chapter 46

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"Fuck," you slammed open the door and dashed onto your bed.

"That asshole was in the house and I failed to decipher that!, I must be an idiot" you curse yourself for being so ridiculous.

You tsked and rolled onto your side. You closed your eyes and try to let the sleep overtake you but a sudden flash of horrific screams for help plays through your mind.


The group of bullies assemble near your table, a few of them sit on the wooden chair while another few women stand beside you.

You gulp down your prison food and remain focused on your food not minding their cunning gaze. A chubby woman comes forwards and smacks hard on your head resulting in you hitting your forehead on the steel table erupting a heavy sound of metal and getting the attention of other female prisoners.

"Look over here, the popular girl who played with the heir of the top businessman and attempted to kill him," a woman in her thirties smirks while circling you.

Gossip became to circulate about you, the female prisoners look at you in disgust and a few of them remain baffled at the extreme level of crime which you had committed.

You look down at your plate and continue to eat ignoring their remarks.

The female groans in annoyance and throws her plate of food across the wall. She steps forward and grasps the root of your hair and pulls your face upward. You wince at her rough movements.

"Bitch, you think you can get away after trying to murder a rich boy huh?" She grips her teeth as she sprays on your face. Your close your eyes and bite your lips, controlling your raging anger.

"You will get the punishment you deserve," she smirks and throws you on the floor. She brings her foot and smashes them on your face, hitting you hard.

You lay lifeless on the floor after they finish abuse on you.

"Sir, just like you mentioned I made that bitch suffer and best her to hell" the same woman laughs while maintaining her respectful face, showing off her yellow teeth.

"Good work, continue this for the next 2 years, you would be released soon and will get good payment after your release," Taehyung orders while maintaining his evil glint eyes.

"Sure sir," the woman accepts and walks back into the cell.

Taehyung's wickedness is greatly visible in his eyes as if he is determined to make you go through hell.

His face blurred and translated into another scene


"It's because of you that my brother is in a coma, you deserve this bitch"

He slashes the whip across your peptide body. Your dreadful screams fill the room as you clenched your body.

The vision becomes blurry as his face leaves hitch from time to time of his hits against you.  The mark of string was pasted on your skin as your hands and body were covered in blood. You lay half-dead on the cold floor as your eyes remain soulless.

"Sluts like you deserve to be beaten like this," he growls and throws the striped rope coated with your fresh blood across the room.

You gasped heavily as your eyes sprang open and you jerk up from the bed. Tears glimmer in your eyes as it slowly falls onto your cheeks drop by drop. Your lips remain parted while you struggle to breathe in. The horrid abuse you faced while you were imprisoned here was because of this man, Kim Taehyung. You were never allowed to breathe in peace due to his constant torture. You would never forgive such a man. Never in your life. You will make sure to bring his entire pride and arrogance under your feet. The day will come when you will laugh at his misery. You won't let him off crook.

You rubbed your eyes and puffed out after the tiring nightmare you saw. Your phone rings bringing your attention to it, you turn around and pick up the phone and look at the called ID.

Heartless asshole🤮

You sighed heavily as if you had no interest in attending his call. After taking a deep breath you swiped the caller button and placed the phone near your ear.

"Tell me,"

Taehyung clears his throat and straightens himself steadily, his body tenses at your words.

"Um y/n I think....I-I"

Your eyebrows frown at his staggering voice.

"Can you-you"

"If you have nothing to say then I'm cutting the call," you stop him in the middle and reply to him with a cold tone after being annoyed by his irregular response.

"No!" He yells in nervousness causing you to halt your action and listen to him.

"Today let's go on a date," he asks you after his huge internal battle. His heartbeat paces up as his breathing increases waiting for your answer.

Your lips automatically curve into a evil smile when your ears bless with his request.

"Sure, let's go that," you reply back causing Taehyung's face to brighten in joy.

"T-thank you y/n. I will pick you up tonight," he says.

You cut the call and throw it on the bed. When the prize knocks on your door then you must gladly accept it just like how Taehyung openly asked about the date tonight. This time you need to play your role properly, unlike last time with Jungkook. This time it will be your win.

You look at the time, and after realising it's past 5 pm you move out to get ready for the date.

After some moments, you step out of your room, checking your outfit and adjusting them properly. Dark blue coloured one piece which fits perfectly on your curves, the material of fabric glittering in blinks and high heels to add up to your beauty.

"This shit is too tight for my taste," you grunt in annoyance as you fix your heels using your left hand while feeling the discomfort from the tight dress wrapped around your body.

You walk out of the house after greeting Mrs Jeon who gives you a flirty look. You wait outside and after a few seconds, the car arrives. Taehyung walks out with his suit with glorified his beautiful face. He looks really handsome that your gaze is fixed on your smiley face. No matter how much you deny it's the truth.

"Get on y/n," he says opening the car door for you.

You get inside without wasting any time. H closes the car door and walks to the driver's seat and starts the engine.


Update! Happy new year 🎊

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