chapter 28

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Sana throws the vase on the floor as she screams out desperately, she runs to grab the metal lamp stand and throws it across her large dressing mirror, her reflection on the mirror crashing into pieces.

Sana's mother runs to her daughter and tries to grab her daughter's shoulder in an attempt to stop her but Sana yanks her away from her and breaks another lamp present on the table.

"What's the wrong Sana? Why are you behaving like crazy manic?" She yells at her deranged daughter, Sana looks at her mother and crazily walks towards her.

"Everything is fucking wrong. I never get anything I wanted. My world is just terrible. My life is whole fucked up and argh!" She pulls out her hair and screams out. " I don't want to live anymore! Nobody likes me" she cries running out of the room.

"Sana!" Her mother runs behind her to stop her from going outside.

Sana bumps onto someone before she was wiping her tears.

She looks up and finds her father. She grows emotional and hugs her father.

"Dad! I want Jungkook" she sobs uncontrollably as she lies her head on his chest.

"Who made my daughter cry!" Mr Minatozaki growls with his deep voice, scaring the Mrs Minatozaki.

"Jungkook! He is trying to cancel our engagement. He says he likes someone else dad. He wants to marry that bitch, not me" she weeps while blabbering everything to her father.

Mr Minatozaki's eyes go red at his daughter's confession. He pulls her back and wipes off his weeping daughter's tears.

"Don't worry Sana. I'll talk with Kim Taehyung today. Jungkook is yours and I will make sure it will happen" he ruffles her hair and motions for her to smile. Sana sniffs as she pulls out a weak smile from her lips.


"Mr Kim Taehyung if you want to keep up with the business deal then make sure that your brother doesn't make my daughter cry or else consider the withdrawal of the deal" Mr Minatozaki sternly says cutting off the call.

Taehyung grows confused as he looks at his phone. He made sure Jungkook had a better life by connecting him with Sana who is also Jungkook's childhood friend and reliable partner. Then where did he go wrong? Soon his face covers with anger as he dashes out of the office.

He calls for his assistant and asks him to book a flight back to Korea to talk with Jungkook and Mrs Jeon.

"Find me Jungkook's recent connections with girls! I want all his past girlfriends and current girls whom he interacted with" he sternly says.

"Inform Mrs Jeon that I'm coming home" he orders getting into his car. His secretary bows his head as the SUV car leaves the space.


The flight lands on the runway and Taehyung gets out of his business-class private jet, his outfit screams the perfection of a reputed CEO of the Kims group.

As he walks to the exit of the airport, reporters gather around him asking for his sudden departure from the USA. Taehyung's bodyguards simply block their crowding towards him. He simply answers for personal matters and he walks past the reporter straight to his car.

"Drive home," he says while seating himself in the passenger seat of his car. The driver nods and drives the car straight to the mansion.

His car comes to halt at the entrance of the mansion as his mother waits at the pathway to welcome him.

Taehyung gets off the car and his gaze meets up with his mother.

"Welcome home Taehyung," she says with a bright smile, looking at her son after so many years.

Taehyung simply ignores her and walks into the house.

"Where is Jungkook?" He asks while inserting his hands into his pockets on their respective sides.

"He is out," Mrs Jeon says with a sad face after being ignored by her own son.

"Where?" He frowns.

Mrs Jeon reads her son's face and it's not something pleasant. He sounds mad though his voice was calm.

"Ground him the moment he comes home," Taehyung strictly tells before going to his room.

Mrs Jeon nods her head, she knew the sudden visit of Taehyung is something related to Jungkook's engagement. Taehyung must have known about Jungkook's denial of the engagement with Sana. Someone must have spied it on him.

Mrs jeon lets out a sigh shrugging off the issue. One or the other way Taehyung must have come to know it and it makes no difference on when he does.

She exits the place.


You scoop a spoonful of noodles straight into your mouth. You began to munch on the noodles, and suddenly a series of nausea sensations forms inside your stomach as the urge to puke fills your throat. You dump the spoon back into the bowl and run toward the restroom. You crouched down on the floor, grabbing onto the closet of the toilet, and you let out all the ingredients from your stomach.

After your vomiting time, you get up from the floor and weakly walk back to your room. You sit on the bed and go into your thoughts. Your health was very much fine this morning and you didn't eat any junk food yesterday, in fact Jungkook fed you with highly healthy and delicious food by the top chefs from the nation which he bragged about for hours making you go bored with his bragging talks.

You slowly think about the possible scenario that you never want to be true. You hurriedly go and check the date. Fear consumes you as you look at the calendar. Your periods are late. Your periods have never missed the cycle. You grow anxious while trying to recall the last night you had sex with Jungkook. It was the day before yesterday.  You try to match the maths and conclude the final words that you are pregnant.

"Omg," you gasp as you cover your mouth with your hands while your body fills with anxiety.

Fear of you, this child growing inside you and most importantly the tie that is being connected to Jungkook through this child.

"Anything wrong baby" Jungkook groans with his sleepy face.

You turn yourself and look at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook immediately washes his dizzy feeling and rushes towards you after noticing your scared face.

"N-nothing, I'm not feeling well" you throw him a lie after looking at his face.

You would not let Jungkook know about this or else he will tie you with him forever. You need to get away before Jungkook comes to know about this.

You will never let him know that you are pregnant.



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