chapter 61

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You took a deep breath before covering your gaze with the entrance of the farmhouse, the place from where your life started to drown. You saw a few bodyguards waiting outside, you slowly made your way inside the place, bodyguards nodded their heads and let you inside.

You walked through the entrance and saw the wide open door. Few flashes of the past strike you as your gaze stay focused on the door entrance, giving you haunted nightmares.

You shut out all the horrible past and make your way inside. Once you walk in, you look around the place for a few seconds and run to the bedroom. You open the door with hope and as expected you saw your mother being tied to the chair near the bedpost.

You run to your mother and untie all the ropes surrounding her.

"Mom," you whimper, cupping her face. Your mother deeply inhales as she weakly looks at you with her teary eyes.

"You have no idea how much I'm happy to see you, finally with opened eyes and hearing your voice feels like bliss," you hug her and lean onto her shoulder.

"I-I missed you too," she weakly murmurs.

"Such a pleasant sight to see" A clap sound followed by his irritating voice alerts you up.

You immediately raise to your feet and turn around only to meet the beast in human form. Your brows frown as you clench your fist tightly, ready to beat the shit outta him for touching your mother.

Jungkook notices your angered face and chuckles sarcastically.

"I'm being turned on by looking at your angered face baby," he groans while the smirk on his face never leaves, eyeing you up and down.

You ignore his idiotic remark and turn to your mother, you gently support her and pull her up to make her stand. Once she is raised on her feet you wrap your arms around her waist to support her and slowly make your way out. But before you could take another step his bodyguards surround you, preventing you from taking another step.

"Let us go," you growl in a low voice.

Jungkook smiles to himself before meeting your raged gaze.

"I put do much effort to catch your mother just to let her go with you? Tsk never baby. I won't leave any of you to leave until you give me what I want," his voice slowly changes from a mocking tone to a serious one.

You give him your questionable look wondering what vicious plan is resonating in his head.

"What the hell you want!" You tell out after being done with his demands.

Jungkook looks at one of his bodyguards and nods his head.

"Take the old woman out and lock her," Jungkook orders and guards immediately respond by walking towards you.

Your eyes widen in fear and you move back, one of the guards tries to pull your mother from but you try your best to pull them off you but soon your hands are restrained by Jungkook and your mother is out of your grasp.

"No! My mom! Let her go!" You desperately yell, struggling to get away from Jungkook'd strong grip.

"Baby it's just for some time, once you play by my rules you will get to meet your lovely mother," he pulls you back and hugs you closer to his chest.

You felt his hot breath on your neck as your chest paced up and down, fear crawls its way to you giving you the flashes of past, the same day on which you were kidnapped and forced to sleep with him.

He brings his lips to your neck and plants a few tender kisses as if he is slowly worshipping your neck. His hand right below your knees while his left-hand wrap around your waist, within a few seconds he lifts you in a bridal style and walks to the bed, maintaining his deep eyes on you.

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