chapter 4

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Your phone rings up which awakens you from your slumber, you lazily get up and grab your phone from the nearby table lamp. You look into the screen and see an unknown number, at first you felt like cutting the call but you accepted the call at the end thinking it might be an important one.

"Hello is this Miss y/n l/n" a female voice from the caller's side spoke. Your sleepy eyes get back to your alert self at the mention of your name.

"Yes, it's me," you answer her.

"Mam I'm sorry to say but your mother has met with a terrible accident and She is admitted in Seoul National Hospital," your grip on the phone drops when you hear the word accident, your hand tremble as tears flow from your eyes.

"Hello! Hello, mam are you there!" The person behind the caller asks repeatedly but you remain deaf to her word, your view becomes dizzy, the world around you spins as your eyes try to shut themselves, and you grip your head as you scream out in pain.

"No!!! Stop this!" You cry out as you fall to the floor.

"Mam are you okay?" The caller says again after hearing your horrified scream.

You immediately get up and limp to the table nearby, you grab some water and throw it on your face, once your face is drenched with your water you gain your consciousness back. You run back to your phone and pick it up.

"Hello! Is my mom alright?" You ask with your trembling hands.

"Mam I'm not sure but she is admitted to ICU, please come and enquire about it by yourself," she says.

"Thank you, I will be there soon" you answer her quickly and cut the call.

You grab your phone and purse and run out of your house.

Once you reach the hospital, you hurriedly pay the money to the taxi driver and run to the receptionist.

"Is there a lady admitted in ICU who has met with an accident?" you ask her hurriedly.

"Yes mam and what's your relationship with her?" She asks you.

"I'm her daughter" you give a quick answer.

"Sure mam, she is admitted to the 3rd floor, ICU number 4," she says after looking through her date.

"Thank you" you bow to her and run to the 3rd floor.

You look around here and there, finally, your gaze catches ICU no 4 and you run towards it.

"Mam, are you miss y/n?" She asks you and you desperately nod your head.

"Yes, it's me, what happened to my mom" you sniff in between as you ask her.

"She was hit by a truck driver while walking on the roadside and I immediately called the helpline and admitted her here, I looked through her phone and found your number as her daughter hence I called you," the kind woman says.

"Thank you so much" you bow to her with full respect.

"No it's okay, please ask the doctor about her current status and take care, I will be leaving now," the woman tells t which you nod your head, and she takes her to leave leaving you with your mom.

You leak through the glass hole, looking at your mother, your mind flashes back to the same incident that happened when you were arrested by the police, the same helpless girl looked at her mom fighting for life.

You wipe your tears and wait for the doctor to come out.

After a few minutes the doctor comes out and you immediately stand up and run to him.

"What's wrong doctor, how is my mother?" You ask in hope.

"I'm sorry Miss but her condition is critical and chances of her survival are extremely low, her brain is damaged a lot during the hit and she needs to transfer to an advanced operation, which requires a lot of money, once you finish your payment I will continue with the operation, right now she is stable but it's better to finish your payment before because her condition is becoming critical," the doctor says and walks away.

You cover your mouth and silent sobs escape. You lean on the wall as your cries of pain increase rapidly, you slide from the wall slowly as you cover your face to hide your ugly crying face.

"M-mom" you whimper in between your sobs, you sniff as you wipe your nonstop tears.

"I have to save my mom and I need money" you wipe your tears and get yourself up. You look into the glass hole for one last time.

"I will save you mom no matter what it takes," you whisper with your tightened throat after your session of crying. You go to the receptionist and ask the amount which you should pay, she gives you the amount specification and other details of the whole procedure.

26562100.00 won is the total amount you need to pay now, you knew that an operation requires a lot of money but you didn't expect it to be this much.

You spirit out of the place and run back to your house to find anything that gives out money. You go through your bank account and check for the balance, your face falls when you notice less amount of money in your mom's wallet. You rush to the nearby bank to receive a loan but they failed to give you because of the previous criminal charge against you. You ask your neighbours and friends for debt, many of them either cut your calls or deny giving money to you.

You fall on your bed and grip your hair in frustration. Your eyes shut tightly as your tears discharge from your eyes.

You were all alone and nobody wants to help you now, what should you do now? How will you gain money?

Suddenly your phones, you take your hurriedly hoping for some good news but your mind shatters as you hear a voice which you would never expect.

"Hello y/n, remember me?" You could feel him smirk through his side as he mocks his words at you. You grip your phone as your frown deepens, he must be enjoying seeing your helpless state.

"Kim Taehyung," your voice says back as you sound as cold as ice.


Who do you think is behind y/n'mom's accident?

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