chapter 34

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Days went like a flash, suddenly out of nowhere you were forced to get engaged to Jungkook and your marriage with him was announced to be held in another three days.

Jungkook was standing beside you, showcasing his big smile, proudly showing you to the world that you belonged to him. His gaze meets yours and a warm smile spreads across his lips.

"I love you baby," he whispers pulling your intervened hands up and placing a small kiss on your knuckles. You were burning inside at his every touch, you didn't like it at all. You wanted to pull your hands away from him and slap the hell outta him but this stupid move of yours will result in a big price for you to pay hence you kept your anger under control.

Jimin comes to Jungkook and hands a bouquet to him and you.

"Congrats Jungkook, after all, you did what you want, you better thank me" Jimin throws his hand over Jungkook's shoulder and pulls him closer into a bro hug.

"Thanks, buddy, you did save me a lot" Jungkook laughs at his friend's silly attempts.

Jimin's soft gaze turns cold when his eyes catch you standing beside Jungkook.

"Congrats y/n and be careful" Jimin smirks as he whispers the last two words specifying it for you. You look away and ignoring his remarks. You knew the meaning behind his words and you are not new to it. You had already experienced hell from him and all you wanted now was to be away from these rich people.

You never thought you might marry  someone who raped you and shattered your peace of mind, someone who gave pain to your family members. You wanted to hate yourself for being this stupid and giving yourself to the devil.

You force a smile and turn your head. Another devil walks towards you and Jungkook, Jungkook's brother.

"Hyung," Jungkook has a big smile and goes for a hug. Taehyung hugs him back and pats his head.

"Are you happy?" He asks.

"Yes very much" Jungkook gushes like a teenage girl who is gifted with her favourite presents.

You roll your eyes to the side despising the happy interaction between the two devils who ruined your happy go life.

"Y/n, as you have already met he is my lovely brother Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" your eyes go wide at the mention of his name.

"T-taehyung," you couldn't believe the man before you is named Taehyung, could it be him? No way! This horrible man can never be him. Never.

"Yes," Jungkook smiles and hooks his hands with yours.

"I'll see you guys," Taehyung excuses himself to meet up with his business colleagues.

"I'll go to the restroom," you remove Jungkook's hand from yours and excuse yourself from him for some time.

Jungkook nods his head and retreats back.

You give him a small smile and walk towards the restroom to freshen yourself.

You took a deep breath and looked at the mirror, your eyes fell on the scar slightly above your eyebrows. The boy who gave you this scar is more likely the boy whom you adored as a best friend during your childhood. The funniest part is that the name of the boy whom you adored has the same name as that devil. Kim Taehyung.

The huge ball hits on your small face just above your eyebrows, and you stumble back and fall onto the bushes of leaves. You touch the area where you got injured and cried like a small baby, you were a baby 4 years old.

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