chapter 47

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Taehyung opens the car door for you, you get off the car and look amused by the visual before you. A golden carpet pathway leading to the couple's table is nicely furnished with candles, and flowers of various types placed on the vase in the middle of the table. LED Lights shine in bliss as it's synchronised in a curve shape through the surrounding pathway of the carpet. You are awestruck as your eyes shine from the glittering view before you.

The dinner table is placed right beside the beachside view getting a perfect combo for an ideal date.

Taehyung takes your hands with his and walks you along the pathway. He pulls the chair for you to sit like the gentleman he is. You throw him a glance before sitting yourself on the chair. He smiles and walks to the other side of the chair.

The cold windy breeze washes over your face as a few of your hair strands fly towards the side. You hook the flying hair on your ear so your gaze won't be disturbed. Taehyung is completely mesmerised by the sight of you on a windy beach sitting like a beautiful fallen angel. He couldn't decipher the words to describe you, even the word beauty would be less for you.

He gulps down as he looks below. You blink your eyes before stopping your wondering eyes on the flushed man before you. He looks all red and he fails to make simple eye contact with you. You analyse him for a few seconds before uttering the words.

"Don't tell me you are shy-"

"No, I'm not," he immediately looks up and meets your dreamy eyes. His cheeks go red and his mouth falls apart.

"I guess are you," you tell him after looking at his red face.

Taehyunh coughs as an excuse and calls for the waiter, he orders them to bring him some water, food and some wine.

You sigh heavily as you shake your head displeased with his actions.

He is a horrible date for sure.

You mouthed, after all, he is known for his arrogance and pride which he likes to show off but honestly seeing him getting flushed like a shy teenage boy ignoring his crush made you wonder that he might be a terrible date to hang around with. Honestly, you expected some fun in this but it's too boring for your likes.

Soon the waiter brings the tray of food, he places the plate on your table side before switching to Taehyung. You look at the mouth-watering dish, the grilled steak is loaded with marbling giving them a whole lot of flavour. The seasoned sauce adds additional greetings to the steak. The male pours two glasses of wine to serve them, and after placing the glass of water he leaves the place.

Your whipped gaze stays fixed on the steak waiting for approval from the man who ordered this tasty dish. Taehyung drinks some water and grabs some tissues to clean his hands. His eyes fall on your face which looks like a hungry manic ready to gulp the piece, your eyes shine as you gulp down the lump like a small kid who is excited to try the food. Taehyunh chuckles at your expression finding it cute.

"Let's eat," he says not wanting to make you wait any longer. The moment his approval is given you instantly pick up the knife and began to cut the steak into pieces with a happy grin coating your face. Once you cut the meat into pieces, you used your fork to sink each piece of meat and scoop it into your mouth.

Wow it tastes so good

You moan in bliss as the flavouring juicy meat fills your tongues, chewing them to bring the taste of ecstasy.

Taehyung's curious gaze remains fixed on you who is busy devouring the whole meal. He slowly brings the fork and takes a bite as his eyes watch you finish the last piece of meat.

You take the tissue and wipe your mouth showing off your elegance after eating like gluttony.

At least the food is good on this boring date

That's what you could mumble after being troubled by his presence.

Taehyung smiles to himself before placing the fork and knife on the unfinished plate, the waiter comes forward and takes the plates from the table and leaves.

His mind flashes back to the time during his childhood when you were in his home gulping down all the dishes served by his maid. You were a foody before and now. You didn't change at all.

"It was nice watching you eat after so many years," he says in a daze while watching you.

Your eyebrows frown at his words and squint your eyes at him.

"Years?" You ask

"I mean-I meant to say days, sorry," he clears his throat as an excuse to cover up the mistake that slipped from his mouth freely.

"Oh," was all you could murmur.

"Anyway, I do remember that you asked for this," Taehyung clicks his finger and a man pop up with a thick layer of the book which closely resembles to an album.

The man places the album before you and leaves with a bow.

You bite your lips as your eyebrows frown further in realisation. You lied to him about searching for the album in his room just to escape from his suspicious gaze. That's probably the reason why he had brought this up.

"It's our wedding album. You wanted to see it right," he says nervously as his lips automatically smile like an excited teenage boy. You force a smile at him and mumble a small thanks.

"Let's see it together, our vow of strings which tied us together." He tells you with his sincere heart which looked more like a proposal.

"Y-yeah," you reply uncomfortably and open the album.

You look at the first photo of you, the girl in a beautiful white gown hooked her with the popular rich businessman just for the sake of money. Even though your face was given beautiful makeup still your eyes looked good as dead, your soulless eyes, your forced smile and your fear of the future. While the man beside you was dressed in the world's best Gucci suit with a rose pinned near his chest as he hooked with yours, more like gripping your fragile hands. His eyes screamed evil as a wicked smirk plastered on his face so his venomous mind was ready to ruin the girl beside him.

"We look like Romeo and Juliet," Taehyung smiles as he looks at a couple of photos of you and him.

No, it looks just like an abuser and his victim

You wanted to scream these words at him. How dare he comment on such a stupid thing right before or after what he did the night before this wedding. You gripped hard on the album, controlling your raging anger.

"Y/n," he calls for with a hint of hesitation.

You look up at him, his hands moving on yours as his gaze intensifies on you.

"Even though our marriage started off with different motives I want to end it beautifully,"

You gulp down as you look at her nervously. Your heartbeat rises as the panic of dread fills your mind.

"I want us to be real y/n, I want to you to give us a chance,"

"I want to us to be real husband and wife,"



What's going to be y/n's reaction 🤔? 

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