chapter 31

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Jungkook grabs the table lamp and throws it on the mirror, shattering it into pieces. He screams out in despair. He crazily walks across his messed up room with broken glasses, a TV and his computer. Everything inside his room is ruined by Jungkook.

"Fucking open the door Kim Taehyung!" He bangs hard on the door trying to open the locked door.

"I hate you! I fucking hate you all" he yells again as he aggressively pulls the knob of the door hoping to break the door but sadly his strength couldn't match it up.

Mrs Jeon controls her desire to open to the door. She has never forced her dear son to do anything he doesn't like but seeing how badly he is struggling with news and being locked inside his room breaks her heart.

Mrs Jeon runs to Taehyumg once he makes his way inside.

"Taehyung. Please open the door I can't watch him like that"  she begs Taehyung as her teary eyes hopefully look upon him.

"Ignore him and do your work," he simply tells and walks ahead as if he has high experience with Jungkook in such anger

"I can't!" She screams and runs before him, her red angered teary eyes locks with him.

"I have experienced it once in the past and I can't do it again. Give me the key" she extends her hands and widens her palms.

Taehyung clenches his jaw while eyeing Mrs Jeon with rage. He pulls out the keys and hands them to her.

Mrs Jeon takes it and runs towards the door. The moment she unlocks Jungkook's banging door, the door was slammed open with heavy force. Jungkook's red eye searches around the living room ignoring his mother's sorrowful voice.

"Are you okay Jungkook?" She cries while looking at him from top to bottom. Inspecting for injuries.

Jungkook pushes her away from him and angrily makes his way towards Taehyung.

"Where is my y/n?" He growls in a low voice.

Taehyung's flicker to sideways as his lips apart in annoyance.

"Answer me!" Jungkook yells.

"She is back to her family," he looks at Jungkook and calmly states.

"I'm getting her back" he grits turning around and walking towards the exit.

The guards stand before the door, blocking his way out.

"Move out" Jungkook silently growls as his red ranged eyes pierce through the men standing before him but none of them budged from their spot.

"I said fucking move away!" He screams out like a mental patient who is locked inside a room for days. He aggressively pushes the gigantic men all together but their combined strength is nothing in front of him and which results in Jungkook being pushed back.

"Kim Taehyung let me out!" He yells as his eyes flush with tears, the pain of being away from you. It hurts him so much that he will completely lose himself if he didn't see you.

Taehyung remains unbothered as his eyes remain in the same emotionless state.

"Please just let him go! I can't see my son crying like this" Mrs Jeon covers her ears as she screams out like shaking her head and the tears spring out of her eyes unable to witness her dear son being turned into a crazy manic.

Jungkook's red teared eyes look at Taehyung's unresponsive face, he grits his teeth while clenching his fist, almost drawing blood due to the pressure of his nails being applied to his palms.

Jungkook dashes towards the kitchen and pulls out a sharp knife. Taehyung's face immediately morphs into shock as he tries to step ahead. Mrs Jeon covers her mouth as if the scene had already hit her senses.

"Stop there! Or else I'll slit myself" he threatens while edging the tip of the knife near his neck.

"Jungkook stop this madness" Taehyung rasps as if he is already done with Jungkook's bratty behaviour.

"No Jungkook don't! Please throw it away" Mrs Jeon begs as she attaches her palms together.

"Stay away from me both of you. If you near me I'll kill myself" his warning rings like an alarm through Taehyung. He never wanted to harm to his brother. All he wanted was Jungkook's happiness and the only happiness he will get is from marrying someone as equal to him. A mere low-class girl can't fulfil Jungkook's needs. Taehyung always wanted the best for Jungkook and as per his view, you are not fit to be with Jungkook.

"Jungkook I want the best for you so please stop it" Taehyung kindly tries to make him understand that you are fit for him but Jungkook shakes his head, denying Taehyung's word.

"No! You don't! All you want is money and power. That's why you are forcing me to settle down with that Sana bitch. You never cared for me" Jungkook whimpers at his last words as his eyes fall down his cheeks. Taehyung gulps down as water fills his eyes as well.

"If you cared for me then you would let me be with my y/n. I have never gone against your will ever since dad passed away. I have always listened and done everything as per you. But this once you can't grant me what I want so badly hyung. Did I go that low for you that you decided to treasure money over my happiness" Jungkook completely breaks down while speaking up to his heart's thoughts? Mrs Jeon shuts her eyes as her body vibrates to her sobs, she understands Jungkook's situation now.

"It's not like that Jungkook, I love you and care for you. I want you to smile and be happy. I want what is best for you" Taehyung again returns to his original statement as if he wants to manipulate Jungkook as per his wish.

"Then marry me to y/n." Jungkook remains stubborn to his point.

Taehyung sighs as if he is so done with him.

"Jungkook please not that-"

"Do you wish to see me die like how your father died?" Jungkook opens the serious and the weakness of Taehyung.

Taehyung's breath quickens as his body trembles with anxiety.

"Do you want me to end up like your father Taehyung?" Jungkook voices out louder as his ice-cold eyes remain on Taehyung.

"No! No Jungkook!" Mrs Jeon denies in fear as she runs towards Taehyung and grabs his shoulders.

"Taehyung do something! Please I don't want to lose my son like my first love! Please!" She begs as shakes Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung remains frozen in his spot as his pupils widen at his childhood of his, watching his father committing suicide in front of his eyes.

He watched his both parents die in front of him.

The childhood Taehyung screams 'dad' is still heard inside his mind like printed words.

Taehyung shuts his eyes as he covers his ears from the horrific voices of his father and his mother.

"Let me die I can't live without my love" his dad screams.


Rough childhood 👀

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