to me now"

He notices your genuine smile when you look at your mother, he places the photo on the table but another piece of the picture of you with another man catches his attention. He takes it carefully and looks at it, he noticed your small smile and your eyes filled with rejoice when you stare at that man, he crushes the photo and throws it away.

"She should never smile, this should be her last smile of joy, I will make sure of that" he growls under his breath and turns to his assistant.

"Roy, keep your eyes on her and inform me, and find me details about that man whom she is with."

Roy obediently nods his head and walks out to perform his sir's words.

Taehyung smiles in joy, now that you're finally out your real hell will begin now, all he did to you was the trailer of the movie he pictured for you but the actual script of torture will begin now. He will make sure to give you a living hell of a life. You will never smile, you will never breathe in relief, and you will be broken to point that you wish you were dead. He will break you completely and mould you into a living doll.

"Get ready y/n l/n"


Your mother arranges all the dishes she prepared on the dining table, she runs to the kitchen to turn off the stove. She brings the hot pot of soup, you immediately run to her and take the hot pot from her and ask her to sit.

Once you place the pot on the dining table, you take your seat.

Your mother takes a bowl full of rice and places it near you. She prepared all your favourite dishes just for your return.

"My baby is so malnourished, seems like they didn't feed you well, here have this. Everything is for you" she brings all the dishes near you and tells you to eat them all.

You scoop rice with your chopsticks and stuff them into your mouth and chew them, your eyes fill with tears as you gulp down the rice, it felt like heaven to eat your mother's tasty food after being starved in the prison, you hurriedly scoop down the rice and stuff all the side dishes into your mouth, you cry as you combine eating all the food.

Your mother wipes her tears and fills a cup full of water.

You sniff as your mouth is stuffed with your mother's heavenly dishes.

"I missed all of this mom" you whimper as you chew them down slowly.

Your mother immediately hugs you into her arms.

"Don't cry my child, don't cry, from now on nobody will bother you, you will live with smiles and joy, not with tears" she hugs you, rubbing your back smoothly.

Little did you know that another nightmare is about to begin in your life.


My girl suffered a lot in prison 🥺...

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