chapter 43

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Taehyung watches him with disgust when he hears the voice of the young male, a dirty filth that touched his wife.

"W-whats going on-" his baffled face soon morphs into realisation as he recalls the possible scenarios which that pulled him into this place.

You. You are the reason why he is all tied up and tortured like a ragged doll.

"get ready for Jail Park Jimin. For raping Kim Taehyung's wife"

He couldn't register that Taehyung would turn up against him for you. His mind refuses to believe that Taehyung is avenging you, the woman who tried to kill his brother.

His fist tightened as his eyes narrowed into a glare of piercing.

"So you got the reason why you are in this position," Taehyung spats in hatred as he bore holes through Jimin's body.

"That bitch! You are defending that bitch who tried to destroy you and your family" Jimin screams out as he lunges forward to punch Taehyung and get him to his sense.

"Stop! Don't call her a bitch," Taehyung warns him.

Jimin heavily scoffs at his response as he rolls his eyes.

"She manipulated you well Taehyung" Jimin leans forward, eyeballs shrinking in as a dark facade emits from his gaze.

"You fell into the pits of her sorcery," 

Taehyung moves forward in an instant and throws a heavy punch to his face.

"Shut up, even if I hate her it's my job to assist my revenge, not yours. She is mine to hurt and mine to hate. You should have kept your dirty hands off her," Taehyung extends his hands and one of his men gives him the hammer.

Jimin panics in horror as he tries to crawl back from fear.

"You are not supposed to get your hands on something that isn't yours," he swings the hammer on, crushing his face to sideways. Jimin's face welcomes with blood, and Taehyung's face turns blurry as he tries to pull up his eyelids.

"You shouldn't have touched her,"

Taehyung whips the hammer again and knocks the male into a state of dizziness.

"Wake up bastard. You are not supposed to fall unconscious," His hand grips Jimin's jaw and shakes him. He pierces his dirty eyes before letting go of Jimin. Taehyung throws the hammer on the ground and gets his handkerchief to wash out the blood from his hands.

"I won't kill you Jimin. I need to make sure you are suffering tens of times more than what my wife faced when she was raped by you," Taehyung turns to his men and signals them to do the job. They nod their head and proceed forward.

"You won't get away from this, especially when Jungkook wakes up from his sleep," Jimin's small whisper from his dry throat stops Taehyung's tracks.

"He won't welcome you being the husband of his love," he laughs off as his eyes watch Taehyung through his pained face.

Taehyung fist tightened as his breath becomes uneven.

"Finish him," he orders and walks away.

The armed men swing the iron rod straight at Jimin's face.


You rub your forehead as you winch in pain. You haul off the blanket and make your way to the kitchen to grab some food. You slept too much today. You need to eat something to refresh yourself. You grab the glass and fill some water and gulp it down.

"Y/n you are awake," Mrs Jeon comes forward and smiles at you.

"Yes," you reply in hesitant. You have never seen her face this happy. She looks like she has archived some Nobel prize. You tilt your head as your eyebrows frown in confusion.

"Where is Jisoo?" You try to divert the question when you notice the missing person in the hall.

"She left,"

Your features morph into shock as you stare at her in disbelief.

"W-what I-mean H-how?" You whispered timidly.

"I told her everything. I couldn't see an innocent girl getting wrapped in a mess, I have prepared dinner. You can eat," Mrs Jeon tells and walks to her room.

You fall onto the chair, devastated about the sudden news. Jisoo would have hated you. She would have despised you that you hid such heavy news from her. A lone tear escapes from your eye, you intervene with your fingers and rest your forehead on them.

Your appetite to eat has gone completely. You wipe your tears and get up from the dining table. You walk back to your room and slam shut the door.

"I'm sorry Jisoo," you helplessly whisper to yourself. You flinch at the sudden openings of the door. You turn around to find Taehyung standing a few meters before you.

Anger burns your gaze as you dash towards him, you raise your hand and gave him a tight slap, sending him sideways.

"Are you happy now? Satisfied! You killed my only good friendship due to your selfishness!" You tell at him. You move closer and smack him on his chest repeatedly.

"Why are you so hell-bent on taking everything from me! Why!" You scream as your eyes glitter with tears. Taehyung slowly turns to face you with, guilt covering his face as he pins his lips together.

"Not only you ruined my life but you had to ruin my Friends too. You gave false hope to my friend and shattered her mind! I hate you more now! You have no respect! All you know is how to assist your dominance over the people you loathe. You are not a human. You are a monster. A dreadful monster that ruined my life into pits of pieces-"

You were slammed to the wall and fresh plump lips were attached to yours. Your eyes go wide, and you wriggle your hands from his hold but your strength of yours doesn't match up to his. He moves his hungry lips on yours trying to get the full flavour of you.

You close your eyes and shake your head in denial. Soon he bites your lower lip to get the entrance of your mouth which you had to give from his action. His tongue explores your mouth as he cages your body with him.

You squirm under him, and once you feel his grip against your wrist loosen you yank your writs from him and push him away. Your every breath flared with fire as your fury eyes bore holes through his body.

"If you are gonna hate me then hate me properly! Don't be a coward in this!" Your tears fall uncomfortably as you let out your frustration. You couldn't understand this man at all. One minute he is acting like an abusive psychopath, and the other second he is all kind of lover boy.

Taehyung pulls you closer to his body and stares deeply into your eyes.

"I want to hate you but I can't. I want to love you but I can't," his voice trembling like a vibrating clock. You gulp down as your eyes soften at his words.

He brings his lips forward and attacks your mouth again. You unconsciously wrap your hands around his nape and pulls him into a deep kiss, engrossing yourself in him. Taehyung aggressively moves his lips against you as you eat you out like a hungry man. You respond to him as if you are deprived of love and affection. You knew whatever you are doing with him will make you fall into a deep state of remorse but just for once, you want to escape this hateful world and feel the love. Just for once.


Update, y/n is going crazy 🤕

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